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This is a large reason why [[Crystal Dragon Jesus]] and especially [[Jesus Was Way Cool]] exist: the former sidesteps (sometimes quite well, other times so sloppily as to create [[Unfortunate Implications]]) the idea of a direct attack on Jesus by creating a Jesus [[Expy]] to be attacked. The latter exists as an attempt to separate Jesus from either the perceived view of Christianity and/or from religion itself.
The [[Monty Python]] film ''[[Life of Brian]]'' was often accused and caused (understandable) furore from religious groups as the film appeared to mock Jesus and His teachings; while the Pythons did consider directly lampooning Jesus and the New Testament in much the same vein as ''[[Monty Python and the Holy Grail]]'', with one proposed sketch in which Jesus' cross is falling apart because of the idiotic carpenters who built it and He angrily tells them how to do it correctly, the Pythons eventually conceded despite being non-believers as Jesus was "definitely a good guy" and they saw nothing worth parodying in His teachings: "He's not particularly funny, what he's saying isn't mockable, it's very decent stuff", said Idle later. They instead settled with satirising organised religion and political movements using the New Testament setting as a framing device and Brian Cohen as the reluctant saviourMessiah. Also adding to Python's credit was that the troupe conducted extensive research on the source material, and during the scenes where Jesus Himself appears in the film on the Mount speaking the Beatitudes (played by [[Kenneth Colley]]), He is portrayed with respect and with a genuine aura around Him as an obvious foil to Brian and his follies.
===The Virgin Mary===
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