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Samurai Shodown/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Badass]]
* [[Badass Back]]: He usually faces backwards when fighting, but if you ever see him face forward... let's just say you're dead
* [[Bishonen]]: He has a beautiful, feminine-like face, complimented with his slender frame and long blue hair.
* [[Bishonen]]
* [[Blood From the Mouth]]
* [[Chick Magnet]]: In almost all games, Ukyo escapes off the screen when a lot of screaming girls chase after him, all of them are also [[Yamato Nadeshiko]] as his beloved kei.
* [[Chick Magnet]]
* [[Demoted to Extra]]: Somewhat. In the first game, he was Haohmaru's true rival. When Genjuro comes in, everything went downhill as eventually he is never very relevant to the plot again and reduced into something of a [[Cannon Fodder]] for Haohmaru (see Haohmaru's ending in ''IV'').
* [[Diagonal Cut]]: His Fatality, which is also ludicrously fast.
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Tropes associated to Nakoruru:
* [[Badass Adorable]]: A top contender in video game history. Nakoruru's petite body and sweet personality doesn't deter any less that she can kick copious amounts of asses.
* [[Badass Adorable]]
* [[The Beast Master]]: Mamahaha and Shikuru.
* [[Celibate Hero]]ine: Very aware of Galford's crush, but is adamant into never getting into a relationship since her mission is her priority. {{spoiler|She even tells him to not be hang up on her and live his own life before her [[Heroic Sacrifice]]}}.
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* [[Fragile Speedster]]: Even faster than the ninjas.
* [[Friend to All Living Things]]
* [[Hime Cut]]: To further emphasis her femininity. She's not of royal blood, however.
* [[Hime Cut]]
* [[Incorruptible Pure Pureness]]: Bordering on [[Canon Sue]] at times.
* [[Mascot]]: Alongside [[Fatal Fury|Terry Bogard]], she is SNK's other mascot. Unlike [[The King of Fighters|Athena]], however, if they ever get into crossovers, Nakoruru just feels indifferent with Terry.
* [[Nature Hero]]ine:
** The [[Self-Parody|Neo Geo DJ Station drama CD]] pokes fun at this in one skit. It involves Nakoruru stewing [[Lethal Chef|horrendously]] [[Squick|mismatched]] [[Gargle Blaster|ingredients]] whilst going on about how they're all natural, ''[[Insane Troll Logic|therefore]]'' [[What an Idiot!|bound to taste delicious together.]]
* [[Nature Spirit]]: She ended up like this after ''2''. Which might excuse why she appeared in her youthful form long after her death. Even at ''[[The King of Fighters]]''.
* [[Nature Spirit]]
* [[Onee-Sama]]: She pretty much is one for Rimururu and Mikato.
* [[Reluctant Warrior]]: If it's possible, she'd rather not fight.
* [[Reverse Grip]]: Uses it often.
* [[Ship Tease]]: Despite her dedication on Nature, there is a lot of teases about her and [[Dogged Nice Guy|Galford]].
* [[Wall Jump]]: Capable of doing such thing even when she's not a [[Ninja]].
* [[Wall Jump]]
* [[Yamato Nadeshiko]]
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* [[Generation Xerox]]: Aside of the ninja stuff, he is pretty much a justice lover like his father.
* [[Gratuitous English]]: [[Captain Obvious|Well, is the sky blue?]]
* [[Justice Will Prevail]]: Lives by his father's ideals.
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]: Quite literally, as he actually ''uses'' lightning.
* [[Love Freak]]
* [[McNinja]]
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Tropes associated with Jubei:
* [[Badass Grandpa]]: He's a middle-aged samurai.
* [[Butt Monkey]]: Fandom only.
* [[Dual-Wielding]]: With his daisho.
* [[Eyepatch of Power]] Of course.
** [[Handicapped Badass]]
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* [[Ass Kicks You]]: Or more like, 'Ass Stomps You'.
* [[Bald of Evil]]
* [[Dumb Muscle]]: Earthquake is evil and driven for the money, but not certainly smart. Seen in his ''II'' ending when he went to Makai with their mooks by the offer of money, only to get trapped there forever. Or at least until ''SVC: Chaos'' when he and their minions get out, his main plot on this game.
* [[Dumb Muscle]]
* [[Eagle Land]]: Type B... well, mostly.
* [[Epic Flail]]: He has a kusarigama as his weapon of choice.
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* [[Gonk]]: It's also his complex: "His face looks like an old woman's."
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]: Especially since the second game, when he gained a few ninja abilities.
* [[McNinja]]: Like Galford, he's coming from America, in this case, from Texas.
* [[McNinja]]
* [[Mighty Glacier]]: The slow-but-strong character from the first 2 games, as well the biggest character of them that can't be throwed by any opponent.
* [[Mighty Glacier]]
* [[Stout Strength]]
* [[Wall Jump]]: Gained this ability in the second game.
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* [[Cartoon Creature]]
* [[Everything's Better with Spinning]]: One of his moves and his eventual super involves spinning.
* [[Gonk]]: The series' ugliest!
* [[I'm a Humanitarian]]
* [[Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain]]: When your winposes are somewhat mirroring Haohmaru, you know you're not serious.
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* [[Blade on a Stick]]
* [[Breath Weapon]]: He can breathe fire.
* [[Handicapped Badass]]: He only uses one foot to stand while fighting.
* '''[[Large Ham|Very Large Ham]]''': Emphasis ours. ''Kabuki'', people!
** Even more amusing, when he defeats his palette-swapped counterpart in ''Samurai Shodown I'', he calls him "ham".
* [[Paper Fan of Doom]]
* [[Serious Business]]: "A method of acting that is a matter of life or death."
* [[Took a Level In Badass]]: Compare his ''[http://images.wikia.com/snk/images/d/d7/Kyoshiross2.gif Samurai Shodown II]'' and ''[http://images.wikia.com/snk/images/5/55/Kyoshiross3.gif Samurai Shodown III]'' sprites.
* '''[[Large Ham|Very Large Ham]]''': Emphasis ours. ''Kabuki'', people!
=== Wan-fu ===
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