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Ninja Gaiden/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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** [[It's the Same, Now It Sucks]] : What other fans think of ''Ninja Gaiden 3''.
** [[It's Easy, So It Sucks]]: [[Overly Long Gag|Also what other fans think of]] ''Ninja Gaiden 3''.
* [[They Copied It, So It Sucks|They Copied It, So It Sucks!]]: Averted with the NES trilogy: people have noted the games copy a lot of things from ''[[Castlevania]]'', most obviously the life bars, but most players agree the ''Ninja Gaiden'' games back then were still good in their own right despite the obvious influences. What likely helps is its [[Power Ups]] are fundamentally different from the ones seen in ''Castlevania''.
* [[Unfortunate Implications]]: In ''Ninja Gaiden Sigma II2'', you play a Japanese man who literally ''fights the Statue of Liberty''. Granted, you were fighting a statue of ''Buddha'' two stages prior (presumably if the series ever goes to Rio de Janeiro, we'll fight Jesus).
* [[Villain Decay]]: The [[Four Is Death|Malice Four]] ([[The Brute|Barbarian]], [[Rings of Death|Bomberhead]], [[Knife Nut|Basaquer]], and [[Shock and Awe|Bloody Malth]]) become ordinary [[Mooks]] throughout the stages in ''The Dark Sword of Chaos'' and can be killed with a few hits. Granted, they're located on platforms where [[Demonic Spiders|they'll most likely throw you into a pit]], but [[Degraded Boss|they were major bosses]] in the first game. Bloody Malth was even the one who {{spoiler|[[You Killed My Father|defeated Ryu's father]]}}.
** Justified in a [[Guide Dang It]]: the [[Mooks]] are in fact sub-standard clones of the original Malice Four.
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