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* A lot of baby-shuffling occurs in ''[[Septimus Heap]]''. {{spoiler|The title character is pronounced dead at birth by the midwife, but she actually steals him and he ends up getting switched with her own son. Meanwhile, Septimus' father finds an abandoned baby girl, and since his wife is known to have been pregnant and they think their baby is dead, they adopt the girl and pretend she's their own daughter.}}
* In [[L. M. Montgomery]]'s ''[[Anne of Green Gables]]'' series (Anne of Ingleside), a mean little girl convinces one of Anne and Gilbert's twin daughters, Nan, that she was switched at birth with a fisherman's daughter. The girl insists that twins always look alike, and the fact that Nan and her twin Di don't, being fraternal twins, it proves that they were switched at birth. Nan does the honorable thing and tries to switch back, only to be told by the fisherman's wife that her daughter is nearly a year older than she is, and therefore they could not have been switched. Quite relieved, Nan turns to go home and gets caught in a storm before returning safely. Anne and Gilbert are understandably upset.
* In ''Inconceivable'' by Carolyn Savage, a Switched At Implantation medical error at an in-vitro fertilisation clinic in 2009 leaves the author pregnant which a child which belongs not to her (or her husband, Sean) but to some other couple. Oops!
* At least two instances in ''[[A Song of Ice and Fire]]''. In ''A Feast for Crows'', Mance Rayder's son is switched with Gilly's son in order to prevent Melisandre from taking advantage of his "royal blood" as a sacrifice to R'hllor. ''A Dance with Dragons'' reveals that {{spoiler|Aegon Targaryen is still alive because of a baby swap.}}
* The accidental switch of the Fries family's three infants for those of the Breeze family triggers the main action in [[Robert A. Heinlein]]'s ''[[Podkayne Of Mars]]''—even though the infants are never seen "on-camera" and play no part in the rest of the novel.
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