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Bionic Commando: Difference between revisions

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(Moved one YMMV trope to its respectable page)
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* [[Alas, Poor Villain]]: The ending to ''Bionic Commando Rearmed 2'' has a lot of this, with Super Joe remarking that none of the game's villains were bad people, just decent folks who ended up doing bad things due to a series of unfortunate events. It also includes a [[Heel Realization]] by Super Joe, which somewhat humanizes his previous [[Complete Monster]] portrayal in the next-gen game.
* [[All There in the Manual]]: In the sequel, lots of background info is buried in the files you unlock, and the incident leading to Spencer's incarceration is only covered in a webcomic that wound up not being packaged as a print comic as a reservation preorder.
* [[American Kirby Is Hardcore]]: The Japanese version of the arcade game had characters with wider cartoony eyes.
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* [[Badass Beard]]: Sabio sports one in ''Bionic Commando Rearmed 2''. It's probably what allowed him to become leader of Pagagaya in the first place.
* [[Badass Mustache|Badass]] [[Porn Stache]]: Spencer has one that would make [[The Adventures of Dr. McNinja|Dan McNinja]] proud in ''Bionic Commando Rearmed 2''.
* [[Beat Them At Their Own Game]]: Inverted;: a couple of notable sub-bosses and bosses also have bionic arm weaponry, and yours is largely useless against them (but they can still knock you around with theirs).
* [[Blind Idiot Translation]]: "This base will explod in 60 seconds."
** [[Half Life: Full Life Consequences|IT WILL EXPLOD!]]
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* [[Translation Matchmaking]]: Originally called ''Top Secret'' in Japan, the arcade game was retitled ''Bionic Commando'' and marketed as a ''Commando'' spinoff.
* [[Truce Zone]]: Various neutral zones in the original.
* [[Ultimate Universe]]: ''Bionic Commando: Elite Forces'' seems to be this. It starts with a similar premise--long time war, Super--er, I mean, Commander Joe missing, etc, but everything else is just completely different. New fictional countries, no Nazis or Hitler, different villainous motivation, a whole bionic corp. Even the final boss seems like something out of an Ultimate book.
* [[Video Game Remake]]: ''Every single Bionic Commando game but the very first and the very latest''. The NES game was a remake of the arcade game. The Game Boy version was almost a direct remake of the original, with only a few changes, mostly an [[Art Shift]]. The Game Boy ''Color'' version added a heroine and redesigned some levels. ''Bionic Commando Rearmed'' is the last and best remake. Thankfully the madness ends there with the '09 sequel and ''Bionic Commando Rearmed 2'' in '11.
* [[Weaksauce Weakness]]: Spencer is weighed down by his bionics and can't swim. Further, he's even more susceptible to radiation due to the sensitive electronics keeping him plugged in and bionic. While only justifying [[Bottomless Pits]] in the original and ''Bionic Commando Rearmed'', the radiation-cloaked Ascension City is a lot more dangerous for Spencer.
* [[Wreaking Havok]]: Hurling around debris and enemy soldiers in '09. Spencer can throw ''real'' far and ''real'' accurate and ''real'' hard, making for some really satisfying takedowns.
* [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness]]: Said word by word at the end of ''Bionic Commando Rearmed'' right after Master D's revival.
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