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Anthem (video game)/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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* [[Flat Character]]: One criticism of the game is that the majority of characters are lacking in personality or character arcs. Only three of them really undergo character arcs (Halyk, Owen and the Monitor). and that's if you count The Monitor being driven insane after partially merging with the Anthem via the Heart of Rage. Especially jarring is the lack of character arc for the '''player character'''.
* [[Good Bad Bugs]]: The Gentle Touch Marksman Rifle has a strange bug. Every time a bullet is fired and hits a target, the gun gains a stack of the "Striker's Balance" buff, which reduces the recoil of the gun by fifty percent. However, once three stacks are reached, the gun appears to develop crooked sights, requiring the user to aim off to the left of the target to make the shots hit.
* [[Internet Backdraft]]:
** Starting with a news story saying that Anthem was "Do or Die" for BioWare, and that if the game fails the studio "could look very different in the future," many of their fans felt that EA was forcing Bioware into a [[Heads I Win, Tails You Lose]] situation with regards to Anthem. The perception is if the game succeeds, BioWare will produce and release new content for it and will producer fewer, if any, of the single-player, story-driven games that the fans expect from them. If Anthem fails, which is a growing concern following its low sales and mixed reviews following release, BioWare might be dissolved completely and absorbed into EA like so many other studios.
* [[Memetic Mutation]]
** "Kim needs the XP."


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