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Note that there still ''are'' some FDA standards for pet food specifically because it was known that human beings do eat pet food sometimes due to cost issues. Actually, before the manufacturers got the idea of pulling out even the marginal meat and selling it, pet food used to have considerably more nutritional value than it does now.
The inverse of [[Improbable Food Budget]]. A form of [[I Ate What?]]. Also, because they're eaten with relish, [[Scooby Doo|Scooby Snacks]] don't count – unless they undergo [[Defictionalization]] with the mark placed on a real brand of dog food. Characters even more poor and desperate than this may be [[Reduced to Ratburgers]] instead.
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* Eating dog food is occasionally part of erotic humiliation for couples that engage in "pet play". Score another point for [[Rule 34|Rule 36]]: there is nothing, anywhere, that is not [[Fetish Fuel]].
** Most people can't tell the difference between dog food and cheap, cold beef stew through. A little label swap and the humiliation is accomplished rather more easily.
* Because they're eaten with relish, Scooby Snacks don't count – until they undergo [[Defictionalization]] with the mark placed on a real product.
** Indeed, [[Scooby-Doo|Scooby Snacks]] have been mistaken for a colourful, slickly-packaged brand of biscuits [https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/home/pets/sydney-parent-accidentally-feeds-her-kids-scooby-snacks-dog-biscuits/news-story/5aa9e04f3c9798c569672f0118bb1d0c by at least one parent] who thinks the distinctive cartoon character means they're marketed at kids. Nope. Scooby snacks are dog food.
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20100208051010/http://www.angryman.ca/monkey.html The Monkey Chow Diaries]: one man decided to find out how well he could live on nothing but ZuPreem Primate Dry Diet.
** Other people, such as [http://www.nathanedwardwilliams.com/fun/monkeydiet.htm Nathan Edward Williams], have blogged about subsisting on a pelletized diet intended for zoo primates.
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