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I Ate What?: Difference between revisions

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(add Laxative Prank and Slipping a Mickey as food and drink tampering)
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Differs from [[Foreign Queasine]], [[Reduced to Ratburgers]], and [[Alien Lunch]] in that the stuff eaten wasn't supposed to be eaten by ''anyone'', even in desperation. Bob drinking Rigelian bloodwine ("a delicacy on my planet!") is [[Alien Lunch|not this trope]], but Bob drinking Rigelian rocket fuel ''is''.
One of [[The Oldest Tricks in The Book]]. A very popular trope is [[Eating Shoes]]. Another subtrope is to mistake pet food for human food: see [[Dog Food Diet]]. Another is tampering[[Tampering with foodFood orand Drink]] drinkin various forms to conceal drugs or medicines, which takes various forms ranging from [[Laxative Prank]] to [[Slipping a Mickey]].
Compare [[Eat That]], [[Secret Ingredient]]. Contrast with [[Gargle Blaster]], [[Masochist's Meal]], and [[Fire-Breathing Diner]]. Also see [[Lethal Chef]] and [[Evil Chef]], two people who may be involved with this trope. [[Cool, Clear Water]] might be subverted for the drink-based version of this trope.
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