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* [[Anticlimax Boss]]: {{spoiler|Driscoll at the very end of ''1st''}}. His first form has no ranged attacks, and is immobile. His second form is {{spoiler|exactly the same as the other two times you beat his ass}}, while you're controlling a unit of virtual demigods at this point.
** {{spoiler|SCION in ''Evolved''}} starts as one of these. Then it goes [[One-Winged Angel]]. It still manages to be less dangerous than it looks.
** Arguably {{spoiler|Lukav}} in ''Front Mission 3'' as well if you get the secret wanzer... which can randomly activate the Destroy Body ability (i.e. instant death).
* [[Awesome Music]]: In contrast to ''Front Mission 4'', which had a forgettable soundtrack, ''Front Mission 5'' has much improved music. Standouts include: the main theme, "Scars of the War"; the Strike Wyverns theme; and "Deliverance", the battle BGM for the final mission.
* [[Broken Base]]: The release of ''Evolved'' divided the fanbase into two camps. On one hand, some people claim it to be an enjoyable action title, even if it isn't on the same level as its predecessors. On the other, some call it a disgrace to the franchise and that another strategy title should have been made instead. Over in Japan, the reception is simple and universal - while fans have no problems with another genre spin-off (as they have access to ''Gun Hazard'', ''Alternative'' and ''Online'' unlike the rest of the world), they point out its numerous design flaws and don't see it as a successor to ''Gun Hazard'', let alone the brilliant ''Online''.
* [[Cliché Storm]]: ''Evolved'' rather ironically degenerates into this.
* [[Complete Monster]]: Driscoll in ''1st'', even when playing the USN scenario who manages to make some of the officers in the USN likeable enough he keeps being a complete dick who treats Kevin like trash and his soldiers like tools. This would put him right on Jerkass territory but then there's the stuff he does to {{spoiler|Maria}} and {{spoiler|Karen}} along with all the scheme with the Sakata Industries.
** Serov in ''3''. He destroyed an entire city and killed several people just for the sake of researching his experimental Wanzer Genie Arm. He's also so insane, he would attack his own allies randomly.
* [[Continuity Lock Out]]: Every canon video game entry are continuations of unresolved stories from the previous one chronologically. This is because the franchise tells its story like a TV serial: the standalone stories (for newcomers) often interconnect with other ones and tie back to a larger overarching storyline (for fans). ''Front Mission 2089'' leads into ''2089-II'', ''2089-II'' leads into ''1st'', ''1st'' leads into ''4'' and ''2'', ''2'' leads into ''3'', and so on for an 80-20 split between the standalone and on-going stories. Most evident in ''5'', which is a 50-50 split, but really requires having played ''all'' of the previous titles to truly understand. Also very evident in the [[Loads and Loads of Characters|70+ characters]] that show up in at least two or more of the games, some showing up as many as ''five'' times {{spoiler|(Roid Clive from 1st, Morgan Bernard and Glen Duval from 5, etc.)}}. Oh, and add in the other ''Front Mission'' media which only adds to this, and it becomes quite obvious that this is one of those things you REALLY have to get into, or don't even bother trying! This does not apply to ''Gun Hazard'' (which takes place in a completely different universe) and ''Evolved'' (which is a reboot story-wise).
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