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Mass Effect 2/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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** "What can you tell me about [x]?" <ref>Shepard has a very blunt way of asking about what s/he wants to know in the "Investigate" dialogue option.</ref>
** That freakin' [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWYUiVfZo9k dancing turian] made me fail an update!!! <ref>During Thane's loyalty quest, at one point you will stop at a bar/club area and a turian (which looks suspiciously like Groundskeeper) walks over to some humans and asari then dances like he freaking owns the place</ref>
* [[Misaimed Fandom]]: This is the game that created a legion of Cerberus sympathizers (especially PS3 owners who couldn't see any of Cerberus' crimes and horrible experiments in the first ''Mass Effect''), with defenders taking everything the Illusive Man says at face value. To say the least, there were people who wanted to protest the third game when it was revealed that Cerberus were antagonists once more.
* [[Most Annoying Sound]] / [[Limited Sound Effects]]:
** If you've offered celebrity endorsements to every shop on the Citadel: '''"I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite store on the Citadel!"'''
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