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Unspoken Plan Guarantee: Difference between revisions

"fan fiction" -> "fan works", when?, spelling, italics on work names, added missing links, spelling, BSG link, potholes
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("fan fiction" -> "fan works", when?, spelling, italics on work names, added missing links, spelling, BSG link, potholes)
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{{quote|''When there is a plan, [[A Simple Plan|things cannot go according to it]]. If they do, the plan becomes a [[Spoiler]].''|''[[How Not to Write A Novel]]''}}
|''[[How Not to Write A Novel]]''}}
''When the characters come up with a plan to save the day, its chances of success are inversely proportional to how much the audience knows about it beforehand.''
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See also [[Obstacle Exposition]], [[Gambit Roulette]], [["I Know What We Can Do!" Cut]], [[Despite the Plan]].
== [[Anime]] &and [[Manga]] ==
== [[Anime]] & Manga ==
* In ''[[My Hero Academia]]'', Deku explained his plan to his friends on how to rescue a classmate. While we hear him explain the plan, we also see it in action at the same time. In effect, from the audience's perspective, Deku is narrating what is going on. There is a hiccup that threatened to derail the end of his plan and that doesn't get narrated by him since that wasn't part of his plan. Here is the scene: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vH0XHC2Ddmw].
* This is how ''[[JoJo's Bizarre Adventure|Jojo's Bizarre Adventure]]'' operates. Heroes come across a bad guy with some crazy, never-before-seen power. The heroes look like they're in a tight spot. Some craziness happens which leaves the villain either dead or begging for mercy. Hero explains their brilliant plan at the end of the chapter arc. And it's all glorious.
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* Subversion: In ''''[[The Sandman]]'' #22, Morpheus announces to the population of the Dreaming his plan to go to Hell. He mentions that he has "made certain plans" in case he is captured, but not what they are. However, he ''isn't'' captured, and the subject doesn't come up again.
* Odds are you'll find out [[Batman]] had X gadget after he's used it. Not before.
* In the Marvel ''Fear Itself'' crossover, we have yet to be told what Loki's plan for defeating the Serpent is (outside of the fact that he seems to be ''the only person'' with a plan at all and that it's a brains-over-brawn plan). Since we have no clue, it is therefore likely to succeed, according to this trope. And the fact that Loki is a reincarnated [[Magnificent Bastard]].
** Likewise, Odin's "wipe out earth to stop it" plan is not going to happen now that they've mentioned it (and because it would end the comic).
** [[Iron Man]] also has some sort of a plan here, and was last seen going to explain it to Odin in an effort to get him to not destroy Earth. we have yet{{when}} to see the outcome of that, but there ''is'' supposedly a plan there.
== [[Fan FictionWorks]] ==
== [[Fan Fiction]] ==
* In ''[[Curious George Goes to Paris]]'', The Man in the Yellow Hat discusses a plan to save the British soldiers with Corporal McFluffin, which the reader never hears about. The plan goes well until Nazi tanks show up.
* In ''[[Fallout Equestria]]'', the plan for defeating the Goddess. Notable in that this trope applies in-story as well; after coming up with the plan, Littlepip tells each member of the party their part in the plan and ONLY their part, and then has her own memories removed. The reason is that the Goddess is telepathic, and Littlepip herself will be facing the Goddess directly. Letting your opponent read your mind and figure out your plan would kind of put a damper on it.
== [[Film]] ==
* In ''[[V for Vendetta]]'', V had an {{spoiler|[[Bulletproof Vest|iron vest]] underneath his clothing near the end, although he was fatally wounded.}}
* ''[[Ocean's Eleven]]'' (at least, the modern remake) - in fact, this is a tool of most con genre stories, since you'd lose a lot of tension if you knew exactly what the plan was to begin with - the tension relies on the appearance of it all going wrong, when it's actually going to plan, after all
** ''[[OceansOcean's Twelve]]'' too. {{spoiler|What the audience believes to be "the plan" is shown to fail miserably. In fact, the real gambit is carried out successfully and silently in the middle of the movie, unannounced, and everything from there on is just a ruse to fool the antagonist.}}
* Averted in the ''[[Seven Samurai]]''. The heroes' plans are constantly detailed, and never totally fail.
* The diner scene in ''[[The Godfather]]'' is planned out meticulously. Then the protagonist acts it out, but changes a bunch of details because [[It's Personal]]. It works fine.
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* A classic plan that's destined for disaster occurs, complete with visualization in ''[[Shaun of the Dead]]''. If the heroes could really "wait for all this to blow over," it wouldn't be much of a horror movie...
* The Joker's train of [[Gambit Roulette]] in ''[[The Dark Knight]]'' succeed so well precisely because the only time he reveals a hint of what he's about to do is when he's either completely lying through his teeth, lying about the bit that's going to make you walk right into it, or telling you the bit that's going to make you walk right into it. 99% of the time Batman, the police, and the audience have ''no freaking clue'' what to expect next.
** Ironically, the only plan that can arguably be ''called'' a [[Xanatos Gambit]] (the two boats with bombs) is also the only one to fail. PersumablyPresumably because he explained eveythingeverything before hand.
* In ''[[The Sting]]'' we are led to believe that the spoken plan is doomed to fail because we are not told that {{spoiler|the man we think is an FBI agent is actually part of the scam.}} By the same token, we are not told two other important things: {{spoiler|Salino's first name is "Loretta", and Gondorff hired a bodyguard for Hooker.}}
* Averted in ''[[A Few Good Men]]'', where the night before Jessup is put on the stand the lawyers have an onscreen meeting about their plan to make him confess, and the next day it's executed perfectly. Roger Ebert cited this as a flaw in the film, saying it's no fun if nothing goes wrong after you've already heard what's going to happen.
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* Played both ways in ''[[Boondock Saints]]'' 2; In an early scene, the brothers discuss their plan for assaulting some gangsters, complete with voice-over cinematics. In the next scene, the police mention that "whatever happened, it was a botched plan", with voice-over cinematics showing exactly how it was botched. Much later in the movie, they are about to discuss the plan when the camera focus leaves the group; Cut to the police discussing the precision and deftness with which the attack was carried out, as a voice-over to them succeeding.
** This happens in the first ''[[Boondock Saints]]'' film as well; several times we see the brothers about to embark on some plan or other, then the movie cuts to the scene of the crime and we learn how it was done as Agent Smecker narrates how it must have happened. Usually, he gets it right.
* ''[[Monty Python and the Holy Grail]]'': Inverted when Sir Bedevere says, "I have a plan" to storm the French castle, but only tells King Arthur the particulars after the [[Trojan Horse|Trojan Rabbit]] is already ''inside'' the castle, [[Too Dumb to Live|sans the invasion force]].
* ''[[The Producers]]'' follows this trope when Bialystock tells Bloom all about his plan, moments after Bloom tells him "[[Springtime for Hitler|Under certain circumstances, you could make more money with a flop than with a hit...]]"
{{quote|'''Bialystock''': "Step One! We find the worst play ever written! Step Two! We hire the worst director in town! Step Three! We raise two million dollars - one for me and one for you! Step Four! We hire the worst actors in New York, and open on Broadway, and before you can say Step Five! We close on Broadway, take the two million, and go to Rio!"}}
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* Played straight in ''[[A Bridge Too Far]]''. Immediately after the outline of Operation Market Garden is given to the Allied generals, the first sign that it will fail is given when the Germans send an SS Panzer Corps to one of the target cities to refit by sheer coincidence.
* Averted awesomely in ''[[True Lies]]'' when Harry Tasker, handcuffed and stoned in truth serum, explains to his captors in great detail exactly how he is going to kill every one of them and escape. They laugh it off until he reveals that he has already escaped the handcuffs. He does exactly as he said, but it's way better to see it than to hear it.
* Nodded to in ''[[Watchmen (film)|Watchmen]]''. The quasi-villainous antagonist tells the heroes about his morally questionable plan to unite the world by faking an attack by a superhuman force. When the heroes state their determination to stop him, he pauses as if puzzled and says, "Why would I be telling you this if I hadn't already done it?" He had already set events irreversibly in motion.
* In ''[[The A-Team (film)|The A-Team]]'' this is part of the plot. When we see the team planning the mission to steal the counterfeit plates early in the film, we are not told the whole plan. Why? Because B.A. isn't supposed to hear it either, since it is necessary for him to not know that he's going to end up locked in a cargo container being flown away by a helicopter piloted by Murdock as he would not agree to it.
== [[Literature]] ==
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* Edge of Victory: Conquest adverts this as Anikin's unspoken plan to escape Yavin 4 with Master Ikirt( size of a small dog) in his X-wing fails when other jedi appretinces stay behind to rescue him.
* Both played straight and brutally averted in ''[[The Salvation War]]''. The battle plans of both the human armies and the forces of Hell are laid out in exquisite detail. The deciding factor, in this case, is who applies the most [[More Dakka|dakka]]- and Hell doesn't have guns.
* In [[Isaac Asimov]]'s ''[[Lucky Starr]]|Lucky Starr and the Rings of Saturn]]'', Starr keeps [[Sidekick|"Bigman" Jones]] in the dark about his plan, because it involves him [[Fake Defector|apparently turning traitor]] and he's concerned that Jones might be so anxious to defend his partner's good name that he'll accidentally give the game away.
* [[Sherlock Holmes]] regularly arranged sting operations to catch culprits red-handed, without letting Watson or the police in on what he was up to. Lampshaded by Holmes himself in ''The Valley Of Fear'', where he admits that it's mostly his own taste for drama that makes him keep his associates in the dark about such plans.
* Double-subverted in ''[[The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo]]''. Lisbeth comes up with a plan to get revenge on her abusive guardian, which we don't get to hear about. When she arrives, the narration informs us that, "The plan began to go wrong almost immediately." However, it turns out later that {{spoiler|if anything, the plan worked ''better'' in the long term than expected; she wanted blackmail material, and she sure as hell got it.}}
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* ''[[Animorphs]]'': The team needed to figure out how to stop David, a rogue Animorph. They sat around discussing how to do it, while David was actually hidden nearby, listening. When they enact the plan, it seems to fail... {{spoiler|but then they reveal that they ''knew'' he'd be listening, and while they discussed the "plan", they were passing notes around, which detailed the real plan.}}
* The ''[[Left Behind]]'' series subverts this, demonstrating aptly that [[Tropes Are Not Bad]]: The authors, who believe their Biblical [[Prophecies Are Always Right]] in the real world, wrote a novel where the characters have access to these prophecies. Since the series is a massive [[Author Tract]], those prophecies then all come true without a single [[Prophecy Twist]], making the story far more boring than a story of [[The End of the World as We Know It]] has any right to be.
** In a later book, the [[Anti Christ]] tries to be [[Genre Savvy]] by taking those Bible prophecies and using it wherethem to predict where and when Jesus will arivearrive so he can have his army ready to fight him. [[Idiot Ball|For some reason]], the fact that those prophecies -- whose absolute accuracy he is ''counting on'' -- broadly end with [[Failure Is the Only Option|"and then Jesus totally kickeskicks their asses"]] [[Too Dumb to Live|does not discourage him]].
* Frequent in the ''[[Honor Harrington]]'' books, particularly with combat planning.
* Subverted in ''[[Vampire High]]''. Cody and Justin talk in extensive detail about their plan to find jendi students who can survive in water to save the [[It Makes Sense in Context|save the water polo team]], and the entire thing works perfectly. Played straight in the sequel, when Cody and Turk plan out the opening night of the gadji/jendi art museum and, after things start to go well, {{spoiler|someone sets the building's basement on fire.}}
* This seems to be how plans in ''[[Septimus Heap]]'' work out, given that most detailed plans go wrong and [[Xanatos Speed Chess]] is often more sucessfulsuccessful.
* [[Justified Trope|Justified]] in ''[[Jeeves and Wooster (novel)|Jeeves and Wooster]]'': Bertie, the first-person narrator, is [[Upper Class Twit|kind of a fool]], while [[The Jeeves|Jeeves]], who keeps things to himself, is a genius. Therefore, when Bertie comes up with a [[Zany Scheme]], the reader will automatically know all about it, but since we don't see Jeeves' thoughts, he's able to keep Bertie—and therefore the reader—in the dark about what ''he's'' plotting until the last possible second. Another common setup is for Jeeves to explain his plan beforehand: the plan appears to fail, then succeeds due to some factor which Jeeves didn't mention in his initial explanation.
== [[Live Action TV]] ==
* Every episode of ''[[Mission: Impossible (TV series)||Mission Impossible]]'' employs this. But in an unusual way: They show the ''last'' part of the team's discussion of the plan, so we know what equipment they're going to use, but we don't know what the equipment is ''for'' until we see it in action.
** Even so, ''every'' one of the IMF's plans requires [[Indy Ploy|some quick improvisation]] halfway through the episode, due to some unexpected factor.
* Seen in ''[[Three's Company]]''.{{context}}
* Used a lot in ''[[Alias Smith and Jones]]''. If Heyes verbalises his plan, it is guaranteed to fail, to the point where people wonder how on Earth he managed to get his reputation as the most successful outlaw in the West. Unspoken plans, especially those which he doesn't even tell the Kid about, are guaranteed to succeed. He tends to placate his annoyed partner in these cases with the assurance that he "wasn't sure it would work and didn't want to get your hopes up."
* The Season Three finale of ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'' demonstrates this perfectly. Two enemies make plans; one of the plans is fully detailed to the audience, while the other one is kept vague. The vague one, of course, is the one that succeeds.
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** On the other hand, the second-season ''[[Voyager]]'' episode "Resolutions" averts this trope. Tuvok goes into painstaking, [[Incredibly Lame Pun|on-screen]] detail about his plan to beat the Vidiians and get the medicine ''Voyager'' needs. It then goes off without the slightest hitch.
*** Not quite. The Vidiians do try to double cross them, and they require the covert assistance of a friendly Vidiian for the plan to succeed, plus a means of eliminating pursuit that wasn't mentioned beforehand.
* An example of the telepathic enemy example can be found in the original ''[[Star Trek]]'' episode "Return to Tomorrow". A good alien makes Kirk think that Spock's mind has been destroyed and McCoy think that a hypo contains a deadly poison so a telepathic [[Big Bad]] will read their minds and be tricked into leaving Spock's body when in reality {{spoiler|the hypo was harmless and Spock's being was installed into Nurse Chapel}}.
* ''[[NCIS]]'' ''loves'' this trope. If you hear a plan, it will fail; but if they don't show us the plan until the last minute it will be a massive and awesome success.
* Spoofed in the ''[[Blackadder]]'' episode "Witchsmeller Pursuivant", when our inability to hear Baldrick's plan to escape is blatantly [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshaded]]... and then we [[The Un-Reveal|don't see the plan either]], we're just told it worked!
* Both ends are in play in the ''[[Greek]]'' episode "The Great Cappie". The [[A Simple Plan|Simple Plan]], detailing a secret Prohibition drinking party under a rule-following ''[[The Great Gatsby|Great Gatsby]]'' theme party, is described in great detail...and is derailed when the dean shows up as an unexpected guest. Said party is saved by Plan B, which isn't known to the audience until it's put into motion.
* Averted somewhat in ''[[Firefly]]'', like in "Ariel.". The whole plan was described in minute detail, complete with scenes of the characters rehearsing their parts, and except for the temporary arrest, both the heist and River's diagnosis are completed as planned. Same with "The Train Job,", except for the Captain and Zoe getting trapped. And the opening scene of [[Serenity|the Big Damn Movie]], except for the Reavers. However, "Trash" and "Objects in Space" are perfect examples of unspoken plans going perfectly (almost). Also, this line from the movie pretty much sums it up:
{{quote|'''Mal''': I don't plan on any shooting taking place.
'''Jayne''': Yeah, well, what you plan and what takes place ain't ever exactly been similar. }}
** The aversion in "Ariel" is very much the exception that proves the rule. The plan was described in minute detail and worked (almost) exactly as planned, with all possible external threats perfectly anticipated. The suspense came from ''internal'' threats (like {{spoiler|Jayne betraying the Tams}}), and suspense aside, it was funny or at least fun to see how the ragtag crew of "''Serenity"'' handled a plan organizeorganized to the last detail.
*** And it's worth noting that it was [[The Smart Guy|Simon]] who planned the heist in "Ariel", rather than Mal, who is usually the one making the plans.
** "Trash" [[Double Subversion|double-subverts]] the trope: the detailed plan for {{spoiler|removal of the Laser}} goes off almost without a hitch (and is ultimately successful) and the {{spoiler|unspoken backup plan in case of treachery is pulled off successfully.}}
** In "The Message", the regular crew have an unspoken plan to {{spoiler|pretend to surrender and spring an ambush}} which would have worked flawlessly, except they didn't tell the guest star who {{spoiler|thought they really were going to give him up to the cops and takes a hostage. It doesn't end well for him.}} The [[Fridge Logic]] gets pointed out by the cast in the DVD commentary (i.e. "Why didn't we just tell him the plan?")
*** The cast carries this same [[Idiot Ball]] briefly in "Bushwhacked,", when Mal tells Simon he's getting all the contraband out in the open and giving the Confederate inspectors free access to the ship, without mentioning that River and Simon would be well hidden outside the ship at the time. Of course, it would not be out of character if Mal was just deliberately screwing with Simon.
* In the episode entitled "Norman" of the vampire detective series ''[[Blood Ties]]'', the heroes Vicki and Henry are forced to give a magic dagger to the demonic villain Norman when he kidnaps Vicki's secretary and holds her hostage. Norman needed the dagger to complete a spell to release the uber -demon Asteroth into the world. However, unknown to the audience, Vicki and Henry had first taken the dagger to a priest to have it blessed before they gave it to Norman, so that when he used it, his spell of summoning failed and he was sucked back down to Hell.
* In ''[[Prison Break]]'' Season One Michael's first attempt (mid season) at the breakout fails. Everything goes as planned until it turns out a corroded pipe has been replaced making it impossible for them to break it and escape.
* The Ori actually pull one of these on the good guys in the episode "Beachhead" of ''[[Stargate SG-1]]''. Because the Ori Prior refuses to tell them the plan, they end up playing right into the Ori's hands.
* "The Return" in ''[[Stargate Atlantis]]'' uses this trope masterfully. In one episode, the audience is disinformed about the protagonists' plan of liberating Atlantis. When all seems lost and the plan (as the audience knows it at that time) has been countered, their true plan immediately works out and only then is explained.
* Subverted in ''[[Torchwood]]: Children of Earth]]'', "Day 4" where the unspoken plan {{spoiler|fails miserably}}, resulting in {{spoiler|Ianto's death, along with the deaths of almost everyone else in the building and the government's decision to go ahead and give the children to the alien threat.}}
* Nearly every episode of ''[[Leverage]]'' involves this trope. Almost always their stated "Plan A" fails or was a deliberate bluff. When everything works out, a flashback shows the intermediate scenes that were not previously revealed to the audience.
* In the first episode of Season 2 of ''[[Babylon 5]]'', Sheridan doesn't bother to explain his order to hold fire until afterwards, starting with a "Just as I suspected ..." At least a pilot is later seen complaining about this.
** Sheridan does it again later on, when he orders his staff to do several strange things, such as sending a White Star to destroy some completely normal asteroids, and asking Ivanova to report on the news that that absolutely nothing happened in a specific area of space. In fact, his plan absolutely hinges on him not telling anyone what it is!
* ''[[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined]](2004 TV series)|The 2004 ''.Battlestar Galactica'']]: Played straight in several episodes, but the two-parter "Resurrection Ship" averts this spectacularly. Both the plan to destroy the Resurrection Ship, and the plans of Cain and Adama to assassinate the other, are set out beforehand. The action then jumps right into the middle of the attack, witnessed from a detached POV (Lee drifting in space after ejecting from his craft) as the suspense is provided by us wondering whose assassination plan will succeed.
** And then, of course, {{spoiler|Cain and Adama both decide to call off each other's assassinations at the last moment, with both of them realizing exactly what almost happened. And then she gets killed by a third party.}}.
* ''[[The Rockford Files]]'': This trope is used every time [[The Rockford Files|Jim Rockford]] plans a con. The only time the plan is described at the beginning, everything goes south and turns into a game of [[Xanatos Speed Chess]].
* Parodied on ''[[The Young Ones]]'', when Mike proclaims he has a plan, gets into a tight huddle with the other lads, and the ''psssh psssh psssh'' sound of muffled conversation is heard. When the huddle breaks up and he asks if they all know what to do, Neil replies: "Yeah, we all go 'psssh psssh psssh'."
* Averted in the Live Action version of ''[[Discworld/Going Postal|Going Postal]].'' Moist von Lipwig describes his plan, and yet it works.
* The ''[[Monty Python's Flying Circus]]'' bit aboutsketch "How Not To Be Seen.". The announcer tells the subjects to stand up after they've been concealed, only for them to be gunned down.
* Often employed by Sam and Dean on ''[[Supernatural (TV series)|Supernatural]]''. Pretty much any hunt that is explained beyond what has to be done to kill the [[Monster of the Week]] is going to go awry. Perhaps best exemplified by the episode "Mommy Dearest", where the heroes are shown discussing both a Plan A and a Plan B. Both are easily foiled by the episode's villain. Dean then kills her with a previously unmentioned but obviously thought out beforehand Plan C.
* Invoked and lampshaded, [[Deconstructor Fleet|naturally]], on ''[[Community]]''. [[Meta Guy|Abed]] announces he has a plan, calls a huddle, and then stands there moving his lips soundlessly. After a [[Beat]], Jeff points out that in the real world, you have to actually ''tell'' people the plan. Abed reluctantly agrees... [[Double Subversion|and there's a cut away before we hear him describe it]].
* Subverted in an episode of ''[[The Big Bang Theory]]'', when the guys plan to neutralize a 15-year-old prodigy by getting him to a party with a bunch of teenage girls. Once the party starts, they spend several minutes coming to the realization that the whole thing actually has no chance of working, and are totally flummoxed when they realize it worked ''exactly'' as planned.
== [[Theater]] ==
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** In ''[[Romeo and Juliet]]'', Friar Lawrence's plan involving the {{spoiler|faked death of Juliet}} is described to the audience. So naturally, it ends horribly.
** One of the main differences between Shakespeare's tragedies and his comedies is that the tragedies are more likely to play this trope straight, whereas the comedies are more likely to avert it. For example, the second half of ''[[Much Ado About Nothing]]'' centers on {{spoiler|another false death gambit, also hatched and explained in detail by a friar, but in this case the gambit actually succeeds}}.
== [[Video Games]] ==
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*** However, it shows up in ''[[Psychonauts]]''. The plan Shegor's talking pet turtle comes up with that goes off without a hitch and very nearly solves everything is blanked out when discussed, then carried out in a cutscene.
* This does, however, happen ''all the freakin' time'' in the ''[[Ace Attorney]]'' games. Often his assistant or even Phoenix himself will mention that they've finally figured out the case, give some vague clue as to what conclusion they've reached, yet it's still up to the player to figure it out. Largely justified, since combining evidence to solve cases is basically the entirety of the gameplay, so having the whole thing spelled out for you at the last minute would kind of defeat the purpose of the whole thing.
* Played straight in ''[[Kirakira|Kira Kira]]'' at d2b's first concert, before which Shika and Murakami have some kind of secret plan they talk about but never clarify until it actually happens onscreen. There's at least one example of the trope going the other way too, where a concert is expected by all characters to go fine but winds up going horribly wrong when Kirari falls victim to a [[Heroic BSOD]] onstage.
* Tohsaka refuses to elaborate on her plan to defeat Caster in [[Fate/stay night]]. Shirou assumes it's because it's some sort of plan that won't work as well if he knows about it. While this may be true, the real reason is obviously so that {{spoiler|Tohsaka can surprise us with her hand to hand combat skills and utterly floor Caster.}} The plan actually {{spoiler|works}} because {{spoiler|Caster didn't know Magi had picked up martial arts skills, but it's not enough to win. It was only enough to distract her until [[Villainous Rescue|Archer]] showed up.}}
* Used [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|superbly]] by Eggman in ''[[Sonic Adventure Series|Sonic Adventure 2]]''. Eggman hints that he has some sort of plan made, and proceeds to go through his last level. When he arrives he almost killing Sonic, exposing the Fake Chaos Emerald and obtaining the real one. On Sonic's side of things, he states his [[Evil Plan]] out loud, where it proceeds to blow up in his face spectacularly. This scene is practically scrapped in [[Sonic X]].
** Averted earlier in the game. About midway through the dark story, Eggman explains to Shadow and Rouge his plan to steal the Chaos Emeralds from the military and destroy their command base at Prison Islans. The plan hits a few snags due to Rouge slipping up and the arrival of Sonic and Tails, but ultimately succeeds, gets the villains three more chaos emeralds, and effectively cripples GUN's ability to interfere with them further.
* Subverted in the ''[[Assassin's Creed]]'' franchise, the main characters often undergo a series of investigations including [[Exact Eavesdropping|eavesdropping]], pick pocketing important items, and [[Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique|interrogating people]] close to the target. Then they announce a plan they've used those details to come up with in broad strokes, allowing the player to determine the actual plan of attack. Although some targets spring surprises that simply can't be avoided and force the character into an [[Indy Ploy]].
* Subverted in ''[[Call of Duty: Black Ops|Call of Duty Black Ops]]'', where all the prisoners in Vorkuta are familiar with Reznov's plan for everyone to riot and escape:
{{quote|'''Reznov / Prisoners''': "Step One! ''Secure the keys!'' Step Two! ''Ascend from darkness!'' Step Three! ''Rain Fire!'' Step Four! ''Unleash the Horde!'' Step Five! ''Skewer the winged beast!'' Step Six! ''Wield a Fist of Iron!''...Ah-hahaha! You know what to do! Step Seven! ''Raise Hell!''"}}
** {{spoiler|This turns out to be [[Double Subverted]] when Reznov and Mason break into a garage and reveal the ''eighth'' step of their plan: Freedom.}}
** Mostly played straight in ''[[Modern Warfare]] 2'' - Soap never goes into detail what his "Plan B" is in the mission "Cliffhanger", and as such it works as intended. Of course, the player probably realized what exactly it entailed by virtue of [[Stuff Blowing Up|placing C4 onto something very flammable as part of the set-up for it.]]
* In the ''[[Sword of the Stars]]'' novelization, the Tarka commander uses an unspoken plan to win against a race of telepaths: She gives her Human and Hiver allies a straight-forward battleplanbattle plan and has a conspirator in the fleet ([[Psychic Static|who the telepaths can't mind-read]]) [[Fake Defector|'betray' them]]. She then backstabs the telepaths while they're gloating over their victory, with their captives being unable to give them any useful information because they have no idea.
* Mostly averted in ''[[Persona (video game)|Persona 5]]'' when Ann, Ryuji, Morgana, and Joker decide to open a door in Madarame's museum by opening a door in the real world, making sure that Madarame takes notice so that it will open in the other world as well. It works well, but they also end up providing evidence that Madarame is corrupt to his student Yusuke, who had previously refused to believe that Madarame wasn't a corrupt artist.
* ''[[Final Fantasy VIII]]'' features a long and involved plan to capture Deling. One part of the plan goes ''better than expected'' (the heat sensors the guards were supposed to use didn't work)... and the plan still fails because {{spoiler|Deling was swapped with a body double ahead of time.}} Then came the planned assassination of Edea, explained once again in great detail, which (despite almost failing for umpteen other reasons) almost makes it through, only to fail at the last minute because {{spoiler|Edea blocks the bullet Irvine fires, and in the direct attack, she defeats Squall.}} But then, later in the game, a much more convoluted plan averts the trope ({{spoiler|Odine's plan to have Ellone trick Ultimecia into a partial time compression actually works and helps the heroes reach and defeat Ultimecia.}})
== [[Web Comics]] ==
Line 238 ⟶ 231:
'''Elan''': Sure it is! If you talk about them and then they happen exactly that way, there's no tension! }}
* Lampshaded in [http://get-medieval.livejournal.com/297093.html this] strip of ''[[Get Medieval]]''.
* ''[[8-Bit Theater|Eight Bit Theater]]'' references this idea in the final panel of [http://www.nuklearpower.com/2009/07/02/episode-1147-the-big-plan/ this strip]. {{spoiler|The plan in question failed.}}
{{quote|...And now that I've described the plan in full, nothing can possibly go wrong!}}
* Lampshaded and subverted in strip #915 of ''[[1/0]]''.
Line 254 ⟶ 247:
** Also note [http://twoevilscientists.smackjeeves.com/comics/60329/more-than-just-a-crush-pt-1/ these] [http://twoevilscientists.smackjeeves.com/comics/60330/more-than-just-a-crush-pt-2/ two] strips and the commentary on the latter.
* Played straight and inverted in at the end of Act 5 of ''[[Homestuck]]''. {{spoiler|Rose}}'s plan, which had been discussed at length, goes about as awry as it's possible to go, whereas {{spoiler|Jade}}'s plan, which had been arranged mostly off-screen, succeeds better than anyone had hoped (despite some minor complications). However, {{spoiler|WQ}}'s plan, the most mysterious of the three by far, is quite firmly dashed by outside circumstances. To clarify:
** Rose's plan was {{spoiler|to fly Derse's moon and the Tumor to the Green Sun using her dreamself, using the Tumor to destroy it. Instead, both she and Dave died and transferred to their dreamselvedreamselves. Then DD attacks a defenseless Rose while she's trying to fly away unnoticed. Finally, both she and Dave get the Tumor to the place it's supposed to be, only to discover that the Tumor isn't what destroys the Green Sun, it's what created it in the first place. It's not all bad, though; Rose and Dave got God Tiers out of it, and the Green Sun is now powering two of the heroes as well.}}
** Jade's plan was {{spoiler|to escape through the fourth wall at the last moment, to ensure that the Scratch goes off without a hitch. Not only does this succeed, but she ascends to God Tier due to an unforeseen attack and manages to take their planets through the Fourth Wall too.}}
** WQ's plan was {{spoiler|to use the transportalizer in WV's station to escape to the troll's session, then blow up the stations once they arrived so that nobody could follow their trail. It would have worked, if only Jack hadn't been hiding in the frog temple the entire time, and was released a mere ten seconds after the White King arrived...}}
* ''[[Sluggy Freelance]]'' had ... well, [http://www.sluggy.com/comics/archives/daily/010629 see for yourself]. Yup. We didn't even ''see'' how the plan failed.
* In ''[[Impure Blood]]'', [https://web.archive.org/web/20130609075128/http://www.impurebloodwebcomic.com/Pages/Chapter001/ib003.html Caspian is reviewing the plan, but we only see a few details before Elnor shuts him down because she knows already.]
* Lampshaded and spoofed in ''[[Real Life Comics]]'':
Line 265 ⟶ 258:
'''Greg:''' Holy crap... Can you believe how crazy things got back there?
'''Tony:''' That was truly a series of events I will never forget. Just... '''Wow.''' }}
== [[Web Original]] ==
* Played with by way of [[No Fourth Wall]] in ''[[DoctorDr. HorriblesHorrible's Sing -Along Blog]]''. Dr. Horrible's plan fails because it turns out that Captain Hammer and the police have been watching the video along with the audience. (Something of a subversion, though, since the audience doesn't even know his target until his recap of the failure.)
** Also subverted with his revenge plan - we are told nothing, save that it will be both vicious and final. {{spoiler|It... almost works.}}
* ''[[Homestar Runner]]'' example: In ''Looking at a Thing in a Bag'', we don't hear [[The Unintelligible|The Cheat's]] plan to get some drinks, and it goes perfectly. [[Mind Screw|It still doesn't make any sense at all though.]]
Line 274 ⟶ 266:
* Subverted once more in ''[[Red vs. Blue]]'': All Caboose says during the team huddle with Sarge is "whisperwhisperwhisper". He just wanted to be the guy with the plan for once.
* In the ''[[Potter Puppet Pals]]'' episode "Trouble at Hogwarts", Voldemort is invading the school but Dumbledore, Harry, and Hermione are all stumped on how to respond. It's Ron who runs in and says "I have a plan!" and then the scene transitions. Turns out the solution is to [[Just Shoot Him]]—not with magic spells, but submachine gun bullets!
* "Ayla and the Networks" of the ''[[Whateley Universe]]''. The Masterminds lay out a careful, detailed plan, which only ''appears'' to work perfectly {{spoiler|while leading them right into the jaws of a trap.}} The Spy Kidz lay out a detailed plan to catch the Masterminds, and it goes humiliatingly wrong. The Lit Chicks lay out a plan to catch She-Beast in the middle of ''her'' nefarious plan, and it goes seriously wrong. The Three Little Witches lay out as much of a plan as they're capalecapable of, and it goes well... for about thirty seconds. Ayla never discusses his plan until afterward, and it works beautifully {{spoiler|because he laid out the pieces two books earlier.}}
== [[Western Animation]] ==
* Any episode of ''[[Scooby -Doo]]'' where the plan to capture the monster is spoken out loud will be ruined, usually by Scooby and Shaggy's incompetence, though it will invariably succeed in a different way because of this.
** Subverted in [[The Movie]], along with most other ''[[Scooby -Doo]]'' cliches, by having the spoken plan... actually ''work'' after it almost fails.
*** Similarly, in ''[[Scooby -Doo! Mystery IncIncorporated]]'' Fred's traps ''may or may not'' work, in the intended way or otherwise, and may fail even if he hadn't explained exactly how they would work.
* In "Brain Drain" on ''[[Legion of Super-Heroes (TV series)|Legion of Super Heroes]]'', Lightning Lad and Saturn Girl both announce their plans to capture Brainiac 5's wayward [[Losing Your Head|headless body]], and both plans fail. Lightning Lad then asks Saturn Girl to [[Psychic Powers|read his next plan from his mind]] for no apparent reason, and that plan is the one that succeeds.
* Subverted in an episode of ''[[Kappa Mikey]]'', where part two of the plan turns out to be...
Line 291 ⟶ 282:
* [[Double Subverted]] in the ''Fairly Odd Baby'' [[Made for TV Movie]] of ''[[The Fairly OddParents]]''. Timmy comes up with an Unspoken Plan that appears to fail miserably... but it then turns out it wasn't actually finished, and once it is, it ''does'' work perfectly.
* [[Double Subverted]] in a grand fashion in an episode of ''[[Codename: Kids Next Door]]''. We're given a step-by-step breakdown of the team's plan for infiltrating an assembly of villains complete with accompanying imagined footage of them enacting the plan. Numbah 4 expresses his doubts about the plan... [[Gilligan Cut|and then says how it worked perfectly.]] The double subversion comes when Numbah 1, who was missing during the plan, was actually captured by said assembly, forcing the team to rush in to save him.
* [[Harmless Villain|Drakken]], Duff Killigan and Monkey Fist were elaborating plans to defeat ''[[Kim Possible]]'' using the Time Monkey Idol during "[[The Movie|aA Sitch in Time]]", they failed. [[Dangerously Genre Savvy|Shego]] did not reveal her plans (until the late [[Evil Gloating]]), and surely enough she became [[Evil Overlord|The Supreme One]]. Oh, and she yawned during the guys planning.
** And Drakken's [[Eucatastrophe|most successful plan]] to defeat Kim (in [[The Movie|"So the Drama"]]) was the one where he didn't even tell [[The Dragon|Shego]] what he was planning until Kim was safely captured. Specifically justified in this case because Drakken was keeping Shego in the dark to test whether the plan was clever enough that Kim wouldn't figure it out until too late.
* Subverted in ''[[The Powerpuff Girls]]'' where Mojo Jojo whispers a plan to defeat an alien invader. Although it initially works, its eventually failure leads to him having a break down that fuels an unstoppable beatdown of rage against the enemy
Line 311 ⟶ 302:
'''Finn''': Nah, that wasn't my plan. We got lucky. }}
** [[Invoked Trope|Invoked]] by Finn in a later episode when he doesn't mention his plan to his sidekick [[Non-Human Sidekick|Jake]] so that he won't [[The Millstone|mess it up]].
* Subverted in ''[[Chaotic]]''. Kaor's plan to steal Maxxor's new battle gear is one of the first things the audience learns. It goes off without a hitch.
* Subverted in ''[[Futurama]]''.
{{quote|'''Leela''': Ok, here's what we're going to do. *begins to whisper plan*
Line 317 ⟶ 308:
'''Leela''': *rolls eye* I ''said'', *says actual plan out loud*
'''Professor Farnsworth''': *[[Beat]]* '''What?''' }}
* Played with in ''[[Storm Hawks]]''. One episode has a character narrate a plan beforehand over what looks to be an [[Imagine Spot]] of the plan actually playing out. The narration continues even when everything starts going wrong, and the spot is shown to really be a flash-forward.
* Every contraption Klunk devises on ''[[Dastardly and Muttley in Their Flying Machines]]'' will be detailed by Zilly (who always translates Klunk's bizarre mode of speech). And naturally, [[Failure Is the Only Option|they do not work]]. Dick Dastardly does the same thing on the show which he started, ''[[Wacky Races]]''.
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