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'''Bind:''' ''I'' don't know.
'''Simpkins:''' Oh, give it here! }}
* In the film ''[[Film/A Night To Remember|A Night To Remember]]'' ships communicate by using Morse Code with Marconi instruments. The trope is averted because the film is set in 1912 when that was standard practice.
** The same is true of most depictions of the ''RMS Titanic'' – the one notable exception being the book ''Futility, or the Wreck of the Titan'' (1898) which failed to predict the 20th century impact of Marconi's apparatus in time of maritime disaster. Titanic was launched in April 1912, so any coverage of the history now inherently becomes a [[Period Piece]].
* In [[Let the Right One In]], Oskar copies down Morse Code from a library book so he and Eli can communicate through the common wall they share for their neighbouring bedrooms. Later, Abby uses Morse to tap out the message 'hi' when knocking on Oskar's door. At the end, when she's in her trunk she and Oskar tap out the word 'kiss' to one another.
* [[U-571]] had a bound German sailor aboard a captured U-Boat tapping out a message with a wrench so that another German warship in the area would hear on Sonar... {{spoiler|I am U-571... destroy me!}}
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