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== ''Suikoden Tactics'' ==
The game includes a good deal of characters from ''Suikoden IV'', but the characters presented here '''exclusively appear in ''Suikoden Tactics'''''.
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=== Kyril ===
* [[Blade on a Stick]]: He wields a doubled-ended glaive named Noble Fury.
* [[But Now I Must Go]]: {{spoiler|He eventually leaves on a journey without his friends after the story ends later on in his life.}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Demihuman]]: The events at the end of the game reveal that Yohn, Walter's demi-human companion, is Kyril's mother, and his brave actions in defeating Iskas open a portal that allow her (and a revived Walter) to return to her world.}}.
* [[For Great Justice]]: He has a very strong inclination to help others in need.
* [[The Hero]]: He is the main character in the game. Unlike in the previous ''Suikoden'' games, the player does not choose a name for the hero.
** [[Magnetic Hero]]: As is typical of ''Suikoden'' heroes, Kyril inspires people to help his cause.
* [[Heroic Mime]]: Averted -: unlike all other ''Suikoden'' heroes, he actually ''talks''.
* [[Heroic Spirit]]
* {{spoiler|[[Immortality Begins At Twenty]]: In the epilogue, Andarc notes that Kyril stopped aging after returning from the World of Emptiness, probably because of his mother genes}}.
* [[Took a Level in Badass]]
* [[Troubled Backstory Flashback]]: Kyril's backstory is laid out in the first few chapters of the game, which are set when he is around 13.
** {{spoiler|[[You Killed My Father]]: His father, Walter, was turned into a fish monster by the pirate Steele's deadly Rune Cannon. He rushes to help his father, but the now hostile Walter is necessarily killed by Andarc to save Kyril's life.}}.
** [[Heroic BSOD]]: {{spoiler|These tragic events leave Kyril numb with shock and he is unable to fight properly. Gameplay wise, his special attacks must be re-learnt, and he is unable to fully kill fish-monster enemies. This state lasts until the chapters of the game set 2 years ''after'' ''Suikoden IV'', when Kyril is 5 years older.}}.
** [[He's Back]]: Following the above events.
** [[Dramatic Irony]]: Late in the game, Kyril {{spoiler|kills a fishman to defend Corselia, finally overcoming the mental block that's prevented him from doing so in the past... only to realize he just slew her father, mirroring the trauma that ''caused'' said mental block in the first place.}}.
* [["Well Done, Son" Guy]]: As a young boy, he traveled with his father, learning how to fight, becoming very proficient at a very young age.
=== Andarc Bergman ===
* [[Big Brother Mentor]]: To Kyril, especially {{spoiler|after the death of Walter.}}.
* [[Secret Diary]]: He gets very upset if this is made fun of.
* [[Shock and Awe]]: He specializes in Lightning rune magic.
* [[Shrinking Violet]]
* [[Simple Staff]]: He wields the Axe Rod.
* [[The Smart Guy]]: The intellectual magic user of Walter's group.
* [[Smart People Wear Glasses]]
* [[Squishy Wizard]]: Like most magic users, his health is comparatively low.
* [[Survivor Guilt]]: {{spoiler|He feels ''unbelievably'' guilty about having to kill Walter to save Kyril, even though Kyril forgives him.}}.
** [[Apologises a Lot]]
* [[Will They or Won't They?]]: He's very close to Seneca, but any romantic thoughts remain unvoiced.
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* [[The Chick]]: Of Walter's group.
* [[Closer to Earth]]: She's very sensible and level headed, especially compared to worrisome Andarc.
* [[Combat Stilettos]]: Wears long black high-heels. It did't bother her much, as she is an archer.
* [[Cool Big Sis]]: To Kyril, though they are not blood-related.
* [[Mr. Exposition|Ms Exposition]]: Seneca's main role outside of battle is to gather information, the facts she gathered usually indicating how the team should progress.
* [[Plucky Girl]]
* [[She's Got Legs]]: Her dress show her legs.
* [[Tall, Dark and Bishoujo]]
* [[Will They or Won't They?]]: She's very close to Andarc, but any romantic thoughts remain unvoiced
=== Walter ===
* {{spoiler|[[Anyone Can Die]]:}}:
** {{spoiler|[[Painful Transformation]]: He is necessarily killed by Andarc to protect Kyril, having been transformed into a raging fish monster by the pirate Steele's Rune Cannon.}}.
** {{spoiler|[[Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence]]: Following Iskas's destruction, he tells Kyril the truth about his existence, and asked him to come with into Yohn's world. Kyril refused, and so he and Yohn went into her world together alone, at peace.}}.
* [[The Engineer]]: He is a particularly talented engineer and an expert on Rune Cannons.
* [[The Fettered]]: He believes in responsibility, honor, and justice.
* [[Heroic Spirit]]
* {{spoiler|[[Interspecies Romance]]: Demi-human Yohn is actually Kyril's mother and Walter's long-standing partner.}}.
* [[The Power of Love]]: He is looking to research Rune Cannons to {{spoiler|help his partner Yohn find a way back to her world.}}.
* [[Secret Identity]]: It turns out that he is actually {{spoiler|a spy from the Scarlet Moon Empire.}}.
* [[Team Dad]]: He is Kyril's father and leads the initial group, consisting of himself, Kyril, Seneca, Andarc and the mysterious Yohn.
=== Yohn ===
* [[Demihuman]]: She is a mysterious half-goat, half-human.
* {{spoiler|[[Interspecies Romance]]: She is actually Kyril's mother and Walter's long-standing partner.}}.
* [[Mysterious Past]]: This unravels towards the end of the game - : {{spoiler|it is revealed she was summoned from the World of Emptiness, the same world where the Giant Tree (the source of all rune cannon ammunition) came from. She was stuck in the world, unable to communicate outside of her home.}}.
* [[Petting Zoo People]]:
** [[Horned Humanoid]]: She has goat-like horns and cloven hooves.
* [[The Speechless]]: She doesn't say a word.... {{spoiler|until after the final battle.}}.
* [[Talking to the Dead]]: Despite being mute, she has the unique to communicate with the souls of the recently departed, a valuable trait for investigating the mysteries of the Rune Cannons.
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* [[Cheerful Child]]
* [[Damsel in Distress]]: When first encountered.
* [[Everything's Better with Princesses]]:
** [[Rebellious Princess]]: She goes on the run from her family, having witnessed {{spoiler|Iskas seducing her mother Miranda away, and trying to kidnap her. Her family were all still unaware of Iskas's trickery and blame Kyril for kidnapping her.}}.
* [[Hair of Gold]]: A family trait.
* [[Heroic BSOD]]:
** [[Break the Cutie]]: {{spoiler|She loses both her father and grandfather to Iskas's Evil eye, and then he murders her mother, Miranda, right in front of her before the final showdown.}}.
* [[Incorruptible Pure Pureness]]
* [[Magical Girl Warrior]]
* [[Making a Splash]]: She specializes in Water Rune magic.
* [[Plucky Girl]]
* [[Rescue Arc]]: {{spoiler|Kyril rescues her from Iskas at Caleron Laboratory, and she gladly joins his team.}}.
* [[Wise Beyond Their Years]]
=== Prince Martin ===
* {{spoiler|[[Anyone Can Die]]: He is necessarily killed by Kyril when he attacks his own daughter, Corselia, having been turned into a mindless fish monster by the Evil Eye.}}.
* [[Badass Beard]]:
** [[Badass Family]]: Busk, Ornela and himself are siblings.
* [[Big Guy]]
* [[Blood Knight]]: He's said to be particularly brutal in battle.
* {{spoiler|[[Fish People]]: He is turned into a fish monster by the Evil Eye.}}.
* [[Hair of Gold]]: A family trait.
* [[Heel Face Turn]]: {{spoiler|afterAfter Iskas's treachery is exposed by Corselia.}}.
* [[Horrible Judge of Character]]: {{spoiler|He is easily manipulated by Iskas into believing that Kyril kidnapped his daughter, Corselia and is unaware that Iskas and his wife, Miranda, are having an affair.}}.
* [[Hot-Blooded]]
* [[Married to the Job]]: He's usually away at battle... {{spoiler|which leaves his wife lonely, and gives opportunity for Iskas, the leader of the Patriarchal Faction, to seduce her.}}.
* [[Papa Wolf]]: To his daughter and heir, Corselia.
* [[Rated "M" for Manly]]
* [[Stout Strength]]
* [[You Go, Girl!]]: {{spoiler|As he dies, Yohn relays that Martin urges his young heir Corselia to do what she felt was right regarding the fate of the Empire.}}.
=== Miranda ===
* [[Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder]]: {{spoiler|Her husband Martin's constant absence increasingly frustrated her and so she began an affair with Iskas.}}.
* [[Dull Eyes of Unhappiness]]: Unsurprisingly.....
* [[Extreme Doormat]]: Miranda is totally submissive, which is exploited by Iskas. Only much later, when Iskas threats Corselia, she decides to stand up against him.
* [[Extreme Doormat]]
* [[Hair of Gold]]
* [[Horrible Judge of Character]]: {{spoiler|She is easily seduced and manipulated by Iskas into going along with his plans.}}.
* [[Missing Mom]]: To Corselia... {{spoiler|whilst she is in Iskas's thrall.}}.
** [[Mama Bear]]: {{spoiler|She is finally pushed to the limit, when Iskas's threatens Corselia's life, and attempts to stab him in an attempt to stop him from laying a hand on her daughter}}.
* [[Weak-Willed]]: {{spoiler|Her revulsion at Iskas's plans clashed with her feelings for him as well as her own weak-willed nature.}}.
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* [[Blade on a Stick]]: He wields the Golden Spear.
* [[Hair of Gold]]: A family trait.
* [[Heel Face Turn]]: {{spoiler|after Iskas's treachery is exposed by Corselia.}}.
* [[Hot-Blooded]]: He's far less level-headed than his calm older sister.
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* [[Closer to Earth]]: She is very cool, calm and level-headed, especially compared to her fiery older brother Martin and stubborn younger brother Busk.
* [[Hair of Gold]]: A family trait.
* [[Heel Face Turn]]: {{spoiler|after Iskas's treachery is exposed by Corselia.}}.
* [[Hot Chick with a Sword|Hot Chick With A Lance]]: She wields the Great Lance.
* [[Lady of War]]
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=== Other Characters ===
=== Edgar ===
* [[Badass Cape]]: Wears a black cape with a red design on it.
* [[Battle Couple]]: He is Kika's lover, and she always makes him promise to return to her after he sets out on adventures.
* [[Blood Brothers]]: With fellow pirate, Brandeau.
** [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: He's the red oni to Brandeau's blue.
* [[Boisterous Bruiser]]
* {{spoiler|[[Heroic Sacrifice]]: He is killed by Steele's Rune of Punishment whilst protecting Walter's group in the early chapters of the game.}}.
* [[Hot-Blooded]]
* [[Mr. Fanservice]]
* [[Pirate]]: Of the dashing, romantic hero type.
* [[The Promise]]: {{spoiler|In death, he keeps his promise when Brandeau transports his coffin back to Kika so she can say one final goodbye.}}.
* [[The Rival]]: To the dread pirate Steele.
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** [[The Medic]]: He is renowned as a great healer.
* [[Badass Pacifist]]: He refuses the call to fight in the Kooluk Army and his house is surrounded by soldiers...
** [[Rescue Arc]]: ...so the heroes set out to rescue him and he gratefully lends them his expertise.
* [[Bishounen]]
* [[Fantastic Science]]: Given an Alger Doll and a Wizened Arm, he is finally able to conduct an experiment that reveals the true nature of the Evil Eyes - : {{spoiler|they create a temporary portal to the World of Emptiness, in which humans cannot exist -... and are thus turned into fish monsters, an irreversible process.}}.
* [[Mysterious Past]]: He seems to be old friends with Jeane, which is an intriguing connection, given the similarities in their seemingly eternally youthful appearances.
* [[Purple Eyes]]
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=== Lalacle ===
* [[Genki Girl]]
* [[Girlish Pigtails]]: She is a young girl and has pigtails.
* [[Kamehame Hadoken]]: Her special rune attack.
* [[Little Miss Badass]]: She amongst the best fighters in the game, once leveled up.
* [[New Game+]]: She is only playable once the game is completed all the way through once, and the player opts to start a new game.
* [[Sidequest]]: Her specialty: - Sheshe runs the Middleport Quest Guild, where players can take part in a ''huge'' variety of missions, ranging from simple fetch and carry affairs, all the way up to multi-leveled, epic battle maps.
* [[Waif Fu]]: She is an expert in martial arts, despite being very petite.
* [[Young Entrepreneur]]: She is very young and runs a guild.
=== Coop ===
* [[BFS]]: He wields a huge broadsword.
* [[Just Following Orders]]: He was sent by the Scarlet Moon Empire, along with Heinz, to investigate Rune Cannons, and try to retrieve them -... a goal which he did not personally agree with.
* [[Nice Guy]]
* [[Number Two]]: He is Heinz's second in command.
* [[Old Friend]]: Of Andarc's.
* [[This Is Unforgivable!]]: {{spoiler|He finally puts his foot down when the corrupt Heinz plans to kidnap Corselia for Scarlet Moon's gain. He parts company with Heinz completely and stays with Kyril, agreeing that the Rune Cannons and the Evil Eye should be destroyed.}}.
=== Heinz ===
* {{spoiler|[[Final Death]]: After being abandoned by Coop and Kyril's team, he was surrounded by officers of the Patriarchal Faction and murdered.}}.
* [[Jerkass]]: Refers to Yohn as "Walter's pet" and plots on kidnapping Corselia as soon as he learned that she was a royalty, even though he and Coop were only ordered to investigate (and if possible, retrieve) Rune Cannons.
* [[Jerkass]]
* [[Obstructive Bureaucrat]]
* [[Old Friend]]: Of Walter's.
* [[Teeth-Clenched Teamwork]]: He joins with Kyril's group to research Rune Cannons, having been sent to Kooluk under orders from the Scarlet Moon Empire.
* {{spoiler|[[This Is Unforgivable!]]: Heinz was determined to take the Rune Cannons back to Scarlet Moon, even attempting to use Corselia as leverage. He was stopped by Coop, and he and Kyril's group parted ways.}}.
=== ''Suikoden TacticTactics''s Antagonists ===
=== Steele ===
* [[Artefact of Doom]]: He possesses the deadly Rune of Punishment.
* [[Complete Monster]]: He is thoroughly evil and has the power to {{spoiler|turn people into fish men using a rune cannon known as the Evil Eye}}.
* [[Ermine Cape Effect]]: His brutal piracy has made him rich, and he wears opulent fur-trimmed robes and a velvet crown.
* [[Evil Makes You Ugly]]: He's downright hideous.
* [[Gonk]]
* [[Pirate]]: Of the Type 1 unwashed, looting brute variety.
* {{spoiler|[[Taking You with Me]]: He was confronted ship to ship by Edgar and Brandeau, along Walter and his team. Steele was defeated by them, but used his Rune of Punishment one last time, killing Edgar, along with himself.}}.
=== Roget ===
* [[Blow You Away]]: He is a magician specializing in Wind magic.
* [[The Dragon]]: {{spoiler|He is Iskas's right hand man, involving searching for and forcefully taking rune cannons from wherever they are suspected to be.}}.
* [[Horrible Judge of Character]]: {{spoiler|He is completely taken in by Iskas's treachery}}.
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: He's not such a bad guy really, he's just quite naive {{spoiler|to Iskas's hold over him.}}.
* [[Simple Staff]]: He wields the Refined Rod.
* [[Unwitting Pawn]]
* [[Villain Exit Stage Left]]: He runs into Kyril several times, often skirmishing with his forces, but is always defeated and forced to retreat.
* [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness]]: {{spoiler|Just before the final confrontation at Graska, Iskas betrays him and sends Patriarchal Faction soldiers after him.}}.
** [[Heel Realization]]: {{spoiler|From that point on, Roget joins him to help stop his former master.}}.
=== Iskas ===
* {{spoiler|[[Beware the Nice Ones]]: He originally approaches Kyril's group under the guise of a foppish arms-dealer, explaining he is keen on procuring Rune Cannons from anybody willing to sell them.}}.
** {{spoiler|[[Obviously Evil]]:}}
* [[The Charmer]]: {{spoiler|He successfully seduces and begins an affair with Corselia's mother, Miranda.}}.
** {{spoiler|[[Was It All a Lie?]]: He does this purely so he can gain control over Corselia as her regent and rule Kooluk -... all part of his evil plan..}}.
* {{spoiler|[[The Chessmaster]]}}
** {{spoiler|[[Evil Plan]]: His is the leader of the Kooluk Patriarchal Faction. He feels it is unfair that the Faction does all the work in Kooluk, but he cannot have overall rule simply because he does not have Royal blood. Therefore, he decides to plan a sophisticated coup d'etat, and gain power for himself.}}.
** {{spoiler|[[Fantastic Science]]: To help with this evil scheme, he discovers the ability of a modified rune cannon to transform anybody who comes near it into a fish monster, unable to revert back to human form. Thus, he seeks out Rune Cannons wherever he can.}}.
** {{spoiler|[[Manipulative Bastard]]: When he fails to kidnap Corselia to advance his plan, he frames Kyril as her kidnapper, which sends the powerful Royal family after Kyril's party, allowing him to quietly pursue his goals.}}.
** {{spoiler|[[Complete Monster]]: His plan culminates in him turning the Evil Eye on Emperor Julius, and also Martin (who is then turned into a fish monster and killed necessarily by Kyril to protect Corselia). Iskas escapes and retreats to the Secret Patriarchal Facility to meet Kyril at the final battle. There he also kills Miranda, who tried to prevent him from harming Corselia by running a sword through him. He was able to survive the attack, however, and killed her in retaliation, in front of Corselia.}}
** {{spoiler|[[One-Winged Angel]]: During the final battle, he transforms himself into a giant fish monster, before being defeated...finally.}}
* [[Mr. Fanservice]]: {{spoiler|Certainly where Miranda is concerned.}}
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