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[http://www.youtube.com/user/donnabellez '''Donnabellez'''] is one of the more prominent female [[YouTube]] [[Let's Play]]ers. She generally favoursprefers LPing [[L PingNintendo]] Nintendo games, with the [[Nintendo GameCube]] being her favouritefavorite console and the one she grew up with. She has [[Colbert Bump|received more attention]] since participating in one of [[The Runaway Guys]]' game tournaments. Also notable for being [[Genki Girl|extremely perky.]]
==== Games she has LP'd include: ====
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==== Games she has co-op L'd or guest starred in: ====
* ''[[Super Smash Bros.]] Brawl'' (with [[The Runaway Guys]])
* [[Super Mario Sunshine Versus|Super Mario Galaxy Versus]] (with AttackingTucans) (upcoming)
* [[All Animals Are Dogs]]: Whenever a cute animal appears on-screen, she starts talking to it as if it were a dog. [[Squee|To say nothing of when dogs themselves are involved.]]
* [[All Men Are Perverts]]: Accuses her fanbase of this sometimes.
* [[Borrowed Catchphrase]] / [[Shout-Out]]: She likes to reference the catchphrases of other Let's Players, such as "[[Josh Jepson|It's not supposed to go at an angle!]]" and "[[Nintendo Capri Sun|IN THE BATHROOM!]]"
* [[Colbert Bump]]: Thanks to [[The Runaway Guys]]. She also attempted to do this herself by hosting a contest for lesser-known [[L Pers]]LPers, with the intent of getting them some more exposure.
* [[Cuteness Proximity]]: Very prone to it. "OOOOH! It's a PUPPY!~ <3"
* [[Distaff Counterpart]]: Often compared ([[Shipping|and paired]]) with [[Chuggaaconroy]] in the fandom, as they have the same sort of taste in games and consoles and are both known for high production values in their videos.
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