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Suikoden V/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* {{spoiler|[[But Now I Must Go]]: Disappears at the end of the game. A conversation with the dying Sialeeds remarks that the Prince now no longer has any need of her. Quite possibly the reason why she leaves Cius, but lets Lelei comes with her}}.
* [[The Chessmaster]]: One of the series' premier examples.
* [[Darkskinned Blonde]]: She has the same look as the Karaya from ''Suikoden 3III''. {{spoiler|Turns out this is because she ''is'' Karayan by blood, and went to Harmonia after her home was scorched by the True Fire Rune during the first Fire Bringer War}}.
* [[Heel Face Turn]]: {{spoiler|It's revealed shortly after she's recruited that she used to be a Strategist for the Godwins, and betrayed them the moment she felt that serving them wasn't the right thing to do. In fact, the reason Arshtat sent her to the prison in the first place was to prevent the Godwins from executing her.}}.
* {{spoiler|[[The Mole]]}}: {{spoiler|Implied to have been one for Harmonia. Whether the reason why she hasn't reported in to her superiors since being released is because she's [[Becoming the Mask|Become The Mask]] or because she's been distracted by the war is unknown.}}.
* [[Odd Name Out]]: She's one of the few ''Suikoden'' strategists who are not of the Silverberg lineage, the other being Shu in 2''Suikoden II''. And even ''with'' that, it should be noted that Shu was nevertheless the ''student'' of a Silverberg. Lucretia has no (known) connection at all.
* [[Rescue Arc]]: The Prince must bust her out of prison before she can be recruited.
* [[Shoot the Dog]]: {{spoiler|She convinced Arshtat to take up the Sun Rune to prevent it from being stolen.}}.
* [[Shout-Out]]: Her feather fan and over-all look seems to be a fond nod to legendary strategist, [[Dynasty Warriors|Zhuge Liang]]. Not to mention her tactics.
* [[Strange Syntax Speaker]]
* [[The Strategist]]: The games makes it firmly clear that she's one of the absolute best in the whole series, and ''shows'' it in the actual battles she orchestrates... with planning bordering on precognition, just like the person she's based on.
* [[Thousand-Yard Stare]]: Her portrait expression exhibits this when she is dishing out her strategic advice.
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* [[Ambiguously Gay|Ambiguously Lesbian]]: Though it's only ambiguous because its never explicitly stated.
* [[Back-to-Back Badasses]]: With Cius during their unite attack.
* [[Bodyguard Crush]]: She takes it upon herself to guard Lucretia, because of her feelings for her and will automatically join the Prince's army when Lucretia does.
* [[Butch Lesbian]]/[[Lipstick Lesbian]]: She has traits of both. If nothing else, Lucretia ironically wears the pants in the relationship.
* [[Lima Syndrome]]: It's implied she fell for Lucretia while guarding her cell.
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* [[The Strategist]]: Is taking lessons from Lucretia.
* [[To Be a Master]]
* {{spoiler|[[Took a Level in Badass]]}}: {{spoiler|In her epilogue, she disappears with Lucretia and reemerges some time later as a genius strategist.}}.
* [[Undying Loyalty]]: To Lucretia.
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* [[The Fettered]]: He's an honorable sort who values duty above all else.
* [[The Generic Guy]]
* [[Out of Focus]]: Compared to Lelei, he gets very little attention and/development. {{spoiler|The epilogue reveals Lucretia and Lelei left him behind when they departed, leaving him temporarily depressed, though he rebounds and eventually comes to lead the Falenan Police Corps.}}.
=== Cathari ===
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* [[The Gunslinger]]: Cathari is a member of the Howling Voice Guild of assassins and wields their trademark long barreled sniper rifle.
* [[In the Hood]]: Although she doesn't put it over her head.
* {{spoiler|[[Murder, Inc.]]: Like Clive of ''Suikoden 1I'' &and 2''Suikoden II'' fame, she is a member of the Howling Voice Assassins Guild and trained there from birth. She is trying to find out why Lucretia hasn't reported in to her Harmonian superiors since she was freed from prison.}}.
* [[Mysterious Past]]: Whatever Lucretia knows about Cathari's past, she isn't talking.
* [[Rule of Cool]]: The outfit, the gun, the mysteriousness, etc.
* [[Sniper Rifle]]: Her weapon -: incidently, one of the few gun-users in the ''Suikoden'' universe.
* [[Super Speed]]: Like Stallion and Cedric before her, she's the one who gives you the ability to run like the wind across the world map.
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=== Oboro ===
* [[Ain't Too Proud to Beg]]: Much to {{spoiler|<s> Crow</s> Raven's}} fury, as he can't tell whether or not he's being serious.
* [[Atonement Detective]]: {{spoiler|Used to be the head of Nether Gate's Intelligence Division, where he was known as Shinatsu. Following its disbandment, he took Sagiri and Shigure and has tried to give them a normal life}}.
* [[Cool Boat]]: Oboro's office is actually a ship that sails up and down the Feitas river.
* [[Covert Pervert]]: Some of his observations are... questionable.
* [[Cuteness Proximity]]: He trains mice to help him tail people. He has several mice working for him, but he never explains just how he trains them.
* {{spoiler|[[Defusing the Tykebomb]]: Has been working on this for Shigure and Sagiri.}}.
* [[Guide Dang It]]: Recruiting him can be tricky;: you have to make the 'correct' choices while {{spoiler|helping him investigate Norden}}. Do the sequence correctly, and he'll join the first time you ask. For each point you miss/mess up on, however, you have to ask him an extra time—andtime... and you can only ask at certain points in gameplay. Wait too long, and they leave the area for good before you can convince him.
* [[Information Desk]]: His speciality -: like Richmond before him, he can be recruited (for a small fee) to find out the whereabouts of as yet recruited characters, although a certain amount of [[Figure It Out Yourself]] is also required.
* [[Knowledge Broker]]: AswellAs well as letting the hero know the location of potential recruits, he can also investigate current team-mates, offering fun trivia, but also useful game information about pairings for unite attacks, for example.
* [[Mind Screw]]: His entry in the official strategy guide:
{{quote|"This is the type of thing you want to be doing. When and if you have the time and the inclination for such things. This is a great idea. Sometimes a pony gets depressed. Get a load of this view and it's the best in the west. All the young dudes carry the news. This is the type of thing you want to be doing. When and if you have the time and inclination."}}
* [[Monochromatic Eyes]]
* [[My Card]]: One of his trademarks is handing these out, hoping that the practice will catch on as well as drive up more business.
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* [[Back-to-Back Badasses]]: With Sagiri in their Unite Attack.
* [[Betting Minigame]]: He serves as the Intermediate opponent for Linfa's Blind Man's Bluff, and is a savvier and more difficult to read opponent than she is.
* [[Blinding Bangs]]: Fuyo wants him to cut them back, but so far no go. {{spoiler|Probably has [[Monochromatic Eyes]] behind them.}}.
* [[Brilliant but Lazy]]
* [[Papa Wolf|Brother Wolf]]: For all his complaining, you don't want to threaten his family.
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* [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]: When not lazy, he's damn good with a knife.
* [[Everythings Better With Ninjas]]: He's pretty much one in all but name.
* [[Foreshadowing]]: A clever instance: during his first appearance, he {{spoiler|comments that he recognizes Lyon, which Sagiri affirms}}—but... but it's phrased in such a way that it sounds like {{spoiler|he's hitting on her}}.
* [[Grumpy Bear]]: With his catchphrase being "What a pain...".
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]: Among the highest speed in the game, and he hits hard.
* [[Meaningful Name]]/[[Theme Naming]]: Shigure means 'short autumn rainfall' in Japanese, and all of his weapons are named for the weather.
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=== Sagiri ===
* [[Back-to-Back Badasses]];: With Shigure in their Unite Attack.
* {{spoiler|[[Death Seeker]]: Wouldn't mind if Nakula kills her; if he dies in a war battle, she even writes to the Prince wondering why she didn't die instead.}}.
* [[Earn Your Happy Ending]]: {{spoiler|She does. It's revealed that the smile begins to fade after the events of the game.}}.
* [[Guide Dang It]]: Notably won't join at the same time as the other members; she won't ''officially'' get her name on that Tablet unless the princePrince goes through another recruitment sequence that is easy to miss.
* [[Meaningful Name]]/[[Theme Naming]]: Her name means 'light fog'.
* [[Monochromatic Eyes]]: It makes her quite unsettling.
* {{spoiler|[[Please Kill Me If It Satisfies You]] -: Says this to Nakula.}}.
* [[The Promise]]: A dark take. {{spoiler|At the end of the game, Nakula promises he will return to Falena to kill Sagiri after dealing with the Nether Gate forces left in Nagarea. She accepts.}}.
* [[Psychotic Smirk]]: {{spoiler|albeitAlbeit, unintentionally}}.
* [[Stepford Smiler]]: {{spoiler|Was brainwashed to smile while she killed, and had it so severely drilled into her that she's ''always'' smiling.}}.
== Rune Masters ==
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