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* [[Ace Pilot]] - Katana's training squad destroys an entire fighter ''wing''. ''And that's only the first level''.
** Also [[Worthy Opponent|Margras Mason]], whose piloting skill is even better than that of Katana.
* [[Anime]] - Plainly (sometimes painfully) apparent in the art direction, characterization, plot, and combat. Pretend you're in a [[Shonen]] action series and you'll be okay. [[Your Mileage May Vary|Or not.]]
* [[Anime Hair]] - Surprisingly averted, for the most part. Played straight with Sandra, whose blond-with-[[You Gotta Have Blue Hair|blue-streaks]]-plus-spikes would make [[Yu-Gi-Oh!|Yugi Moto nervous]].
* [[Authority Equals Asskicking]] - Subverted: Vice-Admiral Vieira, commander of the flagship Caliban. Responsible for the defense of Schlos Base and Operation Nebula Blaze. Bravely runs away at the first sign of real trouble. Handled quite reasonably: the good Admiral is [[Reassigned to Antarctica|demoted and transferred to the farthest and coldest reaches of space by the end of the game.]]
* [[Asskicking Equals Authority]] - Played straight with the rest of the cast.
** Katana Faraway, space cadet. {{spoiler|Singlehandedly destroys half the invading fleet. Is promoted to Lieutenant and becomes flight leader of the White Griffons.}}
** Commodore Higgins, commander of Schlos Base. {{spoiler|Left holding the bag after Admiral Viera bravely runs away; survives. Is promoted to Admiral and charged with the defense of Earth.}}
* [[The Atoner]] - Margras Mason, after he witnesses the [[Moral Event Horizon]] crossed by ADAN.
* [[Authority Equals Asskicking]] - Subverted: Vice-Admiral Vieira, commander of the flagship Caliban. Responsible for the defense of Schlos Base and Operation Nebula Blaze. Bravely runs away at the first sign of real trouble. Handled quite reasonably: the good Admiral is [[Reassigned to Antarctica|demoted and transferred to the farthest and coldest reaches of space by the end of the game.]]
* [[Bittersweet Ending]]
* [[Black and Gray Morality]] - Both sides commit serious atrocities; the TCAF only come out as the good guys because you're playing as one.
* [[Boring but Practical]] - You can do some amazing flight maneuvers in this game, involving high speed turns and power cuts. However, the secret to finishing missions quickly is to [[Macross Missile Massacre|equip your missiles and fire them]] at [[No Kill Like Overkill|all of your enemies.]]
* [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]] - The Dev team. Even if you disagree with the cliche anime storyline and the special effects decisions, this is a well put-together, well-designed space-flight sim. Before this game, the last mainstream space-flight console games were the [[Rogue Squadron]] series. Before that? [[Star Fox]]. One had the [[LucasArts]] brand, and the other was a glorified tech demo. [[Game Arts]] had balls of steel to release a space-flight sim.
* [[Cutscene Power to the Max]] - Averted. Every awesome maneuver Katana and his squad mates execute can be done in game.
* [[Escort Mission]] - Every single mission in the game requires that you keep certain capital ships alive, along with offering bonus upgrade points for keeping other ones alive. Considering that your capital ships are [[Point Defenseless|apparently devoid of any point defences]] and the other friendly fighters focus on destroying enemy fighters instead of the attackers and bombers like they should this becomes even more of a [[Scrappy Mechanic|annoyance]] than it usually is.
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