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[[File:382px-Borgoth_the_Bloodletter_5379.jpg|frame|[[Nausea Fuel|Golems of rotting flesh]] stitched together from different beings are a common sight in this part of Azeroth.]]
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*** Silithus is so nightmarish as to verge on [[Scrappy Level]] status. To say nothing of the constant ''buzzing''...which is enough to make even the ''least'' squeamish WoW player's skin crawl.
*** If you turn up the ambient noise volume in Silthus, you can hear ''screaming'' on the wind.
* The bears in Hillsbrad Foothills, the ones toward the start of the zone. The bears themselves are not scary, it's the fact that their backs are ''covered in spider eggs.'' [http://www.wowhead.com/npc=47204/infested-bear#comments It's exactly what it looks like.]
* The geist is probably one of the creepiest mobs in the game. [http://www.wowhead.com/npc=47791 Look at one in 3D]. Everything about them is so wrong.
* Gnoll tents are made of human skin. There are ''faces'' on them.
* If you turn up the ambient sound and turn down the music while within the Undercity, disturbing echoes of events from Warcraft III are heard. You will hear tolling bells in the entrance, and then cheering as you proceed along the hallway Arthas did (and those flower petals are still there), and in the throne room (where there's still blood on the floor)...you hear dialogue. The Prophet's warning, and Arthas {{spoiler|brutally murdering his own father and declaring his intent to massacre and rez everyone in Lordaeron.}}
** Oh, wanna know the best part about his 'succeeding you' line? If you're possessed of good headphones, because of the stereo channel shenanigans of the throne room's ambience you will hear this said next to and slightly behind your right ear. You hear this line spoken ''exactly as Terenas would have heard it''.
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** They can occasionally be found in patterns other than a pentagram. This troper has observed (or more correctly, is currently observing) [http://i251.photobucket.com/albums/gg307/NJ_Ninja/DemonChildren-1.png the children in an hourglass-like formation].
** Their room is exactly 666 yards from Stormwind.
* The Prophet Tharon'ja. The skeleton of a wind serpent (Quetzalcoatlesque winged snake). During the fight ''she steals'' your flesh to regrow hers and turns ''you'' into skeletons!
** That, however, is a perfect example of [[Cursed with Awesome]], because you're given VERY strong abilities when you're in skeletal form.
* The Razorfen Downs in the Barrens. Imagine, a mostly dark labyrinth with massive thorn vines hanging overhead. This, in its own right, isn't that creepy, but when you throw in a rather large army of zombies, including undead anthropomorphic pigs and zombified regular pigs (which is quite disgusting if you happen to be eating pork at the time), it gets a little hair-raising. The undead pig-men aren't too creepy in their own right, just how mutilated they actually look, much worse than most other zombies. They pretty much look more like normal pig-men wearing armor [http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090724183330/wowwiki/images/b/b9/Withered_Spearhide.jpg made of bacon]. Then we get to the issue of how this happened. It's sort of implied that the leader of the quilboar people actually ''sold out her own people to the Scourge,'' and the majority of the race ''has no idea it's going on basically across the street.''
* The Scholomance. More precisely, the history of the Scholomance as told by the ghost of Eva Sarkhoff at Caer Darrow. Even more precisely, how she tried to hide from the horrors that slowly creeped into the estate, failed, and was experimented on and tortured while magic kept her conscious and alive. ''Including in the end when ghouls feasted on her body.'' Finding the chamber of Doctor Theolen "The Butcher" Krastinov only added to this. At least you can kill him, even if he was a pretty difficult boss back in the day.
* On the subject of ''Warcraft'', believe it or not, at one point Blizzard was planning on making a game where the orcs would invade the modern-day world; you know, the one we live in right now. They abandoned the idea after they realized such a game wouldn't fit in with the feel of the Warcraft Universe, among other things. A lot of Warcraft fans agree with that move, but then you get hit with the [[Fridge Logic]] of what would happen if the [[Omnicidal Maniac|Burning Legion]] did indeed invade our modern-day world. Our nuclear weapons may have worked in [[World War II]], but they would probably just ''tickle'' [[Ultimate Evil|Sargeras]].
== Vanilla ==
* The old Blood Plague Incident, where a glitch caused an area-specific plague to get out into the rest of the world, infecting and pretty much instantly killing lower levels. Some cities were quarantined, some players, reportedly, went into a [[Social Darwinist]] fervor or decided to play bioterrorist and got infected themselves and spread the disease to low levels just [[For the Evulz]].
* Stitches <The Gift From the Embalmer> in Duskwood. A level 35 Elite Boss Abomination that walks the road in Duskwood, and if left alone will eventually assault the town of Darkshire. And there's no real warning that he's coming (unless you're the one who just reached the last step of the quest chain that summons him, or were lucky enough to not be questing (and in Darkshire) when his appearance begins). So you could be coming down the road from completing a quest in the Graveyard, pause for a brief moment because you wanted to look at your map, and then... wham, he's right behind you.
** The notorious Children of Goldshire. The sheer horror is arguably amplified by the fact that - contrary to the other examples mentioned here - Goldshire is supposed to be a friendly and peaceful place, where you certainly don't expect to run into any bone-chilling evil presence.
*** Fortunately, thanks to the ridiculously high amount of cybering that goes in Goldshire, the Children are pretty much ignored.
**** Fortunately, or is that part of their plan...?
**** Read ''The Tribulations of a Megalomaniac Warlock'' for a [[Nightmare Retardant]] for those children. The writer proposes a perfectly rational, and rather fun explanation for their behavior =P
*** At certain times of the day in their room, you'll hear a voice clip saying something threatening, usually "You will die." It's in the exact same voice as C'thun.
*** A few Abominations can sort of avoid this, at least as far as personality goes. The ones that are given dialogue can possibly qualify as a weird form of [[Ugly Cute]], mostly since they tend to come off as incredibly childlike and some as borderline innocent. The best example is Gory in the Western Plaguelands, who stays with the Alliance farmers and helps out on the farm and says that that's all he's ever wanted to do.
* The quest of Jitters in Duskwood. When you read his journal telling the story of what happened to Sven Yorgen's family. Turns out the Dark Riders came to their house to question them on the Scythe of Elune. They were actually looking for Jitters, since he was hiding out in their barn without their knowledge, but since the Riders didn't know this, assumed the people living there had it. The mother very calmly tries to negotiate the Riders away from her children so they'd kill her out in the woods and then hopefully just go do something else. They then use a mind-reading technique (which according to Jitters' account sounds to be ''very'' painful) and determine that Mrs. Yorgen was lying. The lead Rider then orders his men to slaughter the family. When the story gets to this part, Jitters simply says that if he were to describe exactly what happened, he would surely go completely insane. Sven himself, who was in Darkshire when this happened, comes back to find his family's mutilated corpses.
** The silithid hives in Tanaris & Un'Goro, which look like insect hives covered in goo & crawling with bugs.
== Burning Crusade ==
* The Dead Scar is incredibly disturbing, due to its location in the game. Especially to a low level blood elf, who might be unaware of Warcraft lore, traveling across a picturesque, calming landscape, only to suddenly see a hideous black slash of decay and death, populated by [[Body Horror|rotting cannibals]] and [[Was Once a Man|changed elves...]]
* The Ghostlands. The second zone Blood Elves quest through. It's always dark and gloomy, there's undead everywhere, the grass and bushes are all dead, and the trees are deformed and covered with glowing mushrooms that, coincidentally, quite often grown in formations resembling ''upside-down screaming faces''.
** The giant spiders on Bloodmyst Isle. Most of the giant spiders in WoW actually look rather cuddly. These ones don't. They're just a tad ''too'' realistic for this borderline-arachnophobic troper.
*** And their horrible nails-on-a-chalkboard screeching only ''adds'' to their "charm."
*** Think that's bad? The spiders share a model with Maexxna, a boss from the Naxxramas raid instance. Maexxna's about 50 times larger, though...
** On the subject of spiders, the giant Terrokarantula sits in a depression on a ledge on a mountainside -
** Go find the cellar at the Ruins of Thundermar in the Twilight Highlands that houses the [[Giant Spider|Black Recluse]]. When it gets close to death, its little babies come out and play...
** There is a quest in the expansion zone of Zul'Drak where a dead serpent god sends you to hex and kill her three treacherous high priests. The hex has a different effect on each one. One is somewhat amusingly 'spun to death'. The other two explode and are ''quite graphically burnt to death'' respectively.
* If you've ever been to Hellfire Peninsula, you've probably seen a fel reaver. 70-foot demonic robots that stomp around and can be seen from halfway across the zone. If you happen to be in a position where you can't move when you see one, such as when you're eating, your only thought will be "please don't come this way, please don't come this way, please." Of course, there are also the occasions where you'll turn the camera to see one not too far away stomping directly at you. Of course since they walk a certain path, it'll probably turn before it reaches you. It should also be mentioned that they're level 70 elites, meaning that they're elite on top of being 7-10 levels above what most players in the area would be.
* Shatter Point, Hellfire Peninsula. An Alliance quest hub. Avoid going there at all costs if you're afraid of heights because it is a small asteroid floating in space over a pitch black and bottomless abyss.
** ''Canted slightly to one side so the ground is tilted.''
** A currently unopened crypt near Karazhan has, among its many sections, a huge underwater area filled with dead corpses hanging upside down from huge chains, appropriately named ''[[Shout-Out|The Upside-Down]]'' ''[[Big Trouble in Little China|Sinners]]''.
*** Don't forget the part where if you turn off the music and turn the sound up, you can hear the sound of a muffled heartbeat in the background.
*** Another creepy part of Karazhan are the opera event bosses Romulo and Julianne. You can tell Karazhan is a messed-up and nightmarish place when it can turn two characters from one of the most well-known plays in Western literature into evil monsters.
***** Not to mention the "Tonight we plumb the depths of the human soul as a girl tries desperately to get home" narration before...heck, the whole Wizard of Oz opera which does the same thing to Dorothy and the gang.
*** "Oh I wish I had a heart... Say, can I have yours?"
*** "Oh at last, at last. I can go home..." * Shudders*
*** And don't forget the Lovecraftian beasts in the tower leading up to the terrace where Prince Malchezaar waits brooding...the way he always warn new players, "Don't go into the rooms! Go straight to the top!" is like something out of a horror novel.
* If you think about it, Kael'thas' transformation from a brutal but well meaning ruler to a twisted, hateful, batshit insane warlord who reveres the [[Big Bad]] with a blind, almost ''loving'' zeal can be more than a little disturbing. The fact that his lines in Magister's Terrace, including his last words, are little more than insane ramblings and praises to Kil'jaeden does little to help.
== Wrath of the Lich King ==
* Forsaken Death Knights. The Forsaken are comprised of people who were killed by Scourge forces and resurrected as undead to serve the Lich King, who then broke free of his control. Death Knights are people who were killed by Scourge forces and resurrected to serve as the Lich King's elite forces. This means that the Forsaken Death Knights were [[Heel Face Revolving Door|killed once, resurrected, broke free from the control of the Lich King, killed again, and resurrected again to serve the Lich King, and break free again]]. Will these people never get to go to the Great Beyond?
** Even lampshaded by {{spoiler|the friend you must kill as a Forsaken Death Knight}}. "Don't let the Lich King use you for his evil purposes! ...again!"
* If you're Alliance, go to the Southern Barrens, the dwarven digsite. Talk to the dwarf in front of the caved in hole in the cliff. They [[Dug Too Deep]]. And they found ''something.'' They don't say what, but they found '''something'''.
* Captain Falric in the Halls of Reflection dungeon has a substantial fanbase because of his [[Bond One-Liner|excellent]] [[Badass Boast|dialogue]] and delivery. Until you think about what he's saying...
** "[[Moral Event Horizon|Men, women, children. None were spared the master's wrath.]] [[Badass Boast|Your deaths will be no different.]]"
** "[[Crosses the Line Twice|The children of Stratholme]] [[Infant Immortality|fought with greater ferocity!]]"
* Darrowshire had a fairly lengthy questline given by a ghost...of a young girl. Who wants her dolly. And misses her father and sister. You manage to make her a new dolly, save her father's soul, and find her still-living sister. It's sweet, triumphant, and one of the creepiest things in the entire game.
* One of the bosses in Ulduar is [[Eldritch Abomination|Yogg-Saron]], an Old God like the aforementioned C'Thun. Supposedly without the benefit of being mostly dead already...
** {{spoiler|He has ''mouths'' for '''''eyes'''''... and his whispers are a bajillion times creepier than C'Thun. This is without the [[Battle in the Center of the Mind]] moments and the [[Go Mad from the Revelation|unpleasant results]] of the [[Sanity Meter]] hitting zero. On the upside, he has an '''[[Rule of Cool|AWESOME]]''' [[Evil Laugh]].}}
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** What's particularly bad about this one is that being in a cave or building, or underground base will not protect you from this event. So if you've spent the past few minutes in a microdungeon, you wouldn't even know this was happening, you'd just suddenly catch fire and die out of nowhere.
** It can double as a [[Crowning Moment of Funny]] - there's a glitch that renders you immune to the fire if you're on a flying mount and hover just above the ground (you still get the achievement even though you don't die). You get to watch the [[Mooks]] of the area respawn and die over and over again for the next five minutes. This troper found it hilarious the first time.
* NDA on Cataclysm was just lifted. [http://img689.imageshack.us/img689/3593/3f3bdbd343b3ee0b08cd643.jpg Guess what the testers found!]
** Oh, it gets worse. Play the ''Starcraft II'' mission on Aiur and tell me that... ''thing'' in the screenshot doesn't look like the Overmind.
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3fIcXuC2oI The Whale Shark,] silently hanging out in Vashj'ir. Absolutely terrifying.
** Fun fact: There are [[It Got Worse|3 of them!]]
* [http://us.media.blizzard.com/wow/media/screenshots/screenshot-of-the-day/cataclysm/cataclysm-ss1850-large.jpg And then this suddenly appeared.]
* Patch 4.3 introduces [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|End Time]], showing piece of Northrend after a [[Apocalypse How|class-5 apocalypse]] takes out Azeroth in the wake of Deathwing's victory. It's not even [[Villain World]] since the Twilight Dragonflight, left with nothing else to kill, swarm Deathwing and leave his lifeless husk to rot on the roof of Wyrmrest Temple.
** Fortunately, players [[Set Right What Once Went Wrong]] by beating [[Significant Anagram|Murozond]], the time-twisted evil alternate of time keeper Nozdormu.
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*** Actually, it looks like a massive lava burst hits and everyone takes [[Over Nine Thousand|over 9 million fire damage that cannot be immuned]] and the maelstrom/madness fight merely resets. If things are getting strange, that's not intended...
== Mists of Pandaria ==
* One of the new creatures in Mists of Pandaria are the Sha, creatures borne of negative emotions. The reasons Pandaren are usually calm and peaceful are to prevent the creation of them. They come back due to the erupting war of the Horde and the Alliance on Pandaria. They look... freaky, going by the concept art, they are [[Eldritch Abomination|bony creatures of inky black darkness]] with a [[Slasher Smile|wicked looking smile]] of sorts. If one looks closely in a stained glass window in Ulduar, there is a painting of what appears to be a Sha. One has to wonder what happened so long ago with the Pandaren to devote some part of themselves to preventing these creatures from reappearing. [[Fridge Horror|And what happened to have them be mentioned in Ulduar, if they've been around that long.]] Especially since Pandaria has been essentially cut off from ''everything'' for about 10,000 years.
== Warlords of Draenor ==
== Legion ==
== Battle for Azeroth ==
** A currently unopened crypt near Karazhan has, among its many sections, a huge underwater area filled with dead corpses hanging upside down from huge chains, appropriately named ''[[Shout-Out|The Upside-Down]]'' ''[[Big Trouble in Little China|Sinners]]''.
*** Don't forget the part where if you turn off the music and turn the sound up, you can hear the sound of a muffled heartbeat in the background.
*** Another creepy part of Karazhan are the opera event bosses Romulo and Julianne. You can tell Karazhan is a messed-up and nightmarish place when it can turn two characters from one of the most well-known plays in Western literature into evil monsters.
***** Not to mention the "Tonight we plumb the depths of the human soul as a girl tries desperately to get home" narration before...heck, the whole Wizard of Oz opera which does the same thing to Dorothy and the gang.
*** "Oh I wish I had a heart... Say, can I have yours?"
*** "Oh at last, at last. I can go home..." * Shudders*
*** And don't forget the Lovecraftian beasts in the tower leading up to the terrace where Prince Malchezaar waits brooding...the way he always warn new players, "Don't go into the rooms! Go straight to the top!" is like something out of a horror novel.
** The notorious Children of Goldshire. The sheer horror is arguably amplified by the fact that - contrary to the other examples mentioned here - Goldshire is supposed to be a friendly and peaceful place, where you certainly don't expect to run into any bone-chilling evil presence.
*** Fortunately, thanks to the ridiculously high amount of cybering that goes in Goldshire, the Children are pretty much ignored.
**** Fortunately, or is that part of their plan...?
**** Read ''The Tribulations of a Megalomaniac Warlock'' for a [[Nightmare Retardant]] for those children. The writer proposes a perfectly rational, and rather fun explanation for their behavior =P
*** At certain times of the day in their room, you'll hear a voice clip saying something threatening, usually "You will die." It's in the exact same voice as C'thun.
*** A few Abominations can sort of avoid this, at least as far as personality goes. The ones that are given dialogue can possibly qualify as a weird form of [[Ugly Cute]], mostly since they tend to come off as incredibly childlike and some as borderline innocent. The best example is Gory in the Western Plaguelands, who stays with the Alliance farmers and helps out on the farm and says that that's all he's ever wanted to do.
** The silithid hives in Tanaris & Un'Goro, which look like insect hives covered in goo & crawling with bugs.
** The giant spiders on Bloodmyst Isle. Most of the giant spiders in WoW actually look rather cuddly. These ones don't. They're just a tad ''too'' realistic for this borderline-arachnophobic troper.
*** And their horrible nails-on-a-chalkboard screeching only ''adds'' to their "charm."
*** Think that's bad? The spiders share a model with Maexxna, a boss from the Naxxramas raid instance. Maexxna's about 50 times larger, though...
** On the subject of spiders, the giant Terrokarantula sits in a depression on a ledge on a mountainside -
** Go find the cellar at the Ruins of Thundermar in the Twilight Highlands that houses the [[Giant Spider|Black Recluse]]. When it gets close to death, its little babies come out and play...
** There is a quest in the expansion zone of Zul'Drak where a dead serpent god sends you to hex and kill her three treacherous high priests. The hex has a different effect on each one. One is somewhat amusingly 'spun to death'. The other two explode and are ''quite graphically burnt to death'' respectively.
* If you think about it, Kael'thas' transformation from a brutal but well meaning ruler to a twisted, hateful, batshit insane warlord who reveres the [[Big Bad]] with a blind, almost ''loving'' zeal can be more than a little disturbing. The fact that his lines in Magister's Terrace, including his last words, are little more than insane ramblings and praises to Kil'jaeden does little to help.
* Stitches <The Gift From the Embalmer> in Duskwood. A level 35 Elite Boss Abomination that walks the road in Duskwood, and if left alone will eventually assault the town of Darkshire. And there's no real warning that he's coming (unless you're the one who just reached the last step of the quest chain that summons him, or were lucky enough to not be questing (and in Darkshire) when his appearance begins). So you could be coming down the road from completing a quest in the Graveyard, pause for a brief moment because you wanted to look at your map, and then... wham, he's right behind you.
* The Scholomance. More precisely, the history of the Scholomance as told by the ghost of Eva Sarkhoff at Caer Darrow. Even more precisely, how she tried to hide from the horrors that slowly creeped into the estate, failed, and was experimented on and tortured while magic kept her conscious and alive. ''Including in the end when ghouls feasted on her body.'' Finding the chamber of Doctor Theolen "The Butcher" Krastinov only added to this. At least you can kill him, even if he was a pretty difficult boss back in the day.
* The Prophet Tharon'ja. The skeleton of a wind serpent (Quetzalcoatlesque winged snake). During the fight ''she steals'' your flesh to regrow hers and turns ''you'' into skeletons!
** That, however, is a perfect example of [[Cursed with Awesome]], because you're given VERY strong abilities when you're in skeletal form.
* The Razorfen Downs in the Barrens. Imagine, a mostly dark labyrinth with massive thorn vines hanging overhead. This, in its own right, isn't that creepy, but when you throw in a rather large army of zombies, including undead anthropomorphic pigs and zombified regular pigs (which is quite disgusting if you happen to be eating pork at the time), it gets a little hair-raising. The undead pig-men aren't too creepy in their own right, just how mutilated they actually look, much worse than most other zombies. They pretty much look more like normal pig-men wearing armor [http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090724183330/wowwiki/images/b/b9/Withered_Spearhide.jpg made of bacon]. Then we get to the issue of how this happened. It's sort of implied that the leader of the quilboar people actually ''sold out her own people to the Scourge,'' and the majority of the race ''has no idea it's going on basically across the street.''
* NDA on Cataclysm was just lifted. [http://img689.imageshack.us/img689/3593/3f3bdbd343b3ee0b08cd643.jpg Guess what the testers found!]
** Oh, it gets worse. Play the ''Starcraft II'' mission on Aiur and tell me that... ''thing'' in the screenshot doesn't look like the Overmind.
* The old Blood Plague Incident, where a glitch caused an area-specific plague to get out into the rest of the world, infecting and pretty much instantly killing lower levels. Some cities were quarantined, some players, reportedly, went into a [[Social Darwinist]] fervor and got infected themselves and spread the disease to low levels just [[For the Evulz]].
* Forsaken Death Knights. The Forsaken are comprised of people who were killed by Scourge forces and resurrected as undead to serve the Lich King, who then broke free of his control. Death Knights are people who were killed by Scourge forces and resurrected to serve as the Lich King's elite forces. This means that the Forsaken Death Knights were [[Heel Face Revolving Door|killed once, resurrected, broke free from the control of the Lich King, killed again, and resurrected again to serve the Lich King, and break free again]]. Will these people never get to go to the Great Beyond?
** Even lampshaded by {{spoiler|the friend you must kill as a Forsaken Death Knight}}. "Don't let the Lich King use you for his evil purposes! ...again!"
* If you've ever been to Hellfire Peninsula, you've probably seen a fel reaver. 70-foot demonic robots that stomp around and can be seen from halfway across the zone. If you happen to be in a position where you can't move when you see one, such as when you're eating, your only thought will be "please don't come this way, please don't come this way, please." Of course, there are also the occasions where you'll turn the camera to see one not too far away stomping directly at you. Of course since they walk a certain path, it'll probably turn before it reaches you. It should also be mentioned that they're level 70 elites, meaning that they're elite on top of being 7-10 levels above what most players in the area would be.
* Shatter Point, Hellfire Peninsula. An Alliance quest hub. Avoid going there at all costs if you're afraid of heights because it is a small asteroid floating in space over a pitch black and bottomless abyss.
** ''Canted slightly to one side so the ground is tilted.''
* The Dead Scar is incredibly disturbing, due to its location in the game. Especially to a low level blood elf, who might be unaware of Warcraft lore, traveling across a picturesque, calming landscape, only to suddenly see a hideous black slash of decay and death, populated by [[Body Horror|rotting cannibals]] and [[Was Once a Man|changed elves...]]
* The quest of Jitters in Duskwood. When you read his journal telling the story of what happened to Sven Yorgen's family. Turns out the Dark Riders came to their house to question them on the Scythe of Elune. They were actually looking for Jitters, since he was hiding out in their barn without their knowledge, but since the Riders didn't know this, assumed the people living there had it. The mother very calmly tries to negotiate the Riders away from her children so they'd kill her out in the woods and then hopefully just go do something else. They then use a mind-reading technique (which according to Jitters' account sounds to be ''very'' painful) and determine that Mrs. Yorgen was lying. The lead Rider then orders his men to slaughter the family. When the story gets to this part, Jitters simply says that if he were to describe exactly what happened, he would surely go completely insane. Sven himself, who was in Darkshire when this happened, comes back to find his family's mutilated corpses.
* Gnoll tents are made of human skin. There are ''faces'' on them.
* [http://us.media.blizzard.com/wow/media/screenshots/screenshot-of-the-day/cataclysm/cataclysm-ss1850-large.jpg And then this suddenly appeared.]
* The bears in Hillsbrad Foothills, the ones toward the start of the zone. The bears themselves are not scary, it's the fact that their backs are ''covered in spider eggs.'' [http://www.wowhead.com/npc=47204/infested-bear#comments It's exactly what it looks like.]
* The geist is probably one of the creepiest mobs in the game. [http://www.wowhead.com/npc=47791 Look at one in 3D]. Everything about them is so wrong.
* One of the new creatures in Mists of Pandaria are the Sha, creatures borne of negative emotions. The reasons Pandaren are usually calm and peaceful are to prevent the creation of them. They come back due to the erupting war of the Horde and the Alliance on Pandaria. They look... freaky, going by the concept art, they are [[Eldritch Abomination|bony creatures of inky black darkness]] with a [[Slasher Smile|wicked looking smile]] of sorts. If one looks closely in a stained glass window in Ulduar, there is a painting of what appears to be a Sha. One has to wonder what happened so long ago with the Pandaren to devote some part of themselves to preventing these creatures from reappearing. [[Fridge Horror|And what happened to have them be mentioned in Ulduar, if they've been around that long.]] Especially since Pandaria has been essentially cut off from ''everything'' for about 10,000 years.
* Darrowshire had a fairly lengthy questline given by a ghost...of a young girl. Who wants her dolly. And misses her father and sister. You manage to make her a new dolly, save her father's soul, and find her still-living sister. It's sweet, triumphant, and one of the creepiest things in the entire game.
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