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Suikoden V/Characters: Difference between revisions

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=== Queen Arshtat Falenas ===
* [[AAlmighty God Am IMom]]: DueWhen toyour themother Sunis Rune'sa influenceQueen...
* {{spoiler|[[Anyone Can Die]]: She is killed by Georg Prime (see his entry for further details as to why under [[The Promise]]) when the Sun Rune's control over her becomes out of hand, and she begins to prepare to destroy all of Falena.}}
* [[Almighty Mom]]
* {{spoiler|[[Anyone Can Die]]: She is killed by Georg Prime (see his entry for further details as to why under [[The Promise]]) when the Sun Rune's control over her becomes out of hand, and she begins to prepare to destroy all of Falena.}}
* [[Artifact of Doom]]: As Queen, she is bearer of one of Falena's greatest treasures: the Sun Rune. However, its power seems to be affecting her judgment as the game begins...
* [[Badass Family]]
* [[Big Screwed-Up Family]]: A major driving factor for her: most of her family was killed during the Falenan Succession Conflict, and she vowed to ensure such a situation would never occur again.
* [[Big Fancy Castle]]: She commands from the sprawling Sun Palace.
* [[Big Screwed-Up Family]]: A major driving factor for her: most of her family was killed during the Falenan Succession Conflict, and she vowed to ensure such a situation would never occur again.
* [[Blue Eyes]]
** [[Costume Porn]]: Her outfit is particularly [http://www.suikosource.com/chars/list/imageviewnojs.php?img=a/arshtat01.png&char_id=31 elaborate.]
* [[Deadly Decadent Court]]: She has worked tirelessly along with her husband, Ferid, to reform palace life and the darker underbelly of Falena, regardless of what sort of enemies they may have made in the process.
* {{spoiler|[[Doomed by Canon]]: If you got Richmond to investigate Georg in [[Suikoden II]], you already know that Arshtat will be killed by Georg.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Dying as Yourself]]: In her last moments after getting impaled, [[Tear Jerker|she thanks Georg for stopping her (from destroying the country with the Sun Rune), then asks him to watch over her children.]]}}
* [[Fantasy Counterpart Culture]]: The Falenan Royals and their guard's designs borrow from a variety of different cultural styles - Egyptian, Greek and Japanese (especially the knights, who have a definite Samurai vibe) seem to be the main influence, and the concept of a powerful ''female'' ruler mirrors British monarchs [[The Virgin Queen|Elizabeth I]] and [[Queen Vicky|Queen Victoria]]. Arshtat's design is the pinnacle of this (brilliant) cultural melange.
* [[A God Am I]]: Due to the Sun Rune's influence.
* [[God Save Us From the Queen]]: As seen when she is under the Sun Rune's corrupting influence.
* [[Happily Married]]
Line 81 ⟶ 82:
* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]]: When she's not under the Sun Rune's sway.
* [[Requisite Royal Regalia]]
** [[Costume Porn]]: Her outfit is particularly [http://www.suikosource.com/chars/list/imageviewnojs.php?img=a/arshtat01.png&char_id=31 elaborate.]
** [[Nice Hat|Nice Crown]]
* [[Trailers Always Lie]]: Trailers for the game made it appear that a [[Brainwashed and Crazy]] Arshtat would be your main opponent. {{spoiler|She's killed offscreen during the coup.}}
* [[Weaponized Headgear]]: The Sun Rune is borne on the forehead.
* [[White-Haired Pretty Girl]]
=== Ferid {{spoiler|Egan}} ===
* [[Asskicking Equals Authority]]: To get engaged to Arshat (and thus, to become the Commander of the Queen's Knights) he had to win the Sacred Games.
* [[Badass Family]]
** [[Four-Star Badass]]: He's captain of the Queen's Knights.
* [[Curtains Match the Window]]
* [[Dark Horse Victory]]: His victory in the Sacred Games came as a severe shock to the local aristocracy, who expected one of the gladiators hired to represent one of their own to win; needless to say, while he has become popular with the public since then, many of the nobility still resent him.
* {{spoiler|[[Defusing the Tykebomb]]}}: {{spoiler|Helped a Nether Gate castoff named Mismar become a normal girl.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Domestic Abuse]]}}: {{spoiler|He is literally incinerated by his Sun Rune-crazed wife, Arshtat.}}
** [[Four-Star Badass]]: He's captain of the Queen's Knights.
* [[Mr. Fanservice]]
* [[Happily Married]]
* [[Hot Dad]]: YES.
* [[Mr. Fanservice]]: Quite pretty.
* [[Mysterious Past]]: A citizen of the Island Nations Federation, he keeps his family background a secret to avoid political complications, going simply by "Ferid".
** {{spoiler|[[Secret Other Family]]: He was the eldest son of Admiral Skald Egan of the Island Nations, thereby making Bernadette his younger sister.}}
* [[One-Man Army]]: In his youth, during the invasion of Falena by bordering Armes, he practically saved the nation single-handedly by fighting on the front lines of the war as Commander of the Queen's Knights.
* [[The Promise]]: {{spoiler|He made an arrangement with Georg that he was to kill Arshtat should she lose her sanity while in control of the Sun Rune, in case he was otherwise incapacitated. Georg reluctantly agreed.}}
Line 109 ⟶ 108:
* [[Mama Bear|Auntie Bear]]: This is definitely in evidence during the early part of the game, and a significant reason for her {{spoiler|dramatic [[Face Heel Turn]]}} is because of her desire to ''protect'' her young niece and nephew.
* [[Badass Family]]: She's Queen Arshtat's younger sister and the Prince & Lymsleia's aunt.
* {{spoiler|[[The Bad Guy Wins]]: She accomplishes all of her objectives, breaks the power of the nobility and allows Lymsleia to reform the Queendom's government.}}
** {{spoiler|[[The Extremist Was Right]]}}
* [[Blow You Away]]: She specialises in Wind Rune magic.
* [[Christmas Cake]]: Mentioned by a few characters, who refer to her as the Prince's "old auntie", much to her annoyance.
** [["Ma'am" Shock]]
* [[Crutch Character]]: Starts out as a fairly powerful long-range fighter, as well as a decent spellcaster, but is saddled with an irremovable Wind Rune. {{spoiler|And she ditches your party halfway through the game.}}
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: And she loves it.
* [[Expository Hairstyle Change]]
* {{spoiler|[[Face Heel Turn]], albeit for [[Necessarily Evil]] reasons}}
* [[The Fashionista]]: Even Josephine is mightily impressed that she designs and creates her own gowns.
* [[Fashionable Asymmetry]]: Her kimono-esque outfit.
* [[The Fashionista]]: Even Josephine is mightily impressed that she designs and creates her own gowns.
* [[Hello, Nurse!]]
* [[It's Personal]]: She utterly ''despises'' Lucretia Merces, mostly because {{spoiler|it was she who convinced her sister Arshtat to take up the Sun Rune in the first place...}}
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* [[Oba-san]]: ....although she probably wouldn't appreciate the implications of this title.
* [[Peek-a-Bangs]]: She wears her tousled, honey blonde hair in a high pony-tail that falls (sexily) over one side of her face.
* {{spoiler|[[Promotion to Parent]]: She serves as a surrogate mother to the Prince, since she serves as a guide to the places the Prince tours. This is more poignant after Arshtat is slain}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Promotion to Parent]]}}
* [[Rings of Death]]: She wields a pair of chakram in combat.
* {{spoiler|[[Secret Relationship]]}}: {{spoiler|Is implied to be in one with Kyle.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]: She confesses to Lucretia that she didn't think the Prince could properly clean up the Senate without problems down the road, so took matters into her own hands for the sake of the Queendom.}}
* {{spoiler|[[White-Haired Pretty Girl]]}}: {{spoiler|With [[White-Haired Pretty Boy]] connotations.}}
=== Lady Haswar Falenas, the Oracle ===
** [[Badass Pacifist]]: She is NOT a fighter, but does everything in her power to peacefully resist the Godwins.
* [[Badass Family]]
** [[Badass Pacifist]]: She is NOT a fighter, but does everything in her power to peacefully resist the Godwins.
* [[Blue Eyes]]
* [[Cuteness Proximity]]: ''Really'' into the beavers.
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== The Queen's Knights ==
=== Lyon/{{spoiler|/Mismar}} ===
* [[Action Girl]]: You can't be a bodyguard if you can't fight.
* {{spoiler|[[Anyone Can Die]]: Although she can be saved, see below.}}
* [[Badass Adorable]]
** [[Determinator]]: She protects the Prince with her life and takes her duties very seriously.
* [[Bob Haircut]]
* [[Bodyguard Babes|Body Guard Babe]]: She's the Prince's personal bodygyard.
* [[Bodyguard Crush]]: Heavily implied to have one on the Prince
* [[Dark and Troubled Past]]: {{spoiler|Used to be a member of Nether Gate until it was 'disbanded', and was taken in by Ferid, who helped her grow out of her [[Tyke Bomb]] status.}}
** [[Determinator]]: She protects the Prince with her life and takes her duties very seriously.
* [[Expy]]: Though not in appearance, her role in the plot is pretty much identical to Gremio from the first game. {{spoiler|Including the [[Heroic Sacrifice]]}}
* [[Impossibly Cool Weapon]]: Seriously. A switchblade katana. It's a real weapon too, known as a nagamaki.
Line 166 ⟶ 164:
* [[Not Blood Siblings]]: Ferid outright state she's like his third child, in front of the Prince too, but neither is bothered.
* [[Plucky Girl]]: One of the best examples in the Suikoden series.
* {{spoiler|[[Taking the Bullet|Taking The Blade]]: Saves the Prince from Dolph's ambush during the New Queen's Campaign, nearly dying in the process and winding up on the sidelines for some time afterwards.}}
* [[Undying Loyalty]]: To the Prince.
=== Georg Prime ===
* [[A Taste of Power]]: When he's available.....
* [[Badass]]
** [[Badass Cape]]: And still wearing his brown cape from the second game.
* [[Bodyguard Betrayal]]: Gets accused of this; {{spoiler|the truth is more complicated than that, see below [[The Promise]]}}.
* [[Breakout Character]]: He went from being a minor character in [[Suikoden II]] to being one of the main characters of this game.
* [[Crutch Character]]: He starts at level 20 and is one of the best physical attackers in the game. Naturally, he is rarely available after the prologue.
* [[Eyepatch of Power]]: It covers the eye that was wounded during the battle where Ferid saved him. Though the eye it covers works just fine. He just wears it to remind himself to never get too cocky.
* [[Mr. Fanservice]]
* [[Eyepatch of Power]]
* [[Glass Cannon]] / [[Fantastic Fragility]]: He's really weak against magic, but his strong physical stats make up for it.
* [[Hero with Bad Publicity]]: Suikoden 5 fleshes out fully the snippets of his back-story revealed in 2.
* [[Iaijutsu Practitioner]]: His sword is even referred to as an Iai sword.
* [[Knight in Sour Armor]]: When compared to the more youthful Prince and Lyon, Georg is a bit more jaded, though not as much as Sialeeds.
* [[Knight in Sour Armor]]
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]: His strength, skill, and speed are among the highest in the game.
* [[Mr. Fanservice]]: A number of maids talk about Georg being a foreigner. But they think he's very pretty.
* {{spoiler|[[Papa Wolf]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Papa Wolf]]: His promise to Arshtat is that he will look out for the Prince and Lym. Not blood related, but he follows it just as much}}.
* [[The Promise]]: {{spoiler|He is forced to fulfil his vow to Ferid, having reluctantly promised to kill Arshtat in order to prevent her from doing greater damage when she was completely taken over by the Sun Rune's power.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Promotion to Parent]]: Arshtat's final words to him were "take care of my children" - he upholds her dying request.}}
* [[Put on a Bus]]: Quite often.
* [[Recurring Character]]: ''Suikoden 5'' marks his second appearance in the series, but is chronologically his first.
* [[The Red Baron]]: His skill with the blade has earned him such names as "Deathblow Georg" and "Georg Who Needs No Second Strike".
* {{spoiler|[[Shoot the Dog]]: During his stint in Falena, he served as one of the Queen's Knights, but ultimately had to kill the Queen Arshtat when she lost her sanity after unintentionally killing her husband Ferid}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Shoot the Dog]]}}
* [[Sweet Tooth]]: His [[Trademark Favorite Food]]? Cheesecake.
* [[Tall, Dark and Handsome]]: Taller than the Prince, black hair and clothes, and a number of people discuss his prettiness.
* [[A Taste of Power]]: When he's available.....
* [[Time to Unlock More True Potential]]: While this is Zegai's role in the castle, Georg can also teach Physical skills while you're traveling on the map.
* [[Wandering the Earth]]: What he does after the game, and he admits this to Riou in the second game.
=== Miakis ===
* [[Action Girl]]
* [[Badass]]
* [[Little Miss Badass]]: She's [[Older Than She Looks]], but the trope still applies compared to the other Queen's Knights.
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: Despite being the most cheerful out of the Queen's Knights, she got that job (as well as being the personal bodyguard to the heiress to the Queendom) for a ''very'' good reason. Best seen when she cheerfully threatens (with one of her knives) to toss Euram into a river after he gets a little too close when trying to court the ten year old Lymsleia. She would have been chosen as a Dragon Knight too if she wasn't female.
* [[Bodyguard Babes|Bodyguard Babe]]: She is Princess Lymsleia's personal bodyguard.
* {{spoiler|[[Break the Cutie]]: Has a heartwrenching breakdown when forced to face the prince in a duel.}}
* [[Bunny Ears Lawyer]]: She's ''far'' more carefree and lackdaisical than Lyon.
* {{spoiler|[[Duel Boss]]/[[Fighting Your Friend]]: As a result of Gizel's manipulation, she duels the Prince in Doraat}}.
* [[The Gadfly]]: She loves to mess with her friends' heads. For example, she tricks Lym into thinking that the ceremonial battle the Prince competed in for the Sacred Games was part of the official tournament and thus the Prince seeks his sister's hand in marriage.
* {{spoiler|[[Fighting Your Friend]]}}
* [[The Gadfly]]
* [[Hot Amazon]]: Rog is attracted to her because she beat up most of the boys in their hometown when they were kids.
* [[Knife Nut]]: She wields two Ghurka-type, curved daggers.
* [[Little Miss Badass]]: She's [[Older Than She Looks]], but the trope still applies compared to the other Queen's Knights.
* [[Magic Knight]]: The one of the best magic users out of the Knights, and has a decent attack.
* [[Little Miss Snarker]]: Albeit mostly playfully.
* [[Magic Knight]]: The one of the best magic users out of the Knights, and has a decent attack.
* [[Plucky Girl]]
* [[Shipper on Deck]]: Ships [[Brother-Sister Incest|Prince/Lym]]. (Though it's hard to tell if she's serious about that or not.)
* [[Silk Hiding Steel]]: Ever cheerful and outgoing, she always does her job with polite words and a nice, big smile—even when she's got a dagger to your throat.
* {{spoiler|[[Unwitting Pawn]]}}: It's heavily implied that {{spoiler|Gizel engineered her presence at Doraat and ''allowed'' her defection so that she would spread the truth of what she'd seen during the coup -- including how she witnessed Georg stabbing the Queen}}.
=== Kyle ===
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* [[Bunny Ears Lawyer]]: Like Miakis above, there's a ''very'' good reason why he's one of the Queen's Knights (despite his laid back attitude)
* [[The Casanova]]: Suikoden 5's very own Don Juan.
* [[Chivalrous Pervert]]: He'll flirt with any female, but he's not rude about it.
* [[Continuity Nod]]: In the same vein that the Prince's disguise clothes are a nod to [[Mc Dohl]]'s outfit in [[Suikoden I]], Kyle's disguise seems to be a nod to Viktor's.
* [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]: His happy-go-lucky attitude hides his brilliance in combat, and in fact, in battle he holds his sword with a loose, wavering grip to make opponents underestimate him.
* [[Mr. Fanservice]]
* [[Hair of Gold]]
* [[Handsome Lech]]: Women seem to be on his mind ''all'' of the time when the Prince interacts with him.
* [[Heroes Prefer Swords]]: He wields a katana named Tianjin Wind.
* [[Magic Knight]]: He is equally skilled in both magic and combat.
** [[Making a Splash]]: He specialises in Water Rune magic.
* [[Mr. Fanservice]]: [[In-Universe]], he's broken a string of hearts.
* [[Secret Relationship]]: {{spoiler|Is implied to be in one with Sialeeds.}}
* [[Unresolved Sexual Tension]]: With Alenia. {{spoiler|[[Subverted]] later when it's revealed '''he's''' not the one she's attracted to.}}
Line 238 ⟶ 234:
* [[Amicably Divorced]]: {{spoiler|From Silva.}}
* [[Badass Grandpa]]: Is a powerful Queen Knight, despite his age.
* [[Blade on a Stick]]: He wields the huge Thundering Halberd.
* [[Cool Old Guy]]: Stoic and stern, but noble and true.
* [[Grumpy Bear]]
* [[My Master, Right or Wrong]]: Arshtat turned his hometown of Lordlake into a barren wasteland, but he still follows her because she is his queen. {{spoiler|After Lym's coronation, this causes him to do a brief [[Face Heel Turn]] as this technically makes The Prince's army traitors to the throne. Subverted afterwards when Silva convinces him how foolish this is.}}
* [[Old MasterSoldier]]: The oldest known Queen Knight.
* [[Stern Teacher]]
* [[Undying Loyalty]]: To the Falenan throne.
Line 250 ⟶ 246:
* {{spoiler|[[Ax Crazy]]: Before the boss battle against them in Sun Palace, she and Zahhak become this when they take the Raging Nostrum drug.}}
* [[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing]]: Paper-thin clothing. Her loyalty to Arshtat was purely contingent on supporting the Godwins.
* [[Determinator]]: Her father used to be a knight prior to his death, and she is determined to honor his memory and ensure the Queendom thrives... though she adopts a more combative stance than most of the other knights.
* [[Dual Boss]]: With Zahhak.
* [[Face Heel Turn]]: {{spoiler|She turns against the Royal Family to side with the Godwin faction.}}
* [[Fiery Redhead]]: Even uses a Fire Rune {{spoiler|after her attempt to control the Twilight Rune didn't pan out}}.
* [[Jerkass]]: While betraying the royal family is a jerky thing to do, she couples this by being a giant bitch about it.
* [[Jerkass]]
* {{spoiler|[[Murder the Hypotenuse]]}}: {{spoiler|She lies to Gizel by telling him that Sialeeds is dead to convince Marscal to use the Sun Rune, which kills Sialeeds.}}
* [[Obstructive Zealot]]
* [[Recurring Boss]]: She's fought three times.
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni|Red Oni]]: To Zahhak's Blue.
* [[Recurring Boss]]
* [["Stop Having Fun!" Guys]]: She ''strongly'' disapproves of Kyle's flighty, flirty attitude.
* [[Those Two Bad Guys]]: With Zahhak
* [[Triang Relations]]: {{spoiler|The A in a Type 4 -- She loves Gizel, but while he is aware of her feelings, he merely manipulates them while pursuing Sialeeds.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Villainous Breakdown]]: After she successfully [[Murder the Hypotenuse|engineers her rival's death]], Gizel reveals that he ''knows'' she lied.}}
* {{spoiler|[[You Shall Not Pass]]: At the end of the game. It costs her life}}.
=== Zahhak ===
Line 273 ⟶ 269:
* [[Face Heel Turn]] {{spoiler|He turns against the Royal Family to side with the Godwin faction.}}
* [[Obstructive Zealot]]
* [[Recurring Boss]]: He's fought twice in battle, and can be fought a few times in war battles.
* [[The Stoic]]: Calm no matter the circumstance, even when torching a city.
* [[The Stoic]]
* [[Those Two Bad Guys]]: With Alenia.
* [[Uh-Oh Eyes]]: He sports unsettling, ice-blue eyes.
* {{spoiler|[[You Shall Not Pass]]: In Sol-Falena, when going to rescue Lym}}.
== The Godwin Faction ==
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