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Danganronpa (video game)/Characters: Difference between revisions

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An enigmatic silver-haired girl who coaches Makoto on conducting investigations. Apparently, she's trying to retrieve something that Monokuma stole from her in the past. {{spoiler|Currently still alive in Chapter 4}}.
* [[Aloof Ally]]: Towards the group as a whole but becomes closer to Makoto as time goes on.
* [[Aloof Ally]]
* [[Defrosting Ice Queen]]: She warms up to Makoto both in her free time events and in the game itself to an extent.
* [[Emotionless Girl]]: She mentions in a Free-Time Event that all her emotions are working fine and that she actually invokes this, as not only does it make her really hard to read, but also gives others someone to mentally lean on since she comes off as calm and composed all the time.
* [[Emotionless Girl]]
** Interestingly, one aspect of her character arc shows her frustrations at not being emotionless'' enough''. Despite her occasional rudeness and doing embarrassing things fairly often, such as marching into the boy's room looking for Yamada and Ishimaru, or her reputation as a dead body enthusiast, it says a lot that the one instance where she blushes outside a Free-Time Event was while admitting to Naegi that she probably got more emotional than was necessary. Later on, she shows inward disgust at feeling such an emotional response to a dead father whose shadow she was supposed to have stepped away from in order to move on with her life. Finally, in her and Naegi's last conversation before the last class trial, she laughs solemnly at having to admit that her hatred for The Mastermind only intensified after learning how much her father suffered, and cynically declares that this haze of emotional confusion will probably never go away.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: ''Kirigiri'' is written with the characters for "fog" and "cut".
* [[The Spock]]
* [[The Stoic]]: Most of the time, which helps her seem reliable and rational.
* [[The Stoic]]
* [[White-Haired Pretty Girl]]
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* [[Black Bra and Panties]]
* [[Dark and Troubled Past]]: She used to be homeless when she was growing up, and while being homeless is bad enough, she was apparently homeless in a place where lots of men were around who preyed on innocent and helpless girls, so life was a warzone for her back then. In hindsight, life being a warzone for her was a major hint to her true identity.
* [[Dark and Troubled Past]]
* [[The Fashionista]]: Her apparent title.
* {{spoiler|[[Impaled with Extreme Prejudice]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Sacrificial Lamb]]: Like Sayaka, she was given heavy spotlight in promotional materials, but actually dies early in the story}}.
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The leader of the Crazy Diamonds, Japan's largest motorcycle gang. Mondo is foul-mouthed and doesn't take orders well, but would never [[Wouldn't Hit a Girl|hit a girl]] or [[I Gave My Word|break his promises]]. At first, he and Ishimaru are constantly at each others throats, but they eventually become [[Hot-Blooded|blood]] [[Blood Brothers|brothers]]. {{spoiler|He murders Chihiro and is executed by Monokuma}}.
* [[Badass Biker]]: Hence his title.
** [[Badass Longcoat]]: Which is connected to said title, see above.
* [[Berserk Button]]: Do ''not'' call him weak.
* [[Conflicting Loyalty]]: Between his friendship with the other students and his promise to keep the Crazy Diamonds together as long as possible.
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* {{spoiler|[[Gender Vocabulary Slip]]: Kyouko realizes he was aware of Chihiro's true gender when he starts referring to Chihiro as "that kid" rather than "that girl"}}.
* [[Hidden Depths]]: He [[Pet the Dog|loves dogs]] (of any size; he used to have a Maltese) and wants to become a carpenter, so he can build rather than break things.
* [[Hot-Blooded]]: Which led to him bonding with Kiyotaka.
* [[I Gave My Word]]: "A man's promise" is worth a lot to him. {{spoiler|He even rearranges the changing rooms after Chihiro's death to keep his secret for as long as possible}}.
* [[Improbable Hairstyle]]: His pompadour is big enough to get its own towel in the sauna.
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* {{spoiler|[[My God, What Have I Done?]]: When he regains his senses and realizes that he killed Chihiro}}.
** {{spoiler|[[Death Equals Redemption]]: He doesn't put up much of a defense during the trial, believing he should atone for Chihiro's death (and probably Daiya's, too)}}.
*** {{spoiler|[[Sympathetic Murderer]]: He honestly didn't mean to hurt Chihiro and cared enough to try and keep his promise to the poor boy, he just had very poor self-control and snapped due to stress}}.
*** {{spoiler|[[Sympathetic Murderer]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[My Greatest Failure]]: Feeling overshadowed by his older brother, Daiya, Mondo challenged him to a motorcycle race. His reckless driving almost led to him being hit by a truck, but Daiya saved his life. He died from his injuries, and Mondo blames himself for never having been strong enough}}.
* [[No Indoor Voice]]
* [[Punny Name]]: Combined with his brother, Daiya, they form ''daiyamondo'' - diamond, the namesake of their gang.
* [[Sir Swearsalot]]: Uses many a [[Cluster F-Bomb]].
* {{spoiler|[[Survivor Guilt]]: Over his brother's death}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Villainous Breakdown]]: It bears mentioning that his version in-game is nowhere near as severe as the other murderers when found out, due to his status as [[Sympathetic Murderer]], to the point the anime forgoes it completely}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Villainous Breakdown]]}}
* [[Wouldn't Hit a Girl]]
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* [[Ambiguously Brown]]
* [[Badass]]
* [[Battle Aura]]: She can create these in certain sprites.
* [[Boobs of Steel]]: Not that the player would usually notice, however, since she usually has her arms crossed in front of her chest. During an "Easter egg" fanservice picture of the girls in the hot spring wearing towels, however, you see Sakura's breasts from the side, and they're ''huge''!
* [[Boobs of Steel]]
* [[Dark-Skinned Blond]]: Though her hair appears more white than a normal blonde.
* [[Face of a Thug]]: Looks scary as hell, is actually quite amiable.
* [[Glowing Eyes]]: Typically as a part of her [[Battle Aura]].
* [[Good Scars, Evil Scars]]: Of the good scars variety.
* [[Huge Schoolgirl]]: Huge is an understatement.
* [[Lady Looks Like a Dude]]: Several characters mistake her for a male bodybuilder.
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* [[Blond Guys Are Evil]]: Or at the very least, huge snobs with a severe [[Lack of Empathy]].
* [[Establishing Character Moment]]: Introduces himself as bluntly as possible to Makoto, then calls him an eyesore and tells him to get lost.
* [[Fiction 500]]: His family's ungodly rich already, but Byakuya at one point mentions dabbling in stocks to kill time, and making millions more ''in one day''. He only stopped because it was ''too easy''. He casually mentions that he has a personal account with "pocket money" for private use. Said account contains '''forty billion Yen''', or '''four billion dollars''' in the English translation (which is even more money).
* [[Fiction 500]]
* [[For the Evulz]]: He {{spoiler|crucified Chihiro's body and placed the blame for his murder on Touko}} just to make a bigger spectacle out of the second trial.
** [[It Amused Me]]
* [[Four Eyes, Zero Soul]]: Though he has a soul, he is very good at hiding it.
* {{spoiler|[[Government Conspiracy]]: His family is involved in one}}.
* [[I'm Not Here to Make Friends]]: And makes sure everyone understands this, multiple times. To him this is just competition, at least until his [[Heel Face Turn]].
** [[This Is a Competition]]: Survival of the fittest style competition to be exact, and he plans on winning no matter what. He changes his mind later on, but doesn't really drop the attitude.
** [[This Is a Competition]]
* [[Jerkass]]: Self explanatory at this point.
* [[Smug Snake]]: On top of being a jerk who thinks he's better than everyone, he isn't nearly as smart as he thinks he is outside of the financial sphere.
* [[Smug Snake]]
=== Yasuhiro Hagakure ===
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A big name in Japan's fortune-telling community. He's actually 20 years old, having been held back a few times in high school. Hagakure has made a killing off of his predictions, which he charges top dollar for - even if they only have a 1-in-5 chance of being correct (a figure he takes pride in). He's easily one of the more laid-back cast members. {{spoiler|He becomes the prime suspect for the murders in Chapter 3 after being found in the Justice Robo suit, which was being worn by the apparent culprit. Currently still alive in Chapter 4}}.
* [[Anime Hair]]: States in School Mode that it's his natural hair.
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: He starts to become one around the third chapter.
* [[Fortune Teller]]: His talent, though he only gets it right 20-30% of the time, depending on translation and adaption.
* [[Fortune Teller]]
** [[Phony Psychic]]: He has shades of this. A 20% success rate? And you still have to pay for it?
* [[Verbal Tic]]: Ends most of his sentences with "right?".
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* [[Berserk Button]]: She has ''very strong feelings'' about how one ought to prepare milk tea.
* [[Born Lucky]]: Which is why she is such a talented gambler, in addition to having a great poker face.
* [[Born Lucky]]
** If you hang out with her, it's revealed that this is most of what her "talent" consists of. She even won a high-level shogi tournament despite ''not knowing how to play'' because she got lucky enough. Though, she's also referencing 81Diver. Which makes her breakdown make more sense, because she's used to things going her way enough that she doesn't know how to react when she's clearly cornered.
* {{spoiler|[[Burn the Witch]]: Her execution. Though subverted when she's killed by a firetruck crashing into her}}.
* [[Clasp Your Hands If You Deceive]]: One sprite has her primly steepling her fingers. {{spoiler|As for the deceive part, she tricks Hifumi into helping her and tries to frame Yasuhiro for Hifumi's murder}}.
* [[Consummate Liar]]: By her own admission.
* {{spoiler|[[Cruel and Unusual Death]]: Gets burned at the stake before being crushed by a speeding firetruck flying right at her. And that's one of the tamer executions}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Death by Irony]]: [[Word of God]] stated that Celestia wanted a dramatic and romanticized death like the ones present in classic novels, such as being burned at the stake. However, Monokuma would have [[Dropped a Bridge on Him|none of that]]}}.
* [[Dissonant Serenity]]: She often seems very calm despite being in the middle of a murder game while trapped inside an abandoned school. Ultimately subverted when it's revealed that she's been desperate to escape from the beginning.
* [[Dissonant Serenity]]
* [[Elegant Gothic Lolita]]: So much that {{spoiler|her dream is to live in a castle with manservants dressed as vampires}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Go Out with a Smile]]: Though we don't see how she reacts to that firetruck}}...
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* {{spoiler|[[Graceful Loser]]: Though that might be a lie}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Lack of Empathy]]: "Are you trying to make me feel guilt? You're wasting your time..." Though given her status as a [[Consummate Liar]]}}...
* [[Mega Twintails]]: Those are some really huge drill-shaped pigtails she's got. The hidden bath scene and a few pieces of character art show her without the pigtails, suggesting they're detachable hair extensions, and the manga also goes with the 'detachable hair extension' interpretation as there's a panel about Celeste fixing her head to make it look like she was assaulted, but then one tail fell off.
* [[Mega Twintails]]
* {{spoiler|[[Not So Stoic]]: She's calm most of the time, but every so often makes it apparent how much of that stoicism is a mask. The incident with Hifumi and her tea for example, when her expression turns nasty and, more importantly, her voice loses its soft and whispery quality and she sounds like a harshly-voiced grown woman. When Makoto really manages to lay pressure on Celeste during Chapter 3's trial, she ''freaks'' and spends most of the remaining trial this way until the end.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Not So Stoic]]}}
* [[Only Known by Their Nickname]]: On top of being a pseudonym itself, her name is almost always shortened to "Celes". Even the game's interface simply uses "Celes" where it would otherwise display a character's full name.
* [[Professional Gambler]]: Her title.
* [[The Smart Guy]]: She references many aspects of game theory, including [[wikipedia:Zero-sum game|zero sum games]] and [[wikipedia:Prisoner's dilemma|the prisoner's dilemma]], in her speeches.
* [[The Spock]]: Frequently insists that the group's best course of action is to adapt to life in the school as best they can and ignore any incentive to murder.
** {{spoiler|It was all an act though. She wanted to escape just as badly as the others}}.
* [[Stage Names]]: Celestia Ludenburg isn't her real name.
* {{spoiler|[[Villainous Breakdown]]: Once she was nearly deduced as the killer in Case 3, she starts losing it. And ''boy'', did the anime had a field day with this one, as it's not restricted with sprite limitations to animate the full extent of it. Just to give you an idea of it all, if one pays attention one can see even Monokuma visibly shocked}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Villainous Breakdown]]}}
== Antagonists ==
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