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Ranma ½/Characters/Other Recurring Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Chuck Cunningham Syndrome]]: He vanishes without a word once Cologne takes his place as official font of obscure wisdom. He shows up from time to time in [[Filler]] episodes late in the anime, but his plot importance was gone by the end of Season 2. In the manga, after Volume 12, he's gone for good.
* [[Love Makes You Crazy]]: Holy crap...
* [[Love Makes You Dumb]]: Yeah, he's this too. Even beyond the fact he routinely hurts himself around Kasumi, he does stuff like insist on bringing the vital notebook needed to cure Akane's amnesia around to the TendoTendō Dojo, even though he knows Kasumi will be there, and he'll destroy it if he sees her. Which is ''exactly'' what happens.
* [[Informed Ability]]: We're told he's a strong and skilled martial artist, but we never see him do anything other than manipulate pressure points, and then for health purposes. Downplayed in the anime, where a seventh season episode seems him subdue a good number of the Frog Hermit's knife-wielding attack frogs with a flurry of rapid-fire paralytic pressure point touches... only to then be reduced to a catatonic, mumbling imbecile when presented with a picture of Kasumi.
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