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* The National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform has been referred to as the "cat food commission" by progressive critics (to the tune of 336,000 Google hits as of 2/8/11) who believe too many cuts have already been taken from the social safety net.
* A common argument by supporters of the [[Bill Clinton|Clinton]] healthcare plan of 1993 ("Hillarycare" to its' detractors) was that healthcare was so expensive that poor people (and especially senior citizens) could not afford to buy both food and prescription medication, and was forced to survive on pet food. YMMV on how accurate this argument was at the time.
* Similarly, there was an urban legend spread by Hugo Chavez supporters that before his ascension to power, poor people in Venezuela were reduced to eat dry kibble of a certain brand, and even used an article from some magazine in the early nineties about the alleged phenomenon as a "proof". This is more easily disproved, as old newspapers with supermarket ads and popular market price reports show how dry kibble was a luxury novelty that was only introduced on the 1980s and it was actually cheaper to buy cassava roots and other starchy foods by the bushel if you were poor and wanted to feed a large family. That the urban legend got a spike during the food crisis of 2016-2018 (which was created by ''Chavismo'' terrible agricultural policies) makes it even more suspicious.
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