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* One [[Super Mario Bros.]] story in the [[Nintendo Comics System]] involved an actual Idiot Ball, the Stupid Bomb. Anyone caught in its blast radius would be temporarily rendered mind-blowingly stupid (Save King Toadstool, who's already at the bottom of the IQ ladder as it is). By the end of the story, almost everyone (Good, bad) is made an idiot. The antidote for the Stupid Bomb was the Smart Bomb, but they were all used up making one lone Snifit smart enough to dethrone Bowser and take over- luckily, with the rest of Koopa's army dumbed down, he couldn't do anything.
* ''[[Identity Crisis]]'' hinges on "[[Batman|The World's Greatest Detective]]" and countless others {{spoiler|not checking phone records of the deceased}}.
* In ''X-Men vs. Avengers'' (the first one), the Supreme Soviets get an ''epic'' idiot ball moment. If your available assets were a mildly-enhanced super-soldier wielding metal melee weapons (Vanguard), two guys in metal power-armor (the Crimson Dynamo and the Gremlin), and one guy who turns into a bear (Ursa Major), would... okay, by now you've noticed the recurring use of the word "metal" and remembered what trope page you're on and deduced they made a run at [[Magneto]]. You're right, they did. And it went exactly how you'd expect.
** But they were still tactical geniuses compared to the Stereotypical Evil Government Agents in a later issue of that limited series. 'All right, we're half a dozen normal humans with submachine guns and we just booted a door and found the room full of mutant women and children! Quick! Machine-gun the entire crowd before any of them can use their freak powers on us!' 'What about that old guy in the corner with the purple bucket on his head?' 'Eh, he's probably nobody'. Really. Fortunately for them, this was one of Erik's "face turn" months so they actually survived. Barely.
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