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If it is only claimed that the humans are just as bad (rather than worse), because ''both'' the humans and nonhumans kill wantonly, that is not this trope but may fall under [[Not So Different]].
[[No{{noreallife|at Real Life Examplesleast, Please]]—at leastnot until we've made contact with an entirely pacifistic extraterrestrial race.}}
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** The Race is shown to be applying plenty of double standards to humans. They consider human religious beliefs to be primitive and ridiculous, but don't try to say anything bad about their emperors, whom they revere as gods (of course, this can be said about most religious people). They claim that humans are reckless in detonating nukes to try to stop the Race invasion, after nuking Berlin and Washington for no good reason and then retaliating to humans using nukes with their own nukes.
== [[Live -Action TV]] ==
* Touched on in ''[[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined]]'' a little. Six claims murder is humanity's one true art. They also mention Cylons don't torture or try to inflict suffering when they kill. It turns out that she's completely full of shit, but in her defense, she didn't know it at the time.
* Averted in the ''[[Doctor Who]]'' episode "A Christmas Carol". Kazran states that he wanted to see a fish, not kill one. The Doctor points out that {{spoiler|the shark}} was trying to eat Kazran, getting the response, "He was ''hungry.''"
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