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An old friend of Admiral Hackett, Dr. Kenson sent a shockwave through the galactic community by publishing research that proved the Mass Relays pre-dated the Prothean civilization. She is later incarcerated by the batarians who claim they stopped her from committing terrorist acts. {{spoiler|Turns out they were half right since, although she had planned to smash an asteroid into the Alpha Relay, it was to prevent the Reapers from using it as a springboard when they arrived. Unfortunately, by the time Shepard frees her, she had already been indoctrinated and will now do everything in her power to stop Shepard from interfering with her masters' plan}}.
* [[Adventurer Archaeologist]]
* [[Adventurer Archaeologist]]: Who else would venture into batarian space to discover an artifact.
* [[Badass Bookworm]]: Not as badass as other examples in the series (she prefers to have her men fight for her), but she's decent in a fight and hardly someone you want to cross.
* {{spoiler|[[Brainwashed and Crazy]]: She's been indoctrinated by the artifact}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Cutscene Boss]]: She either blows herself up or gets shot via a Renegade action}}.
* [[Deep-Cover Agent]]: Described as such by Admiral Hackett.
* {{spoiler|[[Driven to Suicide]]: She blows herself up when a Paragon Shepard finally corners her and tries to talk her down. A Renegade action simply shoots her, but she's already pulled the pin.}}
* {{spoiler|[[The Dragon]]: To Harbinger, as Saren was to Sovereign.}}
* [[Early-Bird Cameo]]: First appeared in Cerberus Daily News, revealing to the galaxy her findings that the mass relays were not made by Protheans.
* [[Escort Mission]]: Her rescue from the batarians plays out like this, though she can fight as well.
* [[Escort Mission]]
* {{spoiler|[[Fallen Hero]]}}
* [[Guest Star Party Member]]: In the ''Arrival'' DLC.
* [[Moral Myopia]]: {{spoiler|When Shepard activates the [[Colony Drop|Project]], Kenson immediately calls out Shepard for what s/he's done. Not because Shepard's actions will kill thousands of innocent people, but because it would kill Kenson's crew and prevent Kenson from seeing the Reaper's arrival. This is, of course, a side-effect of getting Indoctrinated.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Taking You with Me]]: She tries to do this when she blows herself up, but Shepard survives the explosion.}}
* [[Too Dumb to Live]]: {{spoiler|Yes, let's put the indoctrinating Reaper artifact out in the open, with no attempts to contain it.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Villainous Breakdown]]: Complete with whining and hitting things because she can't hear the whispers any more}}.
* [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]: Played with. {{spoiler|Her initial plan to stop the Reapers would have killed thousands of innocent people. However, she dropped the plan after becoming indoctrinated, realizing it to be horrible, but for the wrong reasons.}}
== = The Overlord / {{spoiler|David Archer}} ===
[[File:overlord 5768.png|frame|MAKE IT STOP!]]
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* [[A.I. Is a Crapshoot]]
* {{spoiler|[[Anti-Villain]]: The end of his DLC reveals that the Overlord's homicidal actions resulted from the desperate attempts of a tormented human prodigy to escape the constant noise of the geth network}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Anti-Villain]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[And I Must Scream]]: It's not until the end of the DLC that the indecipherable noises that the Overlord was making suddenly clear up, and it's realized that it was David ''trying'' to scream for help.}}
* [[Arc Villain]]: He (and his small army of geth) only appears as the antagonist in his DLC, and isn't mentioned in the vanilla game.
* [[Bald of Evil]]: {{spoiler|Well, not really.}}
** {{spoiler|[[Bald of Awesome]]: If you rescued him, he's upgraded to this in the third game.}}
* [[Body Horror]]/[[Medical Horror]]: {{spoiler|The rig he's wired into. ''Yeesh''.}}
* [[Brain Uploading]]
* {{spoiler|[[Break the Cutie]]}}
* [[Catch Phrase]]: David Archer has "Square root of nine hundred six point oh one is thirty point one..." On the other hand, the Overlord himself has a catchphrase in the electronically distorted snarls it produces throughout the game. {{spoiler|This is later revealed to be him screaming '''''[[And I Must Scream|"QUIET PLEASE MAKE IT STOP!!!"]]'''''}}
* {{spoiler|[[Character Witness]]: If you send him to Grissom Academy, he vouches for you to some scared kids during the Cerberus raid there in ''3''.}}
* [[Contagious AI]]: Infects and controls an army of geth and security mechs. {{spoiler|He can even overpower ''EDI'' if you're not quick enough during the boss fight. Thankfully, he cannot do the same to Legion.}}
* [[Cores and Turrets Boss]]: Sics geth holograms on Shepard between exposing its core.
* [[Digitized Hacker]]: As a VI, he can interface with any electronic device. It's noted that if he ever escaped his facility, he could cause a "technological apocalypse."
* [[Gone Horribly Wrong]] {{spoiler|"It all seemed harmless..."}}
* [[Machine Worship]]: The purpose of the project was to get the geth to see him as a sort of god-figure, letting him control them.
* {{spoiler|[[Master of Unlocking]]: When you meet him again in the third game, he hacks the lock on a security room door for you, providing some weapons and ammo.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Mercy Kill]]: If you leave him with Cerberus, Gavin reveals he eventually "ended his misery".}}
* {{spoiler|[[Nuke'Em]]: In the event that you didn't play ''Overlord'' at all, a meeting with Gavin Archer reveals that Cerberus eventually dealt with the problem themselves via nuclear bomb.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Photographic Memory]]: Combined with his mathematical abilities, it's the key to his ability to speak the geth language}}.
* {{spoiler|[[The Rainman]]: He is extremely good with numbers, to the point where he can communicate with the Geth (who use math as their language). This is the reason why he was selected for the project.}}
** {{spoiler|In the third game, if you rescued him, he's putting his abilities to good use at Grissom Academy, and later, at the Crucible.}}
* [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge]]: {{spoiler|Only what it looks like. He's actually trying to cry for help, but he's so broken it doesn't work out.}}
* [[Sickly Green Glow]]: Everything it infects.
* [[Start of Darkness]]: Before you finally face him, The Overlord shows you his origin.
* {{spoiler|[[Tragic Villain]]: The Overlord is actually a young, autistic human prodigy who was forced into the experiment by his own brother to create a godlike AI that can control the geth, and hooked up to the geth network by means of forcing his eyes perpetually open with clamps and shoving pipes and plugs into every body part available. The combination of pain, the network merging, and extreme [[Sensory Overload]] drove him insane and made him go on a rampage to try to escape the noise, all while pleading for someone to "make it stop!"}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Tragic Villain]]}}
* [[The Unintelligible]]: While some of what he says is just noise, he also speaks heavily garbled sentences that become clearer over time. If you know what he's saying, you'll be able to understand him: {{spoiler|'''''[[And I Must Scream|QUIET PLEASE MAKE IT STOP!!!]]'''''}}.
== = Tela Vasir ===
[[File:vasir 6747.png|frame|Ilium is just Omega with expensive shoes.]]
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* {{spoiler|[[Anti-Villain]]: She works with the Broker in order to get intelligence necessary for her Spectre duties, and sees doing the Broker's dirty work as an acceptable price to pay}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Anti-Villain]]}}
* [[Authority Equals Asskicking]]: She's a Spectre ''for a reason''.
* [[Badass]]: She's a Spectre. It's a job requirement. {{spoiler|She beats ''Shepard'' in a mid-air wrestle}}.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Drops a few choice quips while searching Liara's apartment.
* [[Determinator]]: See [[Implacable Man]] below.
* {{spoiler|[[The Dragon]]: To the Shadow Broker, being his best fighter. A Spectre herself, Vasir justifies it by saying that her working for the Shadow Broker isn't any different from Shepard working with the Illusive Man.}}
* [[Early-Bird Cameo]]: She was mentioned in the [[Cerberus Daily News]] in February and July 2010.
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* [[Made of Iron]]: Gets hit with a lot of attacks, but almost never shows up with a visible injury. Also probably the toughest boss fight in the entire game, partly due to the fact she charges around quickly and has 2 layers of crazy tough protection.
* [[Magic Knight]]: Comes with being a biotic. Her special ability makes her especially stand out from other examples in Mass Effect.
* [[Mind Over Matter]]: Given that she's a biotic and all.
* {{spoiler|[[The Mole]]: For the Shadow Broker}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Not So Different]]: Picture Renegade female Shepard as an asari, working for the Shadow Broker instead of the Illusive Man; ''that's'' Tela Vasir in a nutshell.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Politically-Incorrect Villain]]:}} {{spoiler|Just to make sure we know she's a villain, she calls Liara a "[[Half Human Hybrids|pureblood]] [[Fantastic Racism|bitch]]" before making another attempt to kill her. Remember that Liara says in the first game that no asari would be cruel enough to call her a pureblood to her face.}}
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== = The Shadow Broker, AKAa.k.a. {{spoiler|Operative Kechlu}} ===
[[File:me2shadowbroker ship 4324.jpg|frame|[[Elaborate Underground Base]]? Feh.]]
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* [[Hannibal Lecture]]: {{spoiler|He attempts one on Liara at the climax of his DLC. [[Shut UP, Hannibal|It didn't go well.]]}}
* [[Hidden Agenda Villain]]: Possibly the only antagonist more [[Incredibly Lame Pun|elusive]] than the Illusive Man.
* [[Knowledge Broker]]: An ''incredibly'' good one, with access to the most privileged information in the universe. Even the Illusive Man, a figure so secretive that most people are unaware he even exists, can keep no secrets from the Shadow Broker, who knows about his private life in such detail that his dossier includes ''which specific suit he is wearing that day''.
* [[Knowledge Broker]]
* {{spoiler|[[Large and In Charge]]: The yahg Shadow Broker is even larger than a ''krogan''.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Legacy Character]] / [[Legacy Immortality]] / [[You Kill It, You Bought It]]: He became the Shadow Broker after ''secretly killing the previous one.'' As Liara ends up doing '''the exact same thing''', it's implied that his predecessor wasn't the original Broker either.}}
** {{spoiler|''"Operative Kechlu"'' was the name of the agent the Shadow Broker sent to find him. After he was dead, the previous Shadow Broker sent a message that essentially said, "Congratulations, you are ''now'' Operative Kechlu".}}
* {{spoiler|[[More Teeth Than the Osmond Family]]: Seems to be a given among the yahg}}.
* [[NGO Superpower]]: For good reason; when your organization spans most of the galaxy, has hands in business and political interests in nearly everything in said galaxy, ''and'' specializes in collecting and using information to both support those interests and manipulate governments and corporations, you definitely should have impressive resources. The Broker owns a personal army capable of deploying hundreds of loyal soldiers in ''minutes'' on Illium alone, along with a supremely well-engineered atmospheric airbase-warship, and the enormous amounts of money, hardware, and political influence one would expect from an organization of this scale.
* [[No Name Given]]: All [[Pronoun Trouble|he's/she's/they're/it's]] known by is 'the Shadow Broker.'
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* {{spoiler|[[You Kill It, You Bought It]]: How he got the job. And how his successor gets the job too.}}
== = The Blue Suns ===
The Blue Suns are, ostensibly, a corporation of [[Private Military Contractors]] founded by Vido Santiago and Zaeed Massani. In reality, they are a wide spanning criminal empire involved in the trading of slaves and drugs, and are in control of many planets in the Terminus systems.
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=== The Blue Suns in general ===
* [[Authority Equals Asskicking]]: Commanders.
* [[Corrupt Corporate Executive]]: Run by these.
* [[Enemy Mine]]: Aria can help Shepard get their allegiance in ''[[Mass Effect 3]]''.
* [[Faceless Goons]]: Many of their mooks wear helmets.
* [[Face Heel Turn]] / [[Villain with Good Publicity]]: [[Backstory]] revealed throughout the game, particularly from Codex entries and planet summaries, show that the Blue Suns have several [[Big Damn Heroes]] moments to their credit, though at least a few were less heroic intention and more circumstances working out that way while they achieved their main goals.
* [[Highly-Conspicuous Uniform]]: Played straight in gameplay, subverted in the Codex. During high-risk jobs, they make a point of removing anything that could affiliate them with the Blue Suns, including tattoos.
* [[Highly-Conspicuous Uniform]]
* [[Kill It with Fire]]: Blue Suns Pyros.
* [[Mooks]]: The most commonly battled mooks in the game.
** [[Elite Mooks]]: Centurions and Legionnaires. Like normal troopers, except with a Vindicator battle rifle or Scimitar shotgun instead of an Avenger series assault rifle, specialized ammo, and shields.
** [[King Mook]]: Blue Suns Commanders, soldiers with three thick layers of protection (shields, armor, and health) who wield [[BFG]]s such as Claymore shotguns or Revenant light machine guns as weapons.
* [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast]]: Blue stars are very dangerous, as are the Blue Suns.
* [[NGO Superpower]]: The amount of resources they have at their disposal is truly frightening. Among other things, they possess: hundreds of thousands of soldiers, heavy mechs and gunships that are just as advanced as the stuff the Alliance uses, at least three whole planets and all their people as workforce, several front corporations, a krogan cloning lab, the materials to make city destroying weaponry, and a refinery on Zorya.
* [[Private Military Contractor]]: Their preferred means of doing business.
* [[Shotguns Are Just Better]]: The turians seem to think so. Excepting Warden Kuril, all the turian Blue Suns troops wield shotguns. [[Short-Range Shotgun|It actually puts them at a disadvantage most of the time.]]
* [[The Jailer]]: They run a prison ship, the Purgatory.
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* [[Authority Equals Asskicking]]: Averted - when he and Zaeed founded the Blue Suns, Vido ran the business while Zaeed was the field commander.
* [[Bad Boss]]: In Zaeed's loyalty mission, he threatens his soldiers with death if they retreat.
* [[Badass Spaniard]] / [[Badass Beard]]: Subverted. He throws people in front of him to die and isn't even given a proper boss fight.
* [[Brains and Brawn]]: With Zaeed.
* [[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder]]: {{spoiler|Zaeed}} figured this out the hard way.
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* [[Cutscene Boss]]: {{spoiler|If Zaeed kills him.}}
* [[Death by Irony]]: {{spoiler|If you let Zaeed kill him.}}
* [[Dirty Coward]]: He turns tail and runs the moment he sees real danger.
* [[Early-Bird Cameo]]: In one side quest, you can find a datapad that mentions him by name even if you haven't downloaded the (free) DLC where he actually appears.
* [[Greed]]: The reason he betrayed Zaeed? Zaeed's [[Even Evil Has Standards|ethics]] meant he wasn't making quite as much money as he could've.
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* [[Affably Evil]]: She's very polite, considerate, and patient, and will gladly answer any and all of your questions. She also says not to be too hard on Tarak because he's under a lot of stress, and even warns you that he might kill all the freelancers regardless of what they do. She's still fanatically loyal to the Blue Suns.
* [[The Dragon]]: To Tarak. From Shepard's perspective, she's a mere [[Mook Lieutenant]]
* [[Dark Action Girl]]: She ''is'' a member of the Blue Suns, after all.
* [[Firey Redhead]]
* [[Instant Armor]]: Tech Armor.
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* {{spoiler|[[Hypocrite]]: Says that he "makes the galaxy safer" by locking up dangerous individuals. But when comes the biggest hero(ine) that ever lived, he tries to capture him/her [[Money, Dear Boy|for the bounty]].}}
* [[Instant Armor]]: Tech Armor.
* [[The Jailer]]: He's the one in charge of the Purgatory.
* [[I Want Them Alive|I Want Her Alive:]] Towards Jack. {{spoiler|He doesn't mind killing Shep', though.}}
* [[Jumping Off the Slippery Slope]]: Starts off as a [[Knight Templar]], with questionable methods, but not harming innocents and trying to help the galaxy. Soon, you discover he is willing to leave dangerous criminals on planets that can't pay, and he is rather brutal to prisoners. All ambiguity goes out the airlock when tries to capture Shepard for a bounty.
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* [[Instant Armor]]: Tech Armor.
* [[Small Name, Big Ego]]: This woman's ego masses more than twenty Jupiters combined. Just listen to her go on at the Blue Suns about her "mighty army". Okeer claims his rejected krogan would be adequate soldiers for Jedore were she not such an awful leader; this is borne out by a reject krogan speaking to and obeying Shepard on sight, without question.
* [[Smug Snake]]: A bit too overconfident for her own good.
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** Although that ''may'' have something to do with {{spoiler|all the Krogan mercenaries that went back to Tuchanka in the wake of the genophage cure. You'll notice that neither Aria or Hackett ever mention krogan when discussing the Blood Pack, and it was basically led by krogan mercs in 2.}}
* [[Enemy Mine]]: Aria can help Shepard get their allegiance in ''[[Mass Effect 3]]''.
* [[Faceless Goons]]: The krogan members often wear helmets.
* [[Grenade Launcher]]: According to the description for the grenade launcher available to the player, this is a popular weapon among them. [[Gameplay and Story Segregation|In actuality,]] their troops just use the same ML-77 Rocket Launcher everyone else uses. However, the Blood Pack Warriors are able to fire some sort of red rocket / plasma ball thing from their shotguns, which could make them an example.
* [[Healing Factor]]: Both the krogan and the vorcha. Can be countered with fire based powers like Incendiary Ammo and Incinerate.
* [[Highly-Conspicuous Uniform]]
* [[Kill It with Fire]]: Blood Pack Pyros.
* [[Mooks]]: Vorcha.
** [[Elite Mooks]]: Krogan Warriors.
** [[King Mook]]: The krogan battlemasters. All of them are named, but they fight identically, being like normal Blood Pack Warriors except with higher health and armor, the ability to use [[Energy Ball|Warp,]] and a [[Deflector Shields|biotic barrier.]]
* [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast]]: You might wanna avoid a group called the ''Blood'' Pack.
* [[Private Military Contractors]]: Though they're banned in Citadel Space.
* [[Shotguns Are Just Better]]: The krogan certainly seem to think so. The Blood Pack Warriors are all equipped with Scimitar assault shotguns.
* [[Villain Team-Up]]: Early in the game, the Omega chapters of all three big merc groups team up to get rid of Archangel. They lose.
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* {{spoiler|[[Heroic Sacrifice]]: If you prevent Jack from killing him in the second game, he dies in the third game by saving a shuttle full of children evacuating from the Reapers.}}
* [[Shout-Out]]: His last name is likely a reference to Shohreh Aghdashloo, the voice actress for Admiral Raan.
* [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]: He's convinced himself that everything he went through had to have some sort of value.
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* [[Authority Equals Asskicking]]: Like the other groups, some of their members, such as Wasea, Enyala, and Jaroth.
* [[Enemy Mine]]: Aria can help Shepard get their allegiance in ''[[Mass Effect 3]]''.
* [[Faceless Goons]]: Once again, many of their members wear helmets. Notable exceptions are Engineers, Vanguards, named characters, and troops you see outside of combat.
* [[Faceless Goons]]
* [[Highly-Conspicuous Uniform]]: They wear all bright yellow armor. Averted with some of Donovan Hock's guards however, who wear black armor.
* [[Mooks]]: Eclipse Troopers.
** [[Elite Mooks]]: Eclipse Engineers and Vanguards.
** [[King Mook]]: Eclipse Operatives and Eclipse Commandos.
* [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast]]: Given the superstitions surrounding eclipses, it might be a good idea to avoid a group that uses the phenomenon as their name.
* [[Palette Swap]]: Their human units are just palette swapped versions of Blue Suns units, with at most one or two small attributes added (human vanguards have a slightly different head and toss Warps).
* [[Private Military Contractors]]: They're particularly prominent in asari space.
* [[Villain Team-Up]]: With the other two big merc groups on Omega, to take down Archangel. They lose.
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* [[Drugs Are Bad]]: He runs the red sand trade.
* [[Even Evil Has Loved Ones]]: Part of the reason he wants Archangel dead is because he killed his brother.
* [[The Evil Genius]]: From Archangel's perspective. He controls the mechs, and helped Tarak plan the attack.
* [[Hand Cannon]]: He's equipped with an M-6 Carnifex.
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* [[Kill It with Fire]]: Like other Eclipse Operatives, he possesses the [[Fireballs|Incinerate]] power and holographic [[Attack Drone|Combat Drones.]]
* [[Leeroy Jenkins]]: After you kill all his mercs either way (through normal gunfire or hacking his heavy mech), he comes charging out with a Carnifex.
* [[We Have Reserves]]: He's perfectly happy throwing freelancers at Archangel for this reason.
* [[What an Idiot!]]: He leaves a certain important datapad around for anyone to just pick up, including the freelancers walking around his base. Namely the datapad that contains {{spoiler|a message to Tarak about their plans to overthrow Aria and take over Omega.}}
* [[You Killed My Father|You Killed My Brother]]: The main reason he hates Archangel is because he killed one of Jaroth's top lieutenants- who also happened to be his brother.
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