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** It's also possible Laharl died in a different scenario. It was mentioned by one Prinny that he died in a war, which could mean Disgaea's last chapter, or something else entirely.
*** According to his file in Prinny 2, it was in a war between the Netherworld and Celestia, which does add some support to the theory.
* [[An Axe to Grind]]: Haldi in the sequel has an absolutely HUGE one. It's twice as big as she is, and causes her to have to build up her run.
* [[Artifact of Death]]: Spoofed with Etna's panties. According to rumors, her panties can cause total annihilation, but that's only because Etna will kill anyone caught sniffing them or wearing them on their head.
* [[Art Shift]]: The ''Disgaea: Love-Hate Battle Tale'' trailer uses the more realistic artwork of the ''[[No Export for You|Hayarigami]]'' artist instead of Takehito Harada's artwork.
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* [[Awesome but Impractical]]: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJizIJk1EZI Prinny Raid]. While it's certainly very useful for clearing the screen and makes the Prinny invincible the whole way through, you lose 1 life for every Prinny that falls onto the screen.
** It's actually a bit of a gamble. You have to weigh the use of those lives now against the very real possibility of losing them ''anyway'' though repeated replays.
** {{spoiler|Prinny Laharl and Prinny Asagi}} in the sequel. Their attacks are powerful, but they use up an extra life when used and you can use them only for one level, after which you have to buy them again. But then again, considering their power, you might actually end up losing less lives, making them [[Awesome Yet Practical]].
* [[An Axe to Grind]]: Haldi in the sequel has an absolutely HUGE one. It's twice as big as she is, and causes her to have to build up her run.
* [[Bad Boss]]: Take a wild guess. {{spoiler|Etna.}}
* [[Big Eater]]: The Gourmet Ogre. His character info notes that he invented a fifth meal just to kill time before going to sleep.
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* [[Curb Stomp Battle]]: In the first and second games, the boss battle against Bok Choy (Demon Sea Aria or Sandwich Palace, 10 Hours Left, respectively) is about on par with the Waddle Dee battle from [[Kirby Super Star]]. He's just a single zombie that ''hops'' as his only attack. That's it. No gimmicks, no pitfalls, no Dark Sun, nothing.
* [[Dirty Cop]]: Though none appear in the actual game, the Prinny you play as says he was one of these before he died.
* [[Dual Boss]]: The twins Kim and Chi, and the skeletal dragon... things, Basil and Chervil. [[Up to Eleven|And about half of the bosses in general in the sequel, even having a 3-on-one! Not to mention a 100-on-one!]] Technically speaking that is.
* [[Double Entendre]]: Turmeric constantly makes these:
{{quote|"Turmeric of the Phoenix Clan is not ready to climax just yet!"
"I, Turmeric of the Phoenix clan, am a no-holes[sic] barred warrior of passion..."
"I, Turmeric of the Phoenix clan, will not allow such a tiny ''worm'' to penetrate my ''tight'' barrier!" }}
* [[Does This Remind You of Anything?]]: Prinny caught the ''[Passion Seed]'' in his mouth!
** Not to mention said item's in-game description: "Lots of protein, but hard to swallow."
** How about the "G-Sweet"? Not to mention the seemingly...passionate...way the [[Big Bad]] talks about it and how hard it took for him to find it.
** Or the "Used Recorder"? The in-game description asks if both of the twins used it at once. Yeeeaaahhh...
* [[Double Entendre]]: Turmeric constantly makes these:
{{quote|"Turmeric of the Phoenix Clan is not ready to climax just yet!"
"I, Turmeric of the Phoenix clan, am a no-holes[sic] barred warrior of passion..."
"I, Turmeric of the Phoenix clan, will not allow such a tiny ''worm'' to penetrate my ''tight'' barrier!" }}
* [[Double Jump]]
* [[Downloadable Content]]: For about $4 each, there are additional levels available for download from the Playstation Network. So far, there are three, Flonne's Castle, Li'l Asagi Come Home, and Marona of ''[[Phantom Brave]]''.
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* [[Dropped a Bridget On Him]]: You know that cute little Lilim? The one that looks like a little sister to the [[Horny Devil|Succubus?]] It's not until you earn the secret file that you learn {{spoiler|it's a guy.}}
** Bouquet Garni, the girly looking alraune in the sequel, is also male. The game is kind enough to tell us right off the bat in his normal gallery page at least.
* [[Dual Boss]]: The twins Kim and Chi, and the skeletal dragon... things, Basil and Chervil. [[Up to Eleven|And about half of the bosses in general in the sequel, even having a 3-on-one! Not to mention a 100-on-one!]] Technically speaking that is.
* [[Dynamic Entry]]: If you choose to play as Prinny Laharl, he will drop from the sky and land on the current Prinny. And yes, it does cost you a life every time that happens. {{spoiler|Same happens when you unlock [[What the Hell, Hero?|Asagi.]]}}
* [[Easy Mode Mockery]]: Baby Mode gives you three hit points (Or lower rating decrease in Asagi Mode as well as increased ammo on all weapons), pick ups that allow you to regain lost hit points, extra blocks to make platforming easier, and less stun points on bosses in exchange for turning all of your hit points into diapers.
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* [[Evil Laugh]]: {{spoiler|Laharl's}} laugh increases his combo gauge, but leaves him vulnerable to enemy attacks. Just like the [[Evil Overlord List]] predicted.
* [[Giant Space Flea From Nowhere]]: The CHEFBOT-9000 has no real reason to be in the game except to break up what would otherwise be a very long cutscene with a boss fight, and has no indication that he actually exists prior to his pre-battle introduction except the mysterious giant padlock on the scene. [[Lampshaded]] by the Hero Prinny himself.
* [[Ground Pound]]
* [[Goldfish Poop Gang]]: Turmeric becomes this during the [[Boss Rush]]. Every time he tries to make his introduction, he's [[Bait and Switch Boss|knocked offscreen by another boss...]]
** His sister, Haldi, continues the tradition in the sequel, but she isn't hit with this trope as bad as Turmeric and gets [[Throw the Dog a Bone|thrown a bone]] in the ending.
* [[Ground Pound]]
* [[Hopping Machine]]: TX-6 Jumpstart
* [[Hurricane of Puns]]: Many, but Darth Moab's pre-boss cutscene stands out. {{spoiler|He grows out of it in the sequel, for the most part.}}
* [[Idiosyncratic Difficulty Levels]]: Standard and "Hell's Finest." In the latter, your Prinny is turned into a one hit-point wonder. Also, [[Easy Mode Mockery|Baby Mode]] in the sequel.
* [[Impossibly Delicious Food]]: The Ultimate Desert!
* [[Incredibly Lame Pun]]: Etna-chamber...antechamber...ugh.
* [[In-Universe Game Clock]]
* [[Incredibly Lame Pun]]: Etna-chamber...antechamber...ugh.
* [[Justified Extra Lives]]
* [[Lethal Joke Weapon]]: The downloadable Netherworld Radish in the sequel for Hero Prinny {{spoiler|and Prinny Asagi}}. The weapon's melee attack is weaker than the knives that the Hero Prinny usually wields, and has an auto-attack, but does have the ability to shoot projectiles (which actually become more powerful with this weapon), as opposed to the [[Chainsaw Good|chainsaw]], and is also capable of being used at the beginning of the game. {{spoiler|For Prinny Asagi, it's an unlimited use extreme-close-range weapon that prevents you from being able to use the other weapons unless you pick up her cat or guitar items, just like with the chainsaw.}}
* [[Les Yay]]: After her defeat, Asagi Asmaal Asalindt offers Prinny Asagi to join her and make "offspring"...
* [[Lunacy]]: On the night of the full moon, Hoshikage<ref> "Star Shadow"</ref> becomes ''Tsukikage'' <ref> "Moon Shadow"</ref>. Much faster, stronger, and angrier than usual. She even scares Master Frog.
** Similarly, Mustard becomes Bloomin' Mustard during full moons. She gets possessed by a ghost, changing her from a [[Flunky Boss]] who cheers from the sidelines to an insane, famished, rabid maniac jumping all over the arena on all fours.
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