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* [[Suspiciously Similar Song]]: In the Wiiware version, the song ''Requiem?'' is basically ''ガリウスの迷宮 〜大悪魔音頭〜 (roughly translated: [[Maze of Galious]] [[Enormous Satan]])'', but only with ''Requiem's'' melody replaced.
* [[That One Boss]]: Several. The final boss counts, given that you have to fight a five-form boss, with a final dungeon beforehand, with said dungeon also including a boss of its own. In addition, almost every boss has a weakness to a particular weapon or subweapon; if you haven't got said item yet, it's almost guaranteed to be a tough fight.
** [[Cute Monster Girl|Tiamat]] is a nightmarish fight. As you're attacking the symbols around the room, she'll spawn [[Goddamned Bats]], as well as whipping you with her tail (which is nigh-unavoidable and knocks off a lot of health) or attack with [[Prehensile Hair]] (which is also difficult to dodge, but at least is telegraphed well in advance). Without the Castlevania/Mahjong Wizard ROM combo or all the Life Jewels, it's almost unbeatable. She's much easier in the remake, however, as she has a completely different method of fighting, and you don't have to go through ridiculous lengths just to hit her.
** Bahamut also proves to be a huge [[Jerkass]] of a boss. If he decides you're going into the water, ''you're going into the water'', and it's made all the worse when you consider the water hurts you whether you have the Scalesphere or not and it can be very difficult to get back onto your little boat at times. Half the fight is just trying not to get wet. He's a bit easier in the remake, as there's no risk of falling in water, but still a challenge.
** Viy presents a challenge of great difficulty. The constantly-scrolling screen, eye beams, and four tentacles shooting bullets at you makes his fight a nightmare. It's tweaked in the remake, with the tentacles being longer (thus easier to hit) and not shooting bullets anymore, but Viy launches his attacks with less warning in advance, and hitting his eye no longer flinches him out of his current attack. And coming into direct contact with his body saps your HP fast, ignoring any [[Mercy Invincibility]] you may get from his other attacks.
** Palenque spams attacks everywhere and is difficult to go through the spaces in the pillars in time. If you hit him, you lose almost half your health. In addition, he's got a ''tiny'' hitbox, and being an [[Unexpected Shmup Level]], that makes things... difficult.
*** Viy is only made worse in the Wiiware remake. Many of the boss fights in this version are quite different from their PC predecessors (Tiamat in particular is like a completely new boss fight). Viy, on the other hand, remains mostly the same as before, and this is not a good thing...
**** Well, Viy's eyelashes/tentacles now stretch up to the player, making them easier to strike. On the other hand, Viy now attacks almost instantly after opening its eye.
** Palenque spams attacks everywhere and is difficult to go through the spaces in the pillars in time. If you hit him, you lose almost half your health. In addition, he's got a ''tiny'' hitbox, and being an [[Unexpected Shmup Level]], that makes things...difficult.
** Sakit is the second boss in the game, and many new players find him to be a brick wall of a boss. For starters, he's immune to subweapons and only capable of being hit at certain times (namely, after his [[Rocket Punch]]). His other attacks can be quite hard to dodge and are lethal if you don't have a few Life Jewels. If you found the knife before taking him on, he's a reasonable challenge, but the starter whip is so slow and weak you'll be chipping away at his health for a while if you only have it.
*** The remake makes him a bit easier. Not only can Lemeza now destroy the rocks the fall from the ceiling, midway through the fight, Sakit becomes vulnerable to sub-weapons. Plus, a fully-loaded pistol is just 100 gold for players who still have trouble.
** Baphomet, in the original game, was a pretty big joke that could be taken out easily with a few bombs. In the remake, she's a nightmarish marathon consisting of two forms and a great many hard to avoid lightning bolts. She's considered by some to be the second hardest boss in the remake, behind only the Mother herself.
** Baphomet, in the original game, had relatively feeble attacks for a late-game boss and could be taken out easily with a few bombs, or by standing on the platform above her and just chucking spears. The first thing she does in the remake? Smash the platform above her head, forcing you to fight her from the sides. And not only do her attacks cover a lot more of the screen (the lighning bolts in particular) this time, halfway through the fight, she stops sitting around and makes a [[One-Winged Angel]] transformation.
* [[That One Level]]: Tower of the Goddess. Make one slip when climbing the tower, and get sent back to the bottom. Just adding a safety guard at the bottom left/right corners would help a lot.
* [[That One Puzzle]]: Several qualify. The mantras, for one thing.
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