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Motherhood: The Tale of Three: Difference between revisions

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* [[Alternate Universe Fic]]: It doesn't take too long after the Emperor reunites with his "sons" that divergences from canon become even more pronounced.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Eve, who has more than a few snarky and disparaging remarks on her husband and His exploits. Whether it’s on His decision to rename Gabriel Sanguinius or her recalling how the Unification Wars weren’t as one-sided as He tries to present them.
* [[Defector fromFrom Decadence]]: How Anri sees herself, having less than fond views of the Emperor. She would then impart this to her “son” Solaire/Magnus.
* [[Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"]]: Eve in particular tends to be called "Empress of Mankind" by the citizens of the Imperium at large.
* [[Expy]]:
** Eve, in both her appearance and personality, is based on C.C. from [[Code Geass|''Code Geass'']]. She also has a few tinges of a genderbent Malcador in for good measure.
** Merdraut is a combination of [[Fate/stay night|Saber/Artoria Pendragon]], [[Fate/Apocrypha|Ruler/Jeanne d'Arc and Saber of Red/Mordred]] from the [[Nasuverse]]. Indeed, her backstory not only has her being a bastard child of the legendary King Arthur (aka, the Emperor) before being an artificial Perpetual, but also has Jeanne as one of her many aliases over the millennia.
** Anri, meanwhile, comes across as a an amalgamation of various characters from the [[Dark Souls|''Dark Souls'']] series,. whichThis is further lampshaded by how she still managed to preserve some lore from the video games as inspiration for her cult, which would also influence her "son" Solaire/Magnus.
** The United Human Empire of Albion can come off as a peculiar blend of the [[Warhammer Fantasy Battle|Kingdom of Bretonnia]] and the Tau Empire due to its simultaneously idealized culture and high technology.
* [[First-Name Basis]]: In a fashion. Eve is the only one among the Perpetual women who really gets to call the Emperor by what's heavily implied to be among his first names: {{Spoiler|Adam.}}
* [[Fluffy the Terrible]]: JustEve had taken up quite a few names, titles and notorious nicknames over the millennia. But just before the Dark Age of Technology ended, Eveshe was simply known as “Kelly” by her co-workers in the diner she worked in on Baal Secundus.
* [[Freudian Excuse]]: Even after tens of thousands of years (along with bouts of therapy over that time), Merdraut never really got over her rejection by her supposed father-figure, King Arthur/the Emperor. This especially manifests in her efforts to make Albion a powerful realm that would subconsciously make the Emperor proud, as well as her trying to be a better parent than her father was. {{Spoiler|Even worse is how even before Merdraut was born, she had been unwillingly brainwashed by Morgan La Fay to view the Emperor as her father-figure instead of her actual one: the man who became Malcador the Sigillite.}}
* [[Grey and Gray Morality]]: Compared to Chaos, the major human factions by and large come across as this to each other.
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