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Mass Effect 2/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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*** Morinth and Samara, despite being modelled on the same woman, have different animations. Samara looks a lot more normal than Morinth and her creepy square teeth and her creepy smile. Considering [[The Sociopath|who Morinth is]], this may very well be intentional.
** Many of the female character's proportions just look wrong, particularly Miranda's (a realistic head on a spindly, very thin body but with big breasts and buttocks). In fairness to this one though, this is par for the course for many female video game characters.
** Not its face, obviously (it's a just flashlight, after all), but Legion has a habit of awkwardly mimicking the movements and posture of those it speaks to, particularly Shepard. The best example is the handshake Shepard offers: Legion obviously has no clue what to do and just repeats the motions.
*** In cutscenes, it moves on the same animation skeleton as its interchangeable organic teammates, leading to some oddly human body language sometimes; use it on your vent-shaft team in the suicide mission, and it somehow acts out of breath.
* [[What Do You Mean It's Not Political?]]:
** C-Sec has instituted new security and travel rules, including seemingly random no-fly lists and item confiscations, as a knee-jerk reaction to a massive attack. They're so ineffective they label a pair of asari as geth infiltrators and fail to notice {{spoiler|''the geth in your party''}}. Anyone familiar with post-9/11 airport security in the US will recognize the system and the common criticisms of it.
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* [[Canon Sue]]: [[BioWare]] uses Miranda to explore the entire concept of the [[Mary Sue|perfect human]]. She's unbelievably gorgeous, brilliant and skilled. She is those things because her father, an egotistical prick, designed her that way in a lab. [[Deconstructed Trope|Miranda is tortured by all of those gifts, seeing in them constant evidence of her father's influence.]]
* [[Jerkass Woobie]]
* [[Les Yay]]: Since most of her dialog for Shepards of either gender is the same, her behavior can come off as this towards a female Shepard, not to mention that there's [[Dummied Out]] dialog still in the game indicating that at one point [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcQe0ZyXo58 she could be romanced by a female Shepard], which might make this technically an in-universe example.
** Taken [[Up to Eleven]] in the third installment, to the point where you're honestly surprised nothing comes of it. On-screen, anyway.
* [[Memetic Mutation]]: DAT ASS.
* [[Uncanny Valley]]: Her face looks a little...off at times. [[Fridge Brilliance]] comes in when it's meant to be perfect, thus looks a little off.
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* [[Ugly Cute]]
** [[Uncanny Valley]]: Not its face, obviously (it's a just flashlight, after all), but Legion has a habit of awkwardly mimicking the movements and posture of those it speaks to, particularly Shepard. The best example is the handshake Shepard offers: Legion obviously has no clue what to do and just repeats the motions.
*** In cutscenes, it moves on the same animation skeleton as its interchangeable organic teammates, leading to some oddly human body language sometimes; use it on your vent-shaft team in the suicide mission, and it somehow acts out of breath.
* [[Values Dissonance]]: A lot of Legion's dialogue involves it explaining how the geth operate in terms both Shepard and the player can understand. During its loyalty quest, Legion will agree with Renegade Shepard's point that organic and synthetic moral values are fundamentally different when the other teammate questions the moral ramifications of rewriting the programming of the heretics, explaining that organics are individuals and that consensus takes time and effort whereas there are no individuals among synthetics and that communication between them is instantaneous. Legion will even go as far as saying that it would be racist to think otherwise.
** While there are a lot of differences between the geth and organic life, it is still possible to find common ground. The following quote can be [[Values Resonance]] for a lot of people:
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