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* [[Dueling Games]]: With ''[[Demigod]]'', ''[[Heroes of Newerth]]'', and, of course, ''[[Defense of the Ancients]]''. ''[[Heroes of Newerth]]'' unquestionably the most.
* [[Fan Nickname]]: Numerous.
** All champions with more than 5 symbols in their names have shorter nicknames for typing. Usually just first letters of the name, but any short name that clearly identifies the champion in question will do. Veigar is sometimes called [[Final Fantasy IX|Vivi]], Gangplank is [[Pirate]], and Alistar is [[A Load of Bull|Cow]].
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** Second accounts are called "smurfs" (more or less officially, as Pendragon himself has one and calls it a smurf too).
*** This one extends outside of LoL.
* [[Reality Subtext]]: The champion Tryndamere is also the username of the president of Riot, Marc Merrill. His wife's name is Ashley. The champion Tryndamere has a political marriage to Ashe. [[Averted Trope|But actually this is averted]] - [http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/t5gpa/i_am_marc_tryndamere_merrill_president_cofounder/c4jphql the creative design team simply had the two champions marry since the champions both hail from the same region, and they were not aware Ashe was named after Marc Merrill's wife].
* [[Teasing Creator]]:
** Riot gets all over this on April Fool's Day. They released [[Ensemble Darkhorse|Lee Sin, the Blind Monk]] AND [[April Fools' Day|an Urf the Manatee Corki Skin]] at once. Not ONLY that, but in the following [[All There in the Manual|Journal of Justice]], there were two articles that talk about both. One mentions how [[Back from the Dead|Urf could be revived]], and the other was a talk with Lee Sin. Not too bad, but the name of the article about Lee Sin? ''[[Just for Pun|Trolling with a Monk]]'' ({{spoiler|[[Don't Explain the Joke|trolling is a type of fishing, which Lee Sin was doing in the article]]}}).
** Riot then released [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrSihRXTrq4 this "spotlight"]. Game Breaking... no DESTROYING power, a "blurry" screen debuff, and the ability to kill members of ''your own team'' who defect to the other side. They released an actual spotlight video shortly after.
** Their 2012 prank (a really bad 3D mode) was obvious (made even more so by the Urf cameo at the end), but nonetheless hilarious. Incidentally, they've actually named April Fool's Dy "Urf Day".
* [[What Could Have Been]]:
** Riven was originally pitched as [[Incorruptible Pure Pureness|"Gooder than good"]] [http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?p=21327269#21327269 according to her designer Xypherous].
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** [http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Omen Omen was a ranged champion concept that was shelved]. [http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=1857974 Rioters elaborated on why he didn't make the cut], reasons including he was felt to be lacking personality and his visual design clashed with his gameplay.
** [http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?p=21376091#21376091 Komachi was a tank champion concept by Xypherou]s that died once the artwork concepts happened... apparently they couldn't make the champion not cliche.
* [[Why Fandom Can't Have Nice Things]]: When Riot gave people a boost to get a Corki skin and reduced it in price... the people who missed it screamed so loudly they've since been ''very'' careful about that. The developers don't often post in the forums because the average post is usually about as negative as the temperature in Antarctica. And most recently, a code to get a free skin for Caitlyn [[Loophole Abuse|as well as the champion if you didn't already have her]] was put in the November issue of [[PC Gamer]]. A lot of people are reporting that people are going into stores and copying down codes printed in the magazine so they don't have to pay for them. Several people have predicted that they won't be doing this anymore, even though [[PC Gamer]] ''is'' combating this by having people email or call in with a proof of purchase to get another code.
** The developers don't often post in the forums because the average post is usually about as negative as the temperature in Antarctica.
** And most recently, a code to get a free skin for Caitlyn [[Loophole Abuse|as well as the champion if you didn't already have her]] was put in the November issue of [[PC Gamer]]. A lot of people are reporting that people are going into stores and copying down codes printed in the magazine so they don't have to pay for them. Several people have predicted that they won't be doing this anymore, even though [[PC Gamer]] ''is'' combating this by having people email or call in with a proof of purchase to get another code.
* [[The Wiki Rule]]: There's some wiki:
** [https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/League_of_Legends_Wiki The ''League of Legends'' Wikia].
** [https://lol.gamepedia.com/League_of_Legends_Esports_Wiki The Leaguepedia], Whichwhich covers the Esports scene.
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