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The player character and main protagonist of the game, an augmented agent of UNATCO tasked with defeating the NSF, only to find out that the situation is considerably more complicated than it seems..
* [[Badass]]:
* [[Badass Longcoat]]: Lampshaded when Anna tells you you will have to do more than just scare your enemies with a coat that makes you look bigger that you really are.
* [[Bio Augmentation]]: He has the latest technology by the time the game comes rolling by, leading to trust issues from his colleagues with older tech.
* [[Cool Shades]]: He even wears them at night, although his augmented vision helps prevent the world being too shady. The shades are to hide his eyes.
** [[One-Man Army]]: What you are considered after the halfway point of the game.
* [[Bio Augmentation]]
* [[Combo-Platter Powers]]: The various augmentations available, from [[Super Speed]] to [[Healing Factor|regeneration]] to bulletproof skin to completely silent movement and invisibility...
* [[The Comically Serious]]
* [[Cool Shades]]: He even wears them at night, although his augmented vision helps prevent the world being too shady. The shades are to hide his eyes.
* [[Creepy Monotone]]: Intended to allow the player to insert their own emotion, though even divorced from its justification, it fits JC's character design.
* [[Dark Is Not Evil]]: JC is as dark and serious as his brother, but he's good.
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* [[Nanotechnology]]: Is a walking test bed for the technology. {{spoiler|Intended to be this on purpose by Bob Page and Walton Simons so they can refine their own use of nanmachines for their own goals, though this comes back to bite them on the ass later}}.
* [[Nigh Invulnerable]]: It's possible to make him this to pretty much anything, but long falls or explosions at point-blank range, even on realistic difficulty.
** [[One-Man Army]]: What you are considered after the halfway point of the game.
* [[Phlebotinum Rebel]]: Oh yes, indeed. From expendable prototype testbed for the real deal in the head conspirators to bane of the head conspirators' existence.
* [[Properly Paranoid]]: JC can be this.
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* [[Sealed Good in a Can]]: For ''Invisible War''.
* [[Significant Monogram]]
* [[Stealth Expert]]: You can play him this way, and certain characters will encourage him to be this.
* [[Stealth Expert]]
* [[The Stoic]]
* [[Sunglasses at Night]]: Lampshaded by Anna, and Handwaved via JC's 'My vision is augmented' explanation. In game terms, the reason probably has something to do with the fact that the glasses conceal one of the only visible signs that JC is a nano-aug.
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** [[Badass Beard]]
** [[Badass Longcoat]]
** [[One-Man Army]]: It is entirely possible for Paul to be this near the midpoint of the game.
* [[Bio Augmentation]]
* [[Conspiracy Theorist]]: Of course, in the ''Deus Ex'' universe, he is completely right.
* [[Dark Is Not Evil]]
* {{spoiler|[[Face Heel Turn]]: Subverted. Turns out it was actually a [[Heel Face Turn]]}}.
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* {{spoiler|[[The Mole]]: For the NSF}}.
* [[Nanotechnology]]
** [[One-Man Army]]: It is entirely possible for Paul to be this near the midpoint of the game.
* [[Phlebotinum Rebel]]: Rebelled before little bro JC did. However, not as successful at it as JC was.
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: Blue to his little bro JC's potential Red. He's the one who urges you basically to think before you shoot.
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* [[Bald of Evil]]: {{spoiler|At the end, as he's preparing for the merger}}.
* [[Big Bad]]: Page is the leader of Majestic-12 and the mastermind behind the events of the game.
* [[Big Bad]]
* [[Bio Augmentation]]
* [[Corrupt Corporate Executive]]
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* [[Villainous Breakdown]]: If you follow Everett's suggestion to kill him, he'll get increasingly unhinged and desperate. Amusingly, since his taunting messages to the player are scripted by location, he'll come across as bipolar, switching between pleading with JC and mocking him.
** While it's not nearly as loud, he does this if JC is doing the steps to reach the Helios Ending as well. {{spoiler|His final line in this case is an almost child-like "Helios? Icarus? Don't leave me..."}}
* [[Villain with Good Publicity]]: And how. A newspaper you come across in the game discusses him donating oodles of money to health clinics, and in ''Missing Link'', emails from him have a very friendly and casual nature. This is nothing to his true self.
* [[Villain with Good Publicity]]
* [[Voice with an Internet Connection]]
* [[We Can Rule Together]]: Resorts to this in desperation when JC is getting close to stopping him.
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* [[The Comically Serious]]: Throw things at him and watch his reaction.
* [[Creator Cameo]]: He is voiced by one of the producers of the game.
* [[Creepy Monotone]]: Let's put it this way: if JC sounds stoic, Simons sounds soulless.
* [[Dangerously Genre Savvy]]:
{{quote|''"Denton? Walton Simons here. What an expensive mistake you turned out to be. I ordered the troops to kill you, because frankly I don't have the patience to wait for one of those damn killswitches to work."''}}
* [[The Dragon]]: Simons is Page's second-in-command and handles most of Majestic-12's dirty work.
* [[The Dragon]]
* [[Evil Counterpart]]: To JC, somewhat.
{{quote|'''Simons:''' ''"You take another step forward and here I am again, like your own reflection in a hall of mirrors."''
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* [[Body Count Competition]]: Gunther Hermann and Anna Navarre seem to have such a competition. If the [[Player Character]] is killed by Anna, she'll sometimes say "Nine hundred and ten. I'm catching up, Gunther."
* [[Butt Monkey]]: Gunther suffers quite a few indignities of varying degrees, from getting kidnapped, to getting phased out in favor of agents with newer augmentations, to being unable to get the soda he wants.
* [[Cyborg]]: Per the universe. Of course, with Paul and JC on the scene, Gunther is going obsolete.
* [[Cyborg]]
* [[Honor Before Reason]]: Gunther cannot be talked down from fighting you in Paris.
* [[Huge Guy, Tiny Girl]]: Tiny is pushing it, but Ann certainly is compared to Gunther.
* [[Invisibility]]: Anna's augment of choice. She also runs the tutorial on stealth.
* [[Jerkass]]: Anna. Unless you're a merciless killer, she treats you like crap. However, showing a little humility and deferring to her early on during the second mission will delay some of her more abrasive tendencies, but still, she'll wind up treating you like shit for not being a cold blooded killer sooner or later.
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* [[The Lancer]]: It's strongly implied that he and JC are childhood friends.
* [[The Medic]]: Note, however, that his name is pronounced "High-mee".
* [[Voice with an Internet Connection]]: During the Training part of the game.
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* [[Affably Evil]]: Albeit of the benevolent sort.
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]: Though what he is manipulating you towards is pretty obvious.
* [[Scary Black Man]]:
** His underling Toby Atanwe fits even better.
* [[Voice with an Internet Connection]]
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* [[Adam Smith Hates Your Guts]]: Mostly played straight unless he owes you a favor, then he'll cut you a massive discount.
* [[Badass Longcoat|Badass Trenchcoat]]: A trenchcoat version.
* [[Cool Shades]]
* [[Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"|Only]]: KnownHe's only ever known as "the Smuggler"]].
* [[Properly Paranoid]]
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[[Category:Deus Ex]]
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