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* [[The Alcoholic]]: Mainly due to the many parties thrown in the wake of his most recent novel. {{spoiler|The Anderson brothers' moonshine had that extra special kick to it}}.
* [[Author Avatar]]: For writer Sam Lake.
* [[Badass Bookworm]]: He's a novelist that's a surprisingly good shot.
* [[Berserk Button]]: It's Alice and Dr. Hartman who have provoked it with his writer's block.
* [[Captain Obvious]]: Has a couple of these moments.
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* [[Nerves of Steel]]: Earned them after the events at Bright Falls. In ''American Nightmare'', he notes multiple times that he has a hard time getting stressed out anymore.
* [[Perma-Stubble]]: Becomes more noticeable as the game progresses, especially when compared to his flashbacks.
* [[Private Eye Monologue]]: His in-game narrations to various events (including meeting characters for the first time) has some shades of this, and he sometimes speak in metaphors. Played straight if you read his manuscript pages the moment you pick them, as Alan monologues about events that happened shortly after.
* [[Private Eye Monologue]]
* {{spoiler|[[Reality Warper]]}}: His manuscript pages foreshadow various events throughout the game.
* {{spoiler|[[Sealed Room in the Middle of Nowhere]]: As of the end, Alan is trapped in the cabin under Cauldron Lake}}.
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* [[Acrofatic]]: His girth doesn't seem to slow him down even when a school bus is flung at him. He's not exactly obese, though. Just a bit on the heavy side, and his jacket makes him look bigger than he really is.
* [[Big Applesauce]]
* [[Comic Relief]]: It's implied he does this partially to compensate for Alan's generally grim demeanor.
* [[Comic Relief]]
* [[Companion Cube]]: A running gag has him carrying around the cardboard cut-out of Alan and snarking about Alan to it.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Continues making wisecracks even when their lives are in danger. This is sometimes to help comfort Alan in such situations.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]
* [[Imaginary Friend]]: In the DLCs anyway.
* [[Shout-Out]]: Delivers many references including ''[[Zork]]'' and ''[[Lord of the Rings]]'', to name a few.
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* [[The Alcoholic]]: Brought on by his partner's death. Before that he never even touched the stuff.
* {{spoiler|[[And I Must Scream]]: The ending suggests that he has become the new avatar for the Dark Presence}}.
* [[Ax Crazy]]: Even Wake declares at one point that he sounded unhinged.
* [[Ax Crazy]]
* [[Big Bad Ensemble]]: With the Dark Presence and {{spoiler|Dr. Hartman}}, but doesn't acknowledge either of them and only aims to capture Alan Wake.
* [[Cowboy Cop]]: A deconstruction, as he is portrayed as reckless and dangerous in his pursuit of Alan and the townsfolk don't particularly like him.
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* [[Obstructive Bureaucrat]]
* [[Pet the Dog]]: Comforted a broken Rose during his interview with her.
* [[Rabid Cop]]: Considering he has almost no evidence but manuscript pages to go on, he spends an awful lot of time attempting to use deadly force on a suspect who never draws a gun on him, endangering civilians in the process.
* [[Rabid Cop]]
* [[Running Gag]]: Calls Alan by different author names.
* [[What You Are in the Dark]]: Makes up his relatively few [[Pet the Dog]] moments.
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* [[Drop the Hammer]]: Tor, at least.
* [[Eyepatch of Power]]: Odin.
* [[Heavy Mithril]]: They model themselves off of Norse mythology.
* [[Passing the Torch]]
* [[The Power of Rock]]: {{spoiler|Literally. "The Poet and The Muse" explains how to defeat the Dark Presence, while "Children of the Elder God" details how to fight the Presence and the Taken. And considering the nature of Cauldron Lake, those songs may be the entire reason why the Taken are vulnerable to light in the first place}}.
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* [[Author Avatar]]: It makes stories come to life, it directs the flow of the plot, and it ultimately is the reason anything in the game happened. Draw your own conclusions.
* [[Big Bad]]: Of the first game, and the series in general.
* [[Blue and Orange Morality]]: The developer commentary track remarks that the Dark Presence is an utterly alien being that simply doesn't understand human morality, or even human behavior, which is why it lets Wake get away with a lot of the stuff he does. However, it does understand humans well enough to manipulate Wake by holding Alice hostage, as well as to lure him into a trap using Rose.
* [[Eldritch Abomination]]: According to Alan's reading of Zane's poetry, the Presence is an avatar of a vast, horrible monstrosity that is explicitly compared to a [[H.P. Lovecraft|Lovecraftian]] being.
* [[Everything Trying to Kill You]]: The poltergeist objects in particular. Including the parade float.
* [[The Heartless]]: Literally, in Jagger's case: Zane cut her heart out after she [[Came Back Wrong]].
* [[The Heartless]]
* [[Humanoid Abomination]]: The Taken forms as well as the avatar of {{spoiler|Barbara Jagger}}.
* [[Reality Warper]]
* [[The Virus]]: It corrupts some of the Bright Falls locals, turning them into the "Taken" who you fight most of the time.
* [[The Virus]]
== Thomas Zane ==
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A doctor who owns a clinic reserved for artists near Caldren lake. He's also the one who convinced Alice to bring Alan to Bright Falls. As it turns out, {{spoiler|he intended to use Alan to his own ends, but meets a gruesome fate before any of his plans can come to fruition}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Asshole Victim]]: Alan locks him inside his own office when the Dark Presence starts invading Cauldron Lake Lodge. Given all the things he's done to his patients Wake and Thomas Zane, the proud grin on Alan's face as he walks away is warranted}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Asshole Victim]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Big Bad Ensemble]]}}: {{spoiler|With the Dark Presence and Agent Nightingale, but never meets the latter}}.
* [[Blatant Lies]]: {{spoiler|Alice isn't dead, dammit}}!
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* [[Attention Whore]]: Is pretty clear about this right from the start. In his own words:
{{quote|"But the difference between you and me...? I'm not afraid to be the center of attention."}}
* [[Ax Crazy]]: Unlike the calm, collected Barbara Jagger, this guy's a loudmouth psychopath in love with himself.
* [[Ax Crazy]]
* [[Big Bad]]: Of ''Alan Wake's American Nightmare''.
* [[Card-Carrying Villain]]: He is fully aware that he is one, and it appears that he is embracing it on some levels, while resenting it on others.
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* [[Evil Counterpart]]: To Wake.
* [[Evil Tastes Good]]: He describes the most terrible, evil things he can think of as "Sweet", accompanied [[Does This Remind You of Anything?|by rolling-eyes and a face slack with pleasure]] from just contemplating it.
* [[Faux Affably Evil]]: He feigns pleasantness when he wants his victims to be off guard.
* [[The Hedonist]]: Everything he does in his existence is for his own enjoyment.
* [[Hidden Depths]]: One video has him oddly subdued, but clearly agitated. He opens up to Alan, since they're so much alike being dopplegangers, and mentions that the fact of his existence is extremely disturbing to himself. He tries several times to ask Alan for help and to work together, but he literally can't get the words out. For whatever reason, Mr. Scratch was trying to reach out to Alan.
* [[Humanoid Abomination]]: He ''might'' be a new avatar for the Dark Presence. When Barbara Jagger drowned, it took on her appearance and was able to move about the world much like Mr. Scratch. She was also known as "The Scratching Hag" around Bright Falls.
* [[Humanoid Abomination]]
* [[Kick the Dog]]: Good lord, he's basically a dog-kicking machine. Just when you think he's finally topped himself, Alan turns on another tv, and Mr. Scratch finds some new way to get under Alan's (as well as the player's) skin.
* [[Knife Nut]]: He doesn't believe that he can truly "connect" with people by using bullets.
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* {{spoiler|[[Non-Action Big Bad]]}}: {{spoiler|For all his boasts and taunts, all he ever bothers to do is send random taken after Alan rather than try to deal with him directly. Even his victims are all either tied up and helpless or taken by surprise}}.
* [[Rage Against the Author]]: Promotional material depicts him killing Sam Lake in one video, and enslaving him in another after going on a killing spree throughout Remedy's offices.
* [[Slasher Smile]]: One of his most noted features whenever he's in a good mood.
* [[Weaksauce Weakness]]: {{spoiler|As it turns out, he can't withstand the light much better than the mooks he sends after you. Small motel lights and things like that are apparently fine, but anything close to a floodlight and he's toast}}.
* [[Weapon of Choice]]: ''Small'' knives, or razors.
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* [[Dirty Coward]]: She thinks of herself as one, as she ran away when {{spoiler|Mr. Scratch began killing a man to gain access to the Mount Redtooth Observatory and didn't even call the police}}. Alan assures her that this isn't the case.
* [[New Age Retro Hippie]]
* [[Wrench Wench]]: A female mechanic, and one used to getting shit for it too.
== Dr. Rachel Meadows ==
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[[Category:Alan Wake]]
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