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Super Smash Brothers: Guardians Arise!: Difference between revisions

tropelist, copyedits, added categories
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"'''''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5738295/27/Super_Smash_Brothers_Guardians_Arise Super Smash Brothers: Guardians Arise!]"''''' is a relatively popular ''[[Super Smash BrothersBros.]]'' fanfic notable for two main things: [[Loads and Loads of Characters|Manymany Characterscharacters]], and MUCH''much'' awesome.
The premise of the story is that after the Subspace Emissary, Tabuu is (Somehowsomehow, it's never explained and the fact is Lampshaded by Marth and Ike fairly quickly) [[Not Quite Dead|not actually dead]], and swiftly defeats all of the smashers. Master Hand manages to save their souls, and locks them in jars as balls of inert gas (Just roll with it...) for them to eventually be released and occupy a compatible body at some point in the future. 100 years later, enter [[Author Avatar|Psyche]] and Austin, a pair of slaves in Tabuu's new regime, where soulesssoulless puppets of the Smasher's bodies are now his feared elite soldiers. They find Master Hand's diary, when Marth comes upon them and attacks, killing Austin as Psyche runs like hell.
Just as she's about to die, Pit is released and it turns out she's his guardian. He takes over, and fends Marth off.
It gets more convultedconvoluted from there. Each smasher has its own guardian, and EACH HAS AT LEAST A THIRD OF A CHAPTER DEDICATED TO THEM. There is a small group that you could call the 'Main' characters, though.
Due to the premise, the fic is very OC heavy, so it's not to everyone's tastes.
=== ''Guardians Arise'' provides examples of: ===
* [[Axe Crazy]]: Pikana in a nutshell.
* [[Badass Crew]]: The Smashers, and also the Guardians.
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* [[Tear Jerker]]: A lot of people's backstories, and a lot of smasher's lives after getting turned into gas (Wifes dead, etc.), but Ike and Cam's go into...a little TOO MUCH detail.
** YMMV, as it is a bit cliche.
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]?: Golfer is on the recievingreceiving end of this over the course of MULTIPLE CHAPTERS. Cam being the main source of pain.
* [[Why Won't You Die?]]?: Cam is the living embodiment of this. Ike sums it up best in Chapter 27: "Basically kid, you're one walking anti-death machine"
* Kleptomaniac?: Nao. He stole those pages.
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