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* [[Enemy Mine]]: Notable Netzach, who will join forces with Malkuth or even Angels of Death if it will help him defeat Astaroth.
* [[Evil Counterpart]]: Angels of Death to Archons and Astaroth to Demiurge. Actually [[Eviler Than Thou]] Counterpart since [[Black and Gray Morality|neither of the pairs are truly good]].
* [[Fighting a Shadow]]: [[SubversionSubverted]]. {{spoiler|Archons and other superbeings can have multiple incarnate avatars simultaneously, and it takes less than a day to create a replacement when one is destroyed. However, getting killed ''hurts'', and if several incarnates are killed in short period, the pain can actually kill the being.}}
* [[Freak Lab Accident]]: One possible background for player characters.
* [[Freak-Out]]{{context}}
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* [[Humanoid Abomination]]: {{spoiler|Lictors and Razids, and every other monster that can appear human. Also, humans themselves, when they Awaken}}.
* [[Humans Are the Real Monsters]]: {{spoiler|Despite being embodiments of evil, Angels of Death found the darkness in humans' hearts surpasses theirs.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Humans Are Cthulhu]]:}}: {{spoiler|Humans are immortal superbeings, they are just slumbering and are unaware of their power.}}
* [[Indian Burial Ground]]{{context}}
* [[Infernal Retaliation]]{{context}}
* [[Knight Templar]]: Geburah is embodiment of this trope.
* [[Light Is Not Good]]: {{spoiler|1=Or even "Good is Evil": Forces of "good" tend to fight to keep everyone mentally balanced - and this is a setting where "mentally balanced" = "to be blind and trapped in hell forever".}}
* [[Love Transcends Spacetime]]{{context}}
* [[Mechanical Lifeforms]]: {{spoiler|The Techrones, actually every piece of machinery can be one, including the monitor you're looking at.}}
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* [[Amateur Sleuth]]{{context}}
* [[Ancient Keeper]]{{context}}
* [[Artificial Human]]: {{spoiler|The Techrones.}}{{context}}
* [[Ax Crazy]]{{context}}
* [[Back-Alley Doctor]]{{context}}
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* [[He Who Fights Monsters]]{{context}}
* [[Hired Guns]]{{context}}
* [[Housewife]]: (a subversion)[[Subverted]].{{context}}
* [[The Hunter]]{{context}}
* [[Inspector Javert]]{{context}}
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