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Welcome, Welcome. students, to the Castle of ''[[Grave Academy]]'', just your regular [[All-Ghouls School]] in TransilvannyaTransylvania, but with a few twists; ''Grave Academy'' is a Brazilian, Forum-Based RPG, that started on September 2011, in this verse, Monsters walk among us humans, but they do so when they're not, you know, [[I Am a Humanitarian|''Hunting'']], being punished by their law if they don't do so.
But that's where Grave Academy comes in, to teach young monsters how to fit in this Human-dominated world, and there they can learn various subjects, like: Venoms and Antidotes, Camouflage, Defense, Wield of Weapons, and even Magic; The school is directed By the Headmaster, Jack Jerripher, a Eccentric Dullahan, and his Right-Hand Woman, Sophie Merryweather, a bossy Harpy.
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* [[Battle Aura]]: Powerful Monsters when they get serious.
* [[Ballroom Blitz]]: Played With, it looks like Jack and the crew are gonna do this, but they are gonna join the fireworks party instead.
* [[Berserk Button]]: Bad-parenting to Kain, and parental abandonementabandonment to Ran Mao.
** Harming a student in front of Jack.
** Call Margareth a little girl. I.DARE.YOU.
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** {{spoiler|Also, a big part of the sequel}}
* [[Cliff Hanger]]: Chapter 8 of the first one and Chapter 19 of the sequel
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]: Werewolves with ttheirtheir moon nearby, and Jack Jerripher, ''BIG time''.
* [[Cool Old Guy]]: Yuji, the Jellyfish Youkai.
* [[Creepy Child]]: Margareth Rabbit, the torture teacher, takes the form of a nine year old girl.
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** [[Green Thumb]]
** [[Poisonous Person]]
** [[Extra Ore Dinary]]: The Crystal AlignementAlignment, kind of.
* [[Evil Plan]]: The Six Renegade Hunters (current villains in the Fanfic) are setting up a nice evil plan...
* [[Mr. Fanservice]]: Gary,and Jack too.
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* [[Guile Hero]]: Jack, sometimes.
* [[Gratuitous English]]: Since this is a Brazilian Portuguese forums, most magic, although Sophie's are [[Gratuitous Greek]].
* [[Hammerspace]]: Jack's magic spelllspell, ''Chariot''.
** Most of his spells have something to do with that.
* [[Handsome Lech]]: Kain.
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* [[Rule of Cool]]: Basis of the Series.
* [[Screw the Rules, I'm Beautiful]]: Juliet.
* [[Shout-Out]]: Blair's name to ''[[The Blair Witch Project]]'', and her last name, Liddel, to ''[[Alice in Wonderland]]''.
** Maybe Kain ''Winchester'' to ''[[Supernatural]]''.
** The Council Of Swords, having 10 members, with sword-motifs, are kinda like the ''Espada'' in [[Bleach]], only good.
** ''Carmela'' ''Sherridan''{{'}}s name AND''and'' last name, and being a Vampire, to Sherridan LeFanu, the writer of ''[[Carmilla]]''.
* [[Summon Magic]]: Experienced Monsters and Wizards can do this via Pentagrams, summoning Feral Monsters.
* [[Super-Powered Evil Side]]: Brenda's Beast Mode.
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* [[Wide Open Sandbox]]: With over 70 species of monsters to choose!
* [[Wizards and Witches]]
* [[Wreathed in Flames]]: Salamanders and Dragons more prominently, but some Fire-AlignementAlignment TechiniquesTechniques do this.
* [[Wolf Man]]: One of the Species.
* [[The Worf Effect]]: Kain's battle with Beast!Brenda.
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