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Mass Effect (video game)/Characters/Party Members: Difference between revisions

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** She reached the rank of Gunnery Chief before we meet her, although she says that she had 'crap assignments' until that point. Regardless, she reaches the rank of Lieutenant Commander by ''[[Mass Effect 3]]'', so she's managed to work past this.
* [[Ambiguously Brown]]: Confirmed by devs to be mostly Hispanic.
* [[Anti-Hero]]: Type II or III.
* {{spoiler|[[Asskicking Equals Authority]]}}: {{spoiler|She's made the second human Spectre in ''[[Mass Effect 3]]''}}.
* [[The Atoner]]: A lot of her actions are fueled by her desire to restore her family's good name.
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* [[Belligerent Sexual Tension]]: With Male Shepard in the second and third games, if romanced in the first.
* [[The Big Girl]]: Class 4. Fairly boisterous personality, and only surpassed in straight-up combat effectiveness if Shepard him/herself is a Soldier.
* [[Big Sister Instinct]]: Part of her back-story involves her taking a leave of absence from the Alliance to help her little sister deal with an [[Attempted Rape|overly clingy boyfriend.]].
* [[Boisterous Bruiser]]: Her skills center around dealing out as much weapon damage as possible. She's also very enthusiastic, inside battle and out.
* [[Bruiser with a Soft Center]]: Hits hard and hits first. Also likes poetry, talks to her sisters back home, and develops a soft spot for Tali.
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* [[Clingy Jealous Girl]]: A mild case; she feels threatened by Liara's relationship with Shepard.
* [[Cool Big Sis]]: Acts as one to her younger sisters.
* [[Covert Pervert]]: Pops up if you romance her in the first game. Along with the [[A Date with Rosie Palms]] entry, she'll mention that Commander Shepard has a great ass. '''Twice.'''.
** Seems to be a family trait. Her sisters comment on Male Shepard being cute in the first game, with Ashley turning around and realising that Shepard is [[Right Behind Me|standing right there]]:
{{quote|'''Ashley''': Tell me you didn't hear that.
'''Shepard''': 'Fraid I did.
'''Ashley''': *''Mortified''* Shoot me now. }}
* [[Cultured Warrior]]: Hey, just because she can drill you between the eyes at four hundred meters doesn't mean she can't like poetry. She even tries to romance Shepard with it.
* [[Date Rape Averted]]: During one of her [[Backstory]] conversations, she'll talk about how her Marine father taught all his daughters how to defend themselves. One foolish boy tried to put some unwanted moves on Ashley's younger sister. It didn't end well for him.
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* [[Drink Order]]: To cope with the impending Reaper attack, James gives her a bottle of alcohol. She drinks the whole bottle.
* [[Dying Declaration of Love]]: Averted. If you romance her, she refuses to say "I love you" until both of you come out of the endgame alive.
* [[Even Evil Has Standards|Even Bigots Have Standards]]: She invokes this in ''[[Mass Effect 2]]'' to rebuke Shepard' offer of working with [[Nebulous Evil Organization|Cerberus]].
{{quote|'''Ashley''': I'm no fan of aliens, but Cerberus has a habit of being... extreme.}}
* [[Even Heroes Have Heroes]]: If Shepard has the War Hero background, she has a little hero worship at the start of the first game.
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* [[Fantastic Racism]]: A surprisingly nuanced version of this—she doesn't trust aliens and has issues with turians in particular because her grandfather was the commander at the garrison at Shanxi, who was also the only human commander to ever surrender to alien forces. As a result, the Williams name is something of a curse, and Ashley suffers for it. Whether this comes across as a sympathetic [[Freudian Excuse]] or petty blame-shifting on her part is down to the player.
** The logical (and [[Real Life]]) reasoning behind this is that she overcompensates distrust of aliens because as a Williams, she is already under (unfair) scrutiny for being an alien-sympathizer or not pro-human enough. Similar in concept to [[Armored Closet Gay]] except a much milder case that the player can help persuade her out of. It's important to note that even if she doesn't trust aliens, she vehemently criticizes the Terra Firma party for its blatant racism.
** She also expresses sympathy for Tali the instant she hears how the Council shafted the quarians after the geth went rogue. Tali is also the only alien whose presence on the ship she doesn't object to. It appears that her beef is mainly with the Council races. Furthermore, if she is romanced in ''Mass Effect 1'' but left for Tali in ''Mass Effect 3'', she takes it fairly well. If Shepard cheats on her with [[Knight Templar|Mira]][[Smug Super|nda]] or [[Ax Crazy|Ja]][[Broken Bird|ck]] on the other hand, she gets pretty mad.
*** Her issue with Liara is mostly as a romantic rival. She will urge Shepard to speak to her after s/he kills her mother, Benezia.
** Given that her grandfather was branded [[The Quisling]] by ''Humanity'' for doing something so heinous as surrendering in order to ''save civilians'', its entirely possible that simply has trust issues and doesn't trust ''anyone''. Given her reaction to Shepard being involved with Cerberus in the second game and the fact she takes a long time to trust them again in the third, this might be the case. Ashley doesn't hate aliens, she just doesn't trust them to not let her down.
*** This also fits with her being religious. So far, her faith in God is because they are the only person who ''hasn't let her down''.
** This trait seems to be [[Character Development|completely gone]] by ''Mass Effect 3,'' replaced with a distrust of Shepard because s/he was [[What the Hell, Hero?|working with Cerberus]].
* [[First Girl Wins]]: If romanced.
* [[Friendly Sniper]]: She can use sniper rifles, though cutscenes always show her wielding assault rifles.
* [[Good-Looking Privates]]
* [[Good Old Fisticuffs]]: Her sisters know fencing and aikido. Ashley knows Marine hand-to-hand and admits that she's "more or less a straight-up puncher"."
* [[Hero Worshipper]]: To Shepard with the War Hero background.
** She angrily berates a colonist in ME2''Mass Effect 2'' who insults Shepard, declaring that they're in the presence of a ''god''.
* [[Hidden Depths]]: Her views on human/alien interaction actually delve much deeper than simple racism. While she has trust issues, her views fall more along the line of "we shouldn't become too dependent on them."
* [[Highly-Conspicuous Uniform]]: Her default armor in the first game is white and pink. ''Pink.''.
* [[Hot Amazon]]: Especially [http://www.lecourtierdelombre.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Ashley_1_scan_Mass_Effect_3.jpg her redesign] for ''[[Mass Effect 3]]''.
* [[Improbable Age]]: [[All There in the Manual|Supplementary material]] says she's 25 in the first game, which is really pushing the suspension of disbelief if she's a senior NCO.
** [[Truth in Television]]: During war, you'd be shocked how fast and far someone can advance in rank.
* [[In the Back]]: She'll kill {{spoiler|Wrex}} this way if you take too long {{spoiler|to talk him down.}}.
* [[In the Blood]]
* {{spoiler|[[I Regret Nothing]]}}: {{spoiler|Her last words if she dies on Virmire.}}.
* {{spoiler|[[It Has Been an Honor]]}}: {{spoiler|Her goodbye if Shepard chooses to save Kaidan instead of her on Virmire.}}.
* [[I Uh You Too]]: She and Shepard do this. They "want each other to be happy"."
* {{spoiler|[[Killed Off for Real]]}}: {{spoiler|Depending on your choices on Virmire. It's also possible to shoot her midway through the third game when Udina turns traitor, but it's not too hard to avoid.}}.
* [[Knight in Sour Armor]]: She's bitter and distrustful of aliens and the Council, but is dedicated to her job and is willing to lay down her life to do the right thing.
* [[Letting Her Hair Down]]: As of ''[[Mass Effect 3]]''.
* [[Locked Out of the Loop]]: One of the main reasons why {{spoiler|the reunion on Horizon goes so badly}}. Shepard seems to be the only one to think it might be a good idea for her to know what the hell is going on. Unfortunately, it was too little, too late. At least until the third game.
* [[Majorly Awesome]]: Or rather the Alliance Navy equivalent, Lieutenant Commander, by ''[[Mass Effect 3]]''.
* [[Military Brat]]: Ash is pretty quick to let you know that she's the fourth generation of Williams to be in the military.
* [[Mutually Exclusive Party Members]]: With {{spoiler|Kaidan after Virmire. One of them ''will'' always die, so it's impossible to finish the game with both of them}}.
* [[Noble Bigot with a Badge]]: Obviously, her views are influenced by her family's [[Dark and Troubled Past]], but she believes that alien races are just as susceptible to [[Fantastic Racism]] as humans are (which [[Straw Man Has a Point|may not be inaccurate]]) and that humans should be prepared to go it alone. In any event, she still has concrete standards (namely loathing for the direction the ''more'' racist Terra Firma party has gone, and an absolute refusal to work with Cerberus due to their terrorist activities). She also works well with all teammates, human and otherwise, in the field.
* [[Optional Party Member]]: In the third game, after {{spoiler|nearly being killed on Mars, she's absent until Udina's attempted coup, wherein she can actually be killed or, barring that, have her request to return to the ''Normandy'' refused.}}.
* [[Overranked Soldier]]: As mentioned previously, Gunnery Sergeant is a somewhat implausible rank for a 25-year old woman to hold especially when she faces the kind of stigma that Ashley holds during a time of relative peace (i.e. before the Geth attack on Eden Prime). Somehow, in the space of 2 and a bit years between ''Mass Effect'' and ''Mass Effect 3'', she is able to earn a commission and be promoted to Lieutenant Commander, a rank that normally takes many years to earn even for people who began their careers as young Ensigns.
* [[Overshadowed by Awesome|Overshadowed by Shepard]]: Much like Garrus, she is an extreme badass and a fine leader {{spoiler|and, in the third game, gets inducted as a Spectre}}. But when Shepard is around, there's no doubt who's the boss, or [[Authority Equals Asskicking|why]].
** Exemplified if Shepard is the one to kill {{spoiler|Udina}}, at which point s/he immediately takes total charge of the situation.
* [[Peek-a-Bangs]]: Replaces her [[Prim and Proper Bun]] in ''Mass Effect 3.''.
* [[Pet the Dog]]: If you talk to her after the Noveria mission, she'll tell Shepard to go comfort Liara {{spoiler|since her mother was killed after succumbing to indoctrination}}. She also expresses a hope that having Tali be on their team will improve people's views of quarians during one of the game's many long elevator rides. As well, she takes the Virmire assignment of leading an assault force of salarians without complaint. In fact, the salarians come out of it with nothing but respect for her (especially if she doesn't survive).
* [[Pink Means Feminine]]: Argubly subverted.
* [[Prim and Proper Bun]]: In the first two games, although Ashley herself is [[Brutal Honesty|hardly prim and proper]].
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*** Which is hypocritically hilarious if you use the alternative outfit for Ashley in combat (which is her skin-tight leather suit).
* [[Real Men Love Jesus|Real Women Love Jesus]]: Maybe. It's left deliberately ambigious what religious denomination she belongs to, save for that it's monotheistic.
* [[Redemption Equals Death]]: Potentially discussed; after learning about her family's backstory, Shepard can express concern that she hopes for an opportunity to fall on her proverbial sword in order to redeem her family name. {{spoiler|If she's the one left behind on Virmire, it has this effect.}}.
** Not to mention news reports from the second game: {{spoiler|she's been awarded high honors by the salarian and turian governments for her willingness to give her life protecting aliens.}}.
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: To Kaidan's Blue Oni.
* [[Religious Bruiser]]: "Hey, if they're trying to find God, I'd be happy to speed them on their way."
* [[Semper Fi]]: She's in the human military, so natch.
* [[She Cleans Up Nicely]]: Recent ''[[Mass Effect 3]]'' scans are showing this for Ashley in her civvies.
* [[Shoot the Dog]]: {{spoiler|If Shepard is unable to talk Wrex down, she may do this to save him/her.}}.
* [[Shout-Out]]: Her name is a reference to ''[[Evil Dead]]'s'' protagonist. During the Virmire stage, she can also make a comment about her "boomstick.".
** She also romances Shepard with by quoting Walt Whitman (AKAa.k.a. ''[[Dead Poets Society]]'').
* [["Shut Up" Kiss]]: Invoked in the third game if the romance was continued.
{{quote|'''Ashley''': Just shut up and kiss me.}}
* [[Silly Rabbit, Idealism Is for Kids]]:
{{quote|'''Shepard:''' That's a pretty pessimistic way of looking at things, Chief.
'''Ashley:''' A pessimist is what an optimist calls a realist. }}
* [[Space Marine]]: As with all human soldiers in ''[[Mass Effect]]'', literally.
* [[Star-Crossed Lovers]]: With male Shepard in the second game if romanced in the first.
* [[Straw Civilian]]: Holds this view of non-military folk, particularly politicians. Granted, most of the time [[Properly Paranoid|she seems to be right.]].
* [[Survivors Guilt]]
* [[Take That]]: She gives one to [[Hollywood Atheist|those who have a problem with people having religious beliefs.]].
* [[The Unfair Sex]]: If romanced previously, Shepard calls her out on this attitude in ''Mass Effect 3'', noting that if they chose to romance someone else in the second game, it was only because Ashley made her feelings abundantly clear on Horizon that they were ''over''.
* {{spoiler|[[Vasquez Always Dies]]: Potentially.}}.
* [[Violently Protective Girlfriend]]: Comes into play if you romance her, especially if she {{spoiler|kills Wrex.}}.
* [[We Used to Be Friends]]: Basically has this with Shepard in ''[[Mass Effect 2]]'', which carries over to ''[[Mass Effect 3]]''.
{{quote|'''James:''' You know the Commander?
'''Ashley:''' [[Broken Pedestal|I used to]]. }}
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]: {{spoiler|1=Like Kaidan, she doesn't take it well when she learns that Shepard is working for Cerberus in ME2.''Mass Effect 2''}}.
* [[The Worf Effect]]: She gets [[No-Holds-Barred Beatdown|beaten to a bloody pulp]] by Eva Core at the beginning of ''[[Mass Effect 3]]'', which leaves her hospitalized for a third of the game.
** On the other hand, she did go hand to hand with a highly advanced mech, who proceeded to repeatedly smashed her head against a shuttle, likely instantly knocking her out. Unlike Shepard, Ash hasn't got a [[Made of Iron|reinforced bone structure]] which allows them to headbutt a Krogan.
* {{spoiler|[[You Shall Not Pass]]: At the same time as Kaidan's. It's up to you whether she survives over him.}}.
== Garrus {{spoiler|"Archangel"}} Vakarian ==
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