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F-Zero/Characters/F-Zero: GP Legend: Difference between revisions

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* {{spoiler|1=[[Because Destiny Says So]]/[[Locked Out of the Loop]]: Jody and Dr. Stewart's [[The Reveal|big reveal]] before the [[Grand Finale]] counts as this. See [[The Chosen One]] below}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Becoming the Mask]]: As Captain Falcon II. [[Badass Baritone|His voice is noticeably deeper]], and he has the same professional air of detachment as his predecessor}}.
* {{spoiler|[[The Chosen One]]: He's [[Crystal Dragon Jesus|The]] [[Messianic Archetype|Savior]], the one person who can tip [[Balance Between Good and Evil|the perpetual deadlock between Good (Captain Falcon) and Evil (Black Shadow)]] in Falcon's favor}}.
* [[Cop Boyfriend]]: To Misaki, although this is a subversion, as she isn't a female [[Amateur Sleuth]], and he doesn't have a [[Stay in the Kitchen]] mentality.
* [[Cowboy Cop]]: Before his run-in with Zoda.
* [[Determinator]]: You'd better believe it.
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* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]
* [[Meaningful Name]]/[[Fridge Brilliance]]: His first name Ryu means dragon. His last name is Suzaku, the [[The Phoenix|vermillion bird]] and one of [[The Four Gods]]. Put them together and you get the name of his car, the Dragon Bird. {{spoiler|He also goes on to inherit the mantle of Captain Falcon}}.
* [[Mid-Season Upgrade]]: When he, Jack, and Lucy need to access a warp gate to save Jody from Zoda, [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7c0SeZtp054 Falcon helps Ryu/Rick reconfigure the Dragon Bird] into order to use the [[Nitro Boost|Boost]] [[Spin Attack|Fire]] [[Calling Your Attacks|technique]]. [[Rule of Cool|Even better]], [[Autobots Rock Out|a hard-rock rendition of]] [[Awesome Music (Sugar Wiki)|Big Blue's "Decide In The Eyes"]] [[Theme Music Power-Up|is blaring in the background]].
** [[Eleventh-Hour Superpower]]: {{spoiler|1="[[Gratuitous English|BOOSTO FAIYA]]! '''[[Let's Get Dangerous|FURU]] [[I Am Not Left-Handed|POWAH!]]'''" [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CJn69FgEko What a way to end the show]}}...
* [[Naive Newcomer]]: At first.
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* [[Bowdlerise|Bowdlerization]]: In the dub of ''GP Legend'', Miss Killer is renamed "Luna Ryder". This is an arguable case of [[Woolseyism]], as she drives the '''Moon''' Shadow, but it's also a case of [[Never Say "Die"]], which is par for the course with [[4Kids! Entertainment|4Kids]].
* {{spoiler|[[Brainwashed and Crazy]]: And when she finally breaks free of it, she is ''[[My God, What Have I Done?|horrified]]''. Cue Black Shadow's [[Slasher Smile]] and [[Taken for Granite|freezing her in carbonite]]}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Broken Bird]]: Couple together her distressed reaction to the "death" of her boyfriend and her brainwashing, and you get the recipe for one character that needs a hug. No worries, though;, she gets better}}.
* [[Dark Action Girl]]
* [[Dark Chick]]
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* [[Femme Fatale]]
* [[Goggles Do Nothing]]
* [[The Gunslinger]]: [[Battle Couple|Perhaps to compliment her spouse]], Lisa is seen brandishing a gun on several occasions. She ''does'' use a [[Katanas Are Just Better|katana]] at least once, though.
* [[Humongous Mecha]]: Calls upon her gang's [[Cool Starship]] (which [[Transforming Mecha|transforms]] into this) to attack some of the other racers during the rapidly-escalating [[Cat Fight]] [[Funny Moments (Sugar Wiki)|sequence]] of Episode 21.
* [[Lady in Red]]: When we're first introduced to her, Lisa is [[Alliteration|clad in a crimson, curve-]][[Form-Fitting Wardrobe|clinging]] [[Mini-Dress of Power|mini-dress]] [[Show Some Leg|with a low hemline]]. The reaction given by Jack (and the viewers) [[Hello, Nurse!|is perfectly acceptable]].
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* [[Child Prodigy]]: His post-[[Time Skip]] self would appear to be the [[Teen Genius|teenage equivalent of this trope]].
** [[Gadgeteer Genius]]: With shades of [[Mr. Fixit]].
* [[Expy]]: After the [[Time Skip]], Clank seems to take after Ryu/Rick, with a more brash disposition (although he was something of a [[Bratty Half-Pint]] in his youth) and similar clothing. He even inherits the Dragon Bird and mimics Ryu/Rick in the [[Sequel Hook|final shot]] [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUEjGtlBwM0 of the anime:]: [[Book Ends|a recreation]] [[Call Back|of the anime's]] [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQ12aKudjCE pilot] [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uk3hAJzkFHA episode.].
* [[Goggles Do Something Unusual]]: That [[Dragon Ball|scouter]]-like device he wears isn't just for show.
* [[She's All Grown Up|He Is All Grown Up]]: In six years (2207), Clank grows up to be a stud.
* [[Human Aliens]]: Comes from the planet Forno.
* [[Kid Sidekick]]: Although he isn't an official member of the Mobile Task Force, he serves this role.
* [[Parental Abandonment]]: His father is dead {{spoiler|(not!)}}, and Mrs. Hughes has never been mentioned in the series.
* [[Robot Buddy]]: In ''F-Zero Climax'', Clank inherits the Dragon Bird and retools it into the Dragon Bird EX. Since he's of a young age (approximately 11), his robotic aide Tech helps him pilot.
* [[Spell My Name with an "S"]]: Since "l" and "r" are (more or less) same consonant in Japanese, expect to see his name spelled as the oddly-fitting "Crank" at times.
* [[Tagalong Kid]]: He usually is this to Ryu/Rick, Jody, or Captain Falcon.
* [[Tragic Keepsake]]: {{spoiler|Captain Falcon's helmet}} is initially treated as such. The cast shed [[Manly Tears]]. [[Tear Jerker|So did we.]].
* [[You Killed My Father]]: Holds Captain Falcon responsible for the death of his father, Roy Hughes. {{spoiler|In reality, Roy sacrificed himself in order to give Falcon enough time to escape. His brain is preserved inside of Mighty Gazelle}}.
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