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* [[All Myths Are True]]: Sort of. Many of the Perpetuals are either the basis of various mythological and historical figures.
* [[Alternate Universe Fic]]: It doesn't take too long after the Emperor reunites with his "sons" that divergences from canon become even more pronounced.
* [[Expy]]:
* [[Expy]]:* Eve, in both her appearance and personality, is based on C.C. from [[Code Geass|''Code Geass'']]. She also has a few tinges of a genderbent Malcador in for good measure.
** Merdraut is a combination of both [[Fate/stay night|Saber/Artoria Pendragon]] and [[Fate/Apocrypha|Ruler/Jeanne d'Arc]] from the [[Nasuverse]].Indeed, her backstory not only has her being a bastard child of the legendary King Arthur (aka, the Emperor) before being an artificial Perpetual, but also has Jeanne as one of her many aliases over the millennia.
** Anri, meanwhile, comes across as a an amalgamation of various characters from the [[Dark Souls|''Dark Souls'']] series, which is lampshaded by how she still managed to preserve some lore from the video games as inspiration for her cult.
** The United Human Empire of Albion can come off as a peculiar blend of the [[Warhammer Fantasy Battle|Kingdom of Bretonnia]] and the Tau Empire due to its simultaneously idealized culture and high technology.
* [[First-Name Basis]]: In a fashion. Eve is the only one who really gets to call the Emperor by what's heavily implied to be among his first names: {{Spoiler|Spoiler=Adam.}}
* [[In Spite of a Nail]]: Even with the renaming of the Primarchs, they still wind up using the names granted to them by the Emperor of Mankind.
* [[Julius Beethoven Da Vinci]]: Many of the Perpetuals are revealed to have taken the guise of various mythological and historical figures of varying significance over the millennia.
* [[Just Before the End]]: There are a few glimpses of how life was like during the final days of the Dark Age of Technology, just before everything goes mad.
* [[Living Relic]]: While the Perpetuals themselves by and large are this by default in one way or another, some are much more so than others. Many of them have been around in time periods familiar to modern-day mankind, and still retain more than a few memories, cultural habits and personality tics from those eras.
* [[Original Character]]: The Perpetual "mothers" themselves, though they're not the only ones. In addition to them, notably, are the two Lost Primarchs and their respective Lost Legions; unlike in particularcanon, they're not only discovered but remain loyal to the Imperium.
* [[Space Romans]]: Compared to the Imperium, the United Human Empire of Albion forged by Merdraut is based on an idealized, if technologically advanced re-imagining of Britannia.
* [[Time Abyss]]: The Emperor and the other Perpetuals, by and large, have been around for since antiquity or some point in humanity's earlier history.
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