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(Adding my work from TVTropes.)
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Outside of the Human and Monster Realms, there are many other creatures and monsters living in the Continent, most of them actually being able to communicate by language. Their affiliation greatly varies since they aren't working for the Monster Army, except for the Angels and Oni who directly serve the Gods Hierarchy. This page regroups all of the standard non-humans met by humans in their everyday life.
[[Rance/Characters|Main character page.]]
= Previous Protagonist Race =
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Among them, the strongest of the Round Ones, Kkulf Kkulf, was selected by Planner as the very first Archfiend, and Kayblis, future Big Bad of the series, became the first Fiend under its rule.
==== General Round Ones Tropes ====
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=== Kkulf Kkulf ===
The first Archfiend of the setting and the most powerful up to this day. See his entry in Rance Archfiends.
=== Kayblis ===
The first Fiend created by Kkulf Kkulf as part of an experience. See his entry in Rance Fiends.
=== Wuu ===
Appearing in ''Rance 03'', he's a Lis that fell in love with a human woman.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Wuu include:}}
* Humanity Ensues: Rance, trying to justify why Wuu's and Rola's relationship is wrong, tells him that if he wants to have a relationship with a human woman, he has to become human himself. To everyone's shock, Wuu actually ''succeeds'' in this, by abusing his race's Adaptive Ability to transform his body.
* Interspecies Romance: He's in love with Rola Indus, a human woman. The feeling is mutual: Rola loves him just as much.
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After having learned from the Round Ones' weakness and the Dragons' strength and wisdom, the Gods created the third and still existing Protagonist Race: Humans.
==== General Dragons Tropes ====
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=== Magiihoa / "King Dragon" ===
The king of the Dragons, and among the most powerful of their kind to ever live. He was present at the final battle against Kkulf-Kkulf, and is known to have personally done a good deal of damage to the Archfiend, though he did not strike the killing blow. He is also the one who defeated and sealed away Archfiend Abel. He survived the gods' purge of his kind and continues to live in the current age, having shapeshifted into the form of a strange humanoid cat that calls itself "KD".
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Magiihoa include:}}
* All-Powerful Bystander: Being the strongest of a race of beings stronger than any that exist on the Continent today means he's pretty high up on the power scale, ranking among the most powerful mortal beings in existence. However, following the destruction of his race he has no ambitions and remains in hiding.
* Asskicking Equals Authority: Quickly became the Dragon King thanks to his gigantic strength.
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* Perpetual Smiler: As KD, he sports a wide grin at any time.
* Physical God: He possesses a Lv3 Skill in Dragon, making him the strongest Dragon in existence. This is taken a step further considering his feats, as he managed to defeat an ''Archfiend'' on a one-on-one duel!
=== Abel ===
The second Archfiend following the death of Kkulf-Kkulf. See his entry on Rance Archfiends.
=== Camilla ===
The only female Dragon to ever live and the wife of Dragon King Magiihoa, who was turned into a Fiend by Abel. See her entry on Rance Fiends.
=== Noce ===
An Earth Dragon turned into a Fiend by Jill. See his entry on Rance Fiends.
=== Cantel ===
A white dragon found slumbering on the floating landmass of Ylapu. He is suffering from a bad cold, causing the temperature around him to drop to below freezing.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Cantel include:}}
* Chekhov's Gunman: He seems to disappear after giving Rance the N Key. He shows up suddenly in the epilogue, helping Freak Paraffin, Hubert, and Hunty Kalar escape the falling island. ''Rance X'' reveals he joined up with Patton's group after that.
* The Dreaded: It says something about how fearsome the dragons are that someone as arrogant as Rance thinks twice about fighting one... even a sick, injured dragon.
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== Haniwa ==
A race of bizarre creatures resembling living clay sculptures. Usually called "Hannies" in-game. They were created during the KK Era as a race of monster for the Dragons to battle against, and have survived the purge of the old world to live on in humanity's era.
==== General Hanny Tropes ====
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=== Hanny King ===
The immortal leader of the hanny race. He is a unique, white hanny who wears a crown and cape, and wields a scepter. He is unbelievably powerful in terms of magic, moreso than any human has ever been.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by the Hanny King include:}}
* Author Avatar: His personality is based on TADA, former CEO of Alice Soft and director of the ''Rance'' games.
* Bonus Boss: Some games allow the player to fight him as a post-game optional boss. He's usually among the greatest challenges in the post-game.
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* Immortality: He has been alive since the hannies were first created (ie, somewhere around 5700 years old), and shows no signs of age or breaking down. It's unclear whether he's truly immortal or if he could be killed by something powerful enough.
* Super Empowering: He can give humans special powers if he desires it. In ''Rance VI'', he grants Rizna the same Absolute Magic Defense that all hannies possess, rendering her immune to magic attacks. It's also been stated he can cure virtually any disease.
=== Kagekatsu ===
A puchi hanny wearing a samurai helmet. He wandered into Genbu's Castle and befriended Rizna, dedicating himself to protecting her and helping her escape.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Kagekatsu include:}}
* Faking the Dead: To give Rizna the final push she needs to escape Genbu's Castle, he pretends to betray and attack her and Rance on the way out, and uses his racial ability to explode upon losing the fight. He meets up with her again outside the Castle, where he explains his actions and she forgives him.
* The Mentor: He acts like this toward Rizna. Knowing how gullible she can be, he advises her on what to do and who to trust.
* Only Friend: To Rizna, being the one person to come to Genbu's Castle to actually have her best interests in mind, after a long string of abusive men.
=== Masuzoe ===
A hanny Fiend, also known as the Lord of the Abyss. See his entry on Rance Fiends.
=== Nagata-kun ===
A hanny met by El Mofus in ''Rance X: Part 2''. He becomes El's first friend and sidekick.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Nagata-kun include:}}
* Blood Brothers: Declares himself to be El's "Soul Friend".
* The Lancer: He assumes this role toward El throughout the story.
* Non-Mammalian Hair: He's one of the only hannies to have hair, though it's couldeventually possiblyrevealed to be a wig.
== Third Generation Monsters (Guy and Gal Monsters) ==
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=== Guy Monsters ===
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Guy Monsters include:}}
* Always Chaotic Evil: Enforced. Though monsters usually have free will, they are magically compelled to obey Fiends and the Archfiend. As a result, they have been at war with humanity since their creation. There are very rare cases of monsters and human co-existing peacefully (when there are no Fiends around), but even in these cases the peace tends to be strained.
* Gender Equals Breed: Any given combination of Guy Monster and Gal Monster can reproduce, with the children being the species of their father if male, or the species of their mother if female.
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* Monstrous Humanoid: Some varieties of Guy Monsters appear human (or close to human, anyway), though no one ever seems to be fooled into thinking that one is actually human.
* Our Monsters Are Different: There is an extreme variety of different kinds of Guy Monster, with several hundred different sub-species having been seen across the franchise. They range from looking almost human, to bestial, to just downright bizarre.
=== Gal Monsters ===
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Gal Monsters include:}}
* Cute Monster Girl: Almost all Gal Monsters take the form of young human women with minor monster traits. Some of them are nearly indistinguishable from actual human women, except for their usual hostility. There are some exceptions, however, such as the Oni-Hag.
* Made a Slave: Capturing Gal Monsters for slaves is a lucrative practice among humans. The slavers tend to exclusively go after Gal Monsters due to their generally being cute and attractive.
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=== Doodle Beasts ===
Strange-looking beings artificially created through magic. They appear as living drawings, generally of very poor quality. The most well-known creators of these beings are the Sketch Gal Monsters, though it is not a skill exclusive to them.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Doodle Beasts include:}}
* Beware the Silly Ones: Most Doodles are very weak, but some can be extremely strong. Those who judge their power by their appearance can be in for a great shock.
* Creating Life: They are technically alive but do not possess a soul, nor can they reproduce on their own. They merely act according to very simple instincts and orders given by their master.
* Non-Malicious Monster: While the vast majority are created to be living weapons and are hostile to humans, some are created benign and are even kept as pets.
=== Holy Skeletal Fighting Marshal ===
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Originally, they fought against the armies of the Archfiend Gai under the command of the Holy Magic Sect, safeguarding humans. However, in his last days, the insane MM Rune gave them the command to exterminate any humans not part of the Holy Magic Sect, and no one else was able to redact the order. Since the Sect doesn't exist anymore, this basically means they attack any human they find. Due to this, they are considered no different from monsters in the modern age, and most people are unaware of their true nature.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Fighting Marshals include:}}
* In the Hood: They all wear a pointed hood reminiscent of the Ku Klux Klan.
* Lost Technology: No one knows how to make any more of them, as the secrets of "Holy Magic" died with the Sect.
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=== Angels ===
Angels live in the Divine Realm, and usually assist the gods with their work. They also form the bulk of the gods' army, should they ever need one. They are formed mostly of ascended Kalars, though in rare cases a human can ascend as well.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Angels include:}}
* Angelic Transformation: One of the few ways they can be born from.
* Immortality: They do not age and cannot become sick. However, a very powerful human or monster can still kill them.
* Light Is Not Good: Despite wearing white clothes and possessing white wings, they are pawns to the Gods and are deployed according to their wishes.
* Psychopomp: Their main job is to collect the souls of the deceased. They compete with devils for each soul and it's common for them to fight devils on sight.
=== Oni ===
A type of ogre that lives in hell, whose job is to purify the souls of the dead in preparation for the soul's return to Rudrathaum. On rare occasions, a portal to hell will open on the Continent, and they will stream out. Most hellholes are located in Nippon, hence why they are known by a Japanese term.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Oni include:}}
* Amazing Technicolor Population: They have a wide range of skin colors for their species.
* The Corruption: All that work of purifying corrupted souls can sometimes corrupt the an oni in turn. Angels try to keep an eye on them and kill them before they become a problem.
* One-Gender Race: All oni are male. To reproduce, they capture and rape human women they find on their rare excursions out of hell.
* Rape, Pillage, and Burn: If they get out of hell, they will proceed to do this.
=== Youkai ===
Strange supernatural creatures that can often be found in Nippon, and are almost never seen outside of it. They have extremely long lifespans and frequently have powerful magic abilities. Sometimes they look human, and sometimes they look decidedly ''non''-human.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Youkai include:}}
* The Ageless: Youkai do not age and can seemingly live forever, if they are not killed.
* Animating Artifact: Youkai can only travel outside Nippon if they carry a scale of Orochi with them. If this is taken from them, they will vanish into oblivion.
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* Healing Factor: They can heal from nearly any injury. Things like burning, dismemberment, and decapitation just take a bit longer.
* Nigh Invulnerable: Youkai can be harmed as easily as anything else can be, but it's generally nigh-impossible to actually ''kill'' them. The only reliable method is for the emotions and thoughts they are formed of to cease existing, which is extremely difficult. Those who fight youkai will generally resort to magically sealing dangerous youkai rather than killing them.
=== Insects ===
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Not all of them are inherently hostile to humans, and some have been tamed for use as beasts of burden or pets.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Insects include:}}
* Attack Animal: Some humans and monsters will use certain insects in this way.
* Call a Smeerp a "Rabbit": "Cows" are large, orange, four legged beasts somewhat like humpless camels used similarly to horses. "Goldfish" resemble living, mobile mushrooms with faces.
* Non-Indicative Name: Not all of them are insect-like. The term covers all forms of animal.
=== Kurupistonians ===
A race of aliens who inhabited a star-shaped planet relatively close to the Continent. They were not created by Rudrathaum and their creator remains unknown. They had several minor appearances across the series before Kurupiston was accidentally blown up (by Rance), ending their entire race.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Kurupistonians include:}}
* Half-Human Hybrid: they could create strange hybrids of themselves and other species, which they would send to spy on and sometimes abduct members of that species. The only known human hybrids live on the Continent after the destruction of Kurupiston, and work as unusual Level Gods.
* Higher-Tech Species: From what little we see of their civilization, they were more advanced than humanity, being closer to modern, real-world humanity. They did have some rudimentary space travel, but had not established any permanent off-world colonies.
* Mars Needs Women: For some strange reason, they found females of other species to be attractive, including humans. They would occasionally abduct women, but the women they took were not harmed or mistreated (other than having been kidnapped that is).
* Pokémon Speak: Their language consisted almost entirely of the word "kuru" and variations thereof.


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