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Daphne in the Brilliant Blue: Difference between revisions

moved trivia tropes to that page
(moved trivia tropes to that page)
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* [[The Future]]
* [[Gondor Calls for Aid]]: Every ally (and [[Friendly Enemy]]) comes to {{spoiler|Maia's aid when she's kidnapped.}}
* [[Government Conspiracy]]: {{spoiler|Maia is from a city that was sealed off by the other cities. And by 'sealed off' I mean they stationed submarines at the gates and shootshot anyone coming out. It was because of a plague outbreak they didn't want to spread to other cities. Afterwards they said it merely 'failed to surface'. Maia could reveal the truth if she recovered her memories and this would be 'embarrasing' so they make her life shit.}}
* [[Hair Colors]]: Shizuka's purple; Rena's red and Gloria's blonde may well be "real", though.
* [[Here We Go Again]]: Subverted: In the last minutes of the last episode, we see the Ocean Agency exam held a year after the one that started the series; a girl who appears to be Maia with the same applicant number clocks in with as good a score on the field exercise as Maia had a year previously -- but the moment she reports in, we can see it's someone else entirely, and Tsukasa subsequently worries about Maia making the application deadline.
* [[Hidden Eyes]]: Maia, several times.
* [[Holographic Terminal]]: Desktop and larger systems all seem to use projected screens rather than physical ones.
* [[Homage]]: The two-part episode "Die Hard, Play Hard" manages to blend homages to both ''Die Hard'' and, weirdly enough, gonzo disaster movie parody ''[[Airplane!]]!''
* [[Idiosyncratic Episode Naming]]: Many episode titles are plays on the names of famous movies or literary works: "The Old Kook and the Sea", "Anger's Aweigh", "Die Hard, Play Hard", "Five Heavily Armed Women and a Baby"; this editor is unsure if this is specific to the dub.
* [[Impossibly Cool Clothes]]
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*** Hanaoka's daughter getting angry at her father.
*** May and the Wong-Chang-Lee brothers taking the submarine back from Nereids who do the same.
* [[Shout-Out]]: Several, including a blatant one to ''[[Star Trek]]'' in the second episode, and another to ''[[The Flintstones]]'' in episode 6.
* [[Siblings in Crime]]: The Wong-Chang-Lee brothers.
* [[Sick Sad World]]: For every scene of someone happy, there's five or so of something bad.
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* [[Survival Mantra]]: The page quote.
* [[Suspended Animation]]: {{spoiler|Maia and her big brother.}}
* [[There Are No Therapists]]: (Averted -- we see a pair of psychologists who work with {{spoiler|the young amnesiac Maia}} for two years. Then again, {{spoiler|they are part of the conspiracy trying to ensure that Maia's memory never comes back}}.)
* [[True Companions]]: No matter how much grief Nereids gives Maia, they really do care about her deep down. Milly and Tsukasa even more so because they don't give her such grief.
* [[Underwater City]]: They play an important role in the backstory of the world of the series. {{spoiler|And in Maia's backstory, as well.}}
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