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Dethroning Moment of Suck (Darth Wiki)/Live-Action TV: Difference between revisions

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** Goldeneye101: "Wi-fi in the Sky" is another crap episode. With Nick's advertising campaign being every single episode being a "special", I was actually expecting something good. What I got was one setting (the airplane) and absolutely idiotic jokes. After about 15 minutes, it got worse and worse. Then, Tori's sister needs to use the bathroom and goes to the first class one instead of the coach. I felt like that one wasn't too bad, but then she came back to say that she stole [[Perez Hilton]] 's camera. Now, Perez Hilton... wasn't exactly very likeable to many people. I was hoping and praying that they wouldn't show the guy... but at the end of the episode, they do. Complete with Tori saying "Oh my God, you're Perez Hilton!" And an applaud track. Really, Nick. The guy is gay, yet calls [[Black Eyed Peas|Will.I.Am]] a faggot, he gets punched by the band's manager because of it and is offended by it. He took an upskirt picture of [[Miley Cyrus]] (then 17) and somehow dodged arrest. He called Michael Jackson's death a hoax. He said everyone in my hometown was a retard because of a former mayor, even inviting a horde of guests to slam it. And yet, the fuckhead still gets screentime... on a show for pre-teens. I would have been absolutely offended if I was a mother letting my kid watch that show and knew who the guy was.
** "Tori Gets Stuck." From the toy car in Robbie's intestine, which was just unnecessary disturbing and squicky [[Nightmare Fuel]], to the doctors letting Trina and Cat just walk into a friggin' TB ward, so Trina can record a deathly ill man's cough and use it for her stupid role. Then the hospital makes Tori give three pints of blood! And the doctor almost outright tells her he has no clue at all if it's safe (which it most likely isn't...two pints is touchy enough). And the blood she gives isn't even used, since it explodes all over Tori and Robbie, making that entire plot almost entirely pointless. And then during the play, Tori passes out from having to give so much blood! And then somehow it's supposed to be funny that Trina catches TB from being in the TB ward... It's a life-threatening condition, you idiots! And nobody helps her because her illness makes her role "more realistic." Can you say worst episode? I can and will. Bonus points for Jade stealing Tori's medical records in the beginning [[Karma Houdini|and getting no comeuppance for it whatsoever,]] and using them for something that could've damn well killed her (exposing her to flowers she is allergic to).
** ''How Trina Got In.'' First, there's the complete [[Character Derailment]] of Tori. While she wasn't a saint in the past, she at least got comeuppance for it (Cat's Boyfriend, anyone?). In this episode, she [[Took a Level in Jerkass]]. After her and Robbie got finished working their debt off at the Sushi place, Robbie accidentally breaks some dishes. Now, keep in mind that Robbie was treating Tori earlier, only to forget about his wallet. So, instead of helping him, she selfishly [[Kick the Dog|leaves him behind]]. Second, there was a scene that revealed Robbie didn't have phone service because it costed 45 dollars a month. Gee, a [[All Jews Are CheapCheapskates|Jewish kid who thought]] [[Greedy Jew|that was too expensive]]? [[Unfortunate Implications|That doesn't sound offensive]] [[Sarcasm Mode|in the least]]. Third, the running gag with [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|Cat keeping candy in]] [[Victoria's Secret Compartment|her bra]] got old quickly. Finally, [[They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot]] with Trina's origin story. Instead of giving her [[Character Development]], she got in the school because of Sikowits having a [[Mushroom Samba]]. Fuck this episode!!!
** "Prom Wrecker" was absolutely terrible. Tori was just at her worst here. While normally I can put up with her when Jade is being a jerkwad, here she was just completely uncaring and rude to Jade when she finds out that her prom leaves her unable to do her art project. To put this in further perspective, look at Wok Star, when the entire gang played parts in helping Jade save her play from Mrs. Li turning it into a mess. Then, compare that to this, where noone gives a flying flip about Tori's prom leaving Jade unable to do her project or even calls Tori out on her behavior. Then, right when people start to leave the prom and it looks like Jade is finally going to have her chance, Trina reminds Tori to announce Prome King and Queen...and [[Yank the Dog's Chain|Tori makes Jade queen and Doug king]]. So, in short, Tori gets Jade's performance knocked, gets back at her, and [[Karma Houdini|gets no punishment whatsoever]]. Seriously, at that point I would have just had them have a [[The Bad Guy Wins]] ending after that, because it was deserved in such a situation. Also, the running gag of Andre and Sherry repeatedly kissing got old incredibly quickly. To make matters worse, this episode could have been awesome, [[They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot|but was nothing but a bunch of wasted potential]]. [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|Bonus points]] for when Robbie thinking Cat was making up lies about her date, and walking away right before we see him on screen. Tsk. Sorry Dan, not your best work.
** I'm just going to say it: I fucking hate Jade. How did such an unlikable bitch become an [[Ensemble Darkhorse]]? What really did it was in the episode where Tori was being stalked by Ponnie. The episode just ends with Jade shaving Cat's head and we just leave on that. [[Karma Houdini|No well-needed retribution]] or anything. Jade even said it in front of the councilor that she was going to 'get Cat,' and didn't so much as suspend her. Sikowitz flat out said that it was Cat's problem too. [[Adults Are Useless]] doesn't even cover it. The students are being educated by morons! I haven't seen a school staff this idiotic since [[Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu]].
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