Assassin's Creed II: Difference between revisions

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* [[Unwitting Pawn]]: Ezio, though in this case the gambit is organized by {{spoiler|[[Precursors|Those Who Came Before]]}}.
* [[Upgrade Artifact]]: The Animus 2.0 which the modern Assassins used on Desmond to relieve Ezio's life as Assassin training for Desmond.
* [[Uplay]]: It's either to buy this game straight from the official store or needing Uplay to also launch it alongside another client/launcher.
* [[Useless Useful Stealth]]: The introduction of Seekers, combined with the increased paranoia and searching ability of existing guards, and the vast improvements of combat mechanics (while stealth mechanics are altered only a little) means it might actually be more efficient to [[Leave No Witnesses|become anonymous]] by [[Blood Knight|killing all the guards]] than it is to run away and hide.
** Add to the fact that [[Heavily Armored Mook|Heavies]] and [[Elite Mooks|Seekers]] aside, pretty much all guards are [[Goddamn Bats|very easily killable]], so it makes little sense to run from them anyway. Even those two aren't that hard to kill if you know how to counter and/or combo kill using the hidden blades or if you use smoke bombs.