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Drakengard/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* {{spoiler|[[Dropped a Bridge on Him|Dropped a Bridge on Them]]: In the fifth ending to the game, a heavily weakened Caim and Angelus are taken out by a couple of missiles}}.
* [[Harmful to Minors]]: Not even child conscripts are safe from his wrath.
** (This trope actually happens to Caim himself. As a child, he witnessed {{spoiler|an Imperial black dragon a.k.a. Legna killing his parents}}. This may go some way towards explaining [[Axe Crazy|his]] [[Blood Knight|behavior]].
* [[Hates Everyone Equally]]: Caim doesn't really discriminate. If you stand in his way, he will gleefully kill you.
* [[Heroic Mime]]: He gave up his voice as part of the pact with Angelus. Though calling him "heroic" is kinda stretching it...
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* [[Royals Who Actually Do Something]]: As revealed {{spoiler|during the backstory of ''[[Nie R]]''}}, Caim's father was a king, and he's technically a landless prince. This is the big part of why he hates the Empire so much, and it makes his sister a princess on top of everything else.
* [[Shoot the Dog]]: He's forced to do this in Ending 2 {{spoiler|as Furiae becomes an horrible world-ending monster}} and Ending 3 {{spoiler|when his pact is broken and he has to fight Angelus}}.
* [[Slasher Smile]]: In the sequel, Manah has a nervous breakdown from it.
* [[The Speechless]]: The price of his pact. Angelus tends to speak for him when he's not using violence to get his point across.
* [[The Unfettered]]: He'll protect his loved ones regardless of who, what or how many multitudes he has to slaughter.
* [[The Unfettered]]
* [[Unstoppable Rage]]: Goes from making him interesting to making him a [[Flat Character]], right back to interesting when things start getting [[Mind Screw|really screwy]]. It's like his rage is all he's got.
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]: A lot of characters do this to him. Does he care? Hell no, this is Caim after all, he is ''the'' hero you wouldn't want to mess with.
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* [[Back From the Brink]]: She was dying, just like Caim, when they met. Only a pact with him saved her life.
* {{spoiler|[[Barrier Maiden]]}}: In the first ending, wherein she {{spoiler|takes Furiae's place as the Goddess of the Seal}}.
* [[Character Development]]: Starts out as cold and aloof towards Caim, but by the end, she has mellowed out considerably.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Usually at the expense of humans.
* {{spoiler|[[Dropped a Bridge on Him|Dropped a Bridge on Them]]: In the fifth ending to the game, a heavily weakened Caim and Angelus are taken out by a couple of missiles}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Heroic Sacrifice]]: She becomes the new seal in the first ending of the first game. In ''Drakengard 2'', we see that being the seal entails ''horrific, constant agony'' for her}}.
* [[Humans Are the Real Monsters]]: And how!
* [[Morality Pet]]: Becomes one for Caim as their relationship deepens, especially in the sequel.
* [[Our Dragons Are Different]]: In that they can create pacts with others.
* [[Pet the Dog]]: Towards Caim despite starting out as allies of convenience
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]: Despite disliking humans, Angelus asks Caim if he ''really'' has to kill that many.
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* [[Evil Counterpart]]: To Caim.
** Note that the 'evil' part is pretty much just because he joins the villains. Given he does not regularly engage in child murder, genocide or gleefully slaughter people for the heck of it and has a noble (if misguided) goal, 'evil' is sort of a relative term here...
* [[Face Heel Turn]]: Because Manah has tricked him into believing she will undo Furiae's status as a Goddess without killing her, Inuart joins the Empire.
* [[Face Heel Turn]]
* [[Green-Eyed Monster]]: A lot of his actions are fueled by his envy towards Caim.
* [[Love Makes You Crazy]]: See below.
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* {{spoiler|[[One-Winged Angel]]}}: In Ending 2.
** {{spoiler|[[Uncanny Valley]]: Words cannot describe how completely fucked up she looks (and [[Hell Is That Noise|sounds]]) when she shrieks right after being "reborn". [[Take Our Word for It]]}}.
* [[Prophetic Name]]: In regards to Ending 2.
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* [[Break the Cutie]]: She was once a kind and loving mother, until Empire soldiers slaughtered her family...
* [[Chuck Cunningham Syndrome]]: She disappears from the face of the planet in the sequel, with the only mention of her being in the form of her weapon, which your protagonist can find.
* [[Eats Babies]]: Prefers them over adults. Her logic is that devouring them will ensure they're never taken from her again, and she can care for them forever.
* [[Eats Babies]]
* [[I Am a Humanitarian]]: Mostly children, but doesn't mind adults when there aren't any children around. In Arioch's novella, she bites off the fingers of one of her guards, and she doesn't spit them out.
* [[I Am a Humanitarian]]
* {{spoiler|[[Karmic Death]]}}: So you like eating babies, huh? {{spoiler|Well, perhaps it's only fitting that you got eaten by mind-numbing horrors in the shape of human babies}}...
* [[Laughing Mad]]: When she eats the [[Child Soldier]].
* [[Our Elves Are Better]]: Averted. She's really not better than anyone in the [[Crapsack World]] of ''Drakengard'', except at being crazy.
* [[Playing with Fire]]: The power of her pact partner Salamander.
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* [[Driven to Suicide]]: Almost.
* {{spoiler|[[Heroic Sacrifice]]}}: {{spoiler|Blows up himself (and the Faerie) to take out some of the Grotesqueries}}.
* [[It's All My Fault]]: Blames himself for the death of his brothers.
* [[Survivor Guilt]]: And how!
* {{spoiler|[[You Shall Not Pass]]}}: Against {{spoiler|the Grotesqueries}}.
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* [[Dirty Coward]]
* [[The Fair Folk]]: She ''looks'' cute, but is easily one of the nastiest characters in the game.
* [[The Fair Folk]]
* [[Humans Are the Real Monsters]]: Yeah, right... because you're so good and noble, huh?
* [[Jerkass]]: The little rat!
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* {{spoiler|[[Big Damn Heroes]]}}: In ''Drakengard 2,'' wherein he {{spoiler|calls in an army of Golems to take on the dragons}}.
* [[Blessed with Suck]]:: Since his pact with Golem took his "time", Seere will never physically age. He's six.
** [[Who Wants to Live Forever?]]: Well, he certainly doesn't.
* [[Disproportionate Retribution]]: He remains convinced that his sister is not too far gone and that he can still redeem her... up until she slaps him in the face. Once. At which point he orders Golem to squash her like a grape.
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* [[Horrible Judge of Character]]: He has a somewhat distorted view of his relationship to Manah. Oh, and his best friends in the first game are a pedophile, a [[One-Man Army|mass murderer]] and [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|an elf]] (the elf [[Eats Babies]]).
* [[It's All My Fault]]: He blames himself for Manah's [[Freudian Excuse]].
* [[The Kid with the Remote Control]]: He controls a giant Golem.
* [[The Load]]: Without his magic attack, he's about as useful in combat as you'd expect from a six-year old with a knife.
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* {{spoiler|[[Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever]]}}: Her [[One-Winged Angel]] form in the first ending.
* [[Big Bad]]: In the first game.
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]: A very, ''very'' creepy one at that!
* [[Creepy Child]]: Hoo boy, is she ever, especially when she's possessed.
* [[Demonic Possession]]: {{spoiler|She's actually possessed by the Gods... and they won't take kindly to her death, as Ending 4 demonstrates}}!
* [[Enfante Terrible]]: She's the Grotesqueries' tool in their plans and is basically the head of the Empire.
* [[Fate Worse Than Death]]: In her mind, at the very least. {{spoiler|The first ending has Caim kidnap her and drag her around the world to witness what she has done}}.
* [[Freudian Excuse]]: Her mother abused her horribly, both physically and mentally.
** [[The Unfavourite]]: For reasons never fully explained, Manah's mother hated her. There are some hints in the weapon history of the short sword 'Hero's Knife' in ''Drakengard 2'' though.
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]: As she's possessed.
* [[Voice of the Legion]]: ''"La la la la la!"''
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