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* ''[[The Salvation War]]'' runs on this. One of the core themes is that Biblical depictions of the powers of angels and demons, quite simply, are not all that impressive compared to modern weapons. Sure, a demon may be nine feet tall, run thirty KPH without getting tired, regenerate from most injuries in a few hours or days, can rip through human beings like tissue paper, and throw lightning bolts, but all of that is terribly useless when the demon's most advanced weapon is a pitchfork and the humans are sitting twenty kilometers away launching missiles and firing artillery that rips through demonic flesh as easily as it does human.
* ''[[Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog]]'': Near the beginning of Act II, Dr. Horrible gloats about his unstoppable plan to commit a heist using his Freeze Ray. Cue [[Gilligan Cut]] and a bruised Dr. Horrible explaining how he needs to be careful about what he says on his blog because both Captain Hammer and the LAPD watch it.
* Dark Simpsons takes certain segments of ''[[The Simpsons]]'' and makes them realistic.. For example, in "''Flintstones Parody'', much like in Marge vs The Monorail, Homer decides to imitate the Simpsons. However, instead of being uninjured when he breaks through his car window, he ends up having to go to the hospital instead, and is faced with the possibility of being unable to walk again for the rest of his life.
** In Homer Is Dumb as a Mule and Twice as Ugly, Homer decides to start a new life under the sea. There's just one small problem...he can't breathe underwater. Inevitably, he drowns.
** In Homes Goes To College, Homer cheats on a test so he could keep his job as a nuclear safety inspector. Unsurprisingly, he doesn't know what to do during a nuclear meltdown and he ends up blowing the entire town to smithereens when he presses the wrong button.
** In Seymour Butts, while it's fairly unlikely that he would shoot Bart with a shotgun simply for prank phone calling him, he immediately recognizes him as the person who keeps prank phone calling him by the sound of his voice.
== Western Animation ==
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