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Belgariad: Difference between revisions

→‎G-I: moar tropes
(→‎P-R: A Protagonist Shall Lead Them example, rm Rummage Sale Reject as it doesn't apply (Belgarath's costume is designed to make him fit in, not stand out).)
(→‎G-I: moar tropes)
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** In ''Belgarath the Sorcerer'', Belgarath and Beldin at one point meet for the first time in a while, and ask what the other has been up to; Belgarath had just finished a rigorous mathematical proof that three and three made six, while Beldin had been trying to determine the exact difference between the concepts of "right" and "good." Both men wonder why the other was doing something [[Mad Mathematician|so]] [[Contemplate Our Navels|pointless]].
* [[Hysterical Woman]]: Played straight with Ce'Nedra in ''The Belgariad'' and taken even further in ''The Malloreon''. In the first series she's prone to hysterics, often throws tantrums, and at one point almost gets her friend and Garion's cousin Adara killed because she was bored. In ''The Malloreon'' she becomes even more unstable with the theft of Geran, and her major contributions to the party are unreasonable demands that someone get her baby back that very second followed by crying fits when it's pointed out that she's asking for the impossible.
* [[I Am Who?]]: Garion and {{spoiler|Errand.}}
* [[Idiot Ball]]:
** In ''Guardians of the West'', neither Garion, Porenn, or Silk pick up on the the extremely obvious hints General Haldar drops about his involvement with the Bear Cult. Even Silk – the [[Guile Hero]] of the group – doesn't put two and two together.
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* [[Ignorance Is Bliss]]: Garion, deliberately. Also played with in Errand/Eriond.
* [[I Gave My Word]]: Garion in ''Pawn of Prophecy'', after unwillingly being taken into confidence about a plot to kill the king of Arendia and promising not to reveal where he got the information.
* [[I Have Many Names]]: Belgarath and Silk especially. Most of the party is royalty and have at least one title of some description.
* [[I Have You Now, My Pretty]]: A recurring threat against Polgara is that Torak will [[Mind Rape]] and force her into marriage. Indeed, the turning point of the final battle comes {{spoiler|when Polgara is able to tell Torak exactly where he can go stick what, despite his attempts to force her. Belgarath specifically points out that if Torak had had the emotional support of Polgara's "love", however false, Belgarion would never have been able to defeat him.}}
* [[I Just Want to Be Normal]]: Garion. Everyone's response: You're not. Get over it.
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"Does the ambassador know that you know?" Hettar asked.
"Of course he does." The fat man laughed. "But he doesn't think that I'm aware of the fact that he knows that I know." }}
* [[Impossible Task]]: Aldur had to resort to this in order to make Belgarath find out about the Will and the Word. Played for laughs when Belgarath tries to pull the same trick on Beldin, who, as it turned out, already knew about sorcery.
* [[Improbable Antidote]]:
** In ''Magician's Gambit'', Relg discovers that using his ability of passing through solid rock got rid of his cold.
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* [[In the Back]]: An interesting prevention tactic employed by Mimbrate tax collectors is mentioned in ''The Rivan Codex'': a thick, well-fitting wooden plank under the chainmail to protect the back from Asturian arrows. Apparently it's not unusual for a tax collector to just ignore the arrows stuck in his back.
* [[Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons]]: Averted. Dragons are quite pathetic creatures in the world of the Belgariad and in the original series they are only mentioned in one page in ''Magician's Gambit'' and even then not referred to as dragons or in fact any name at all. Their portrayal – or lack thereof – makes one wonder if Eddings's publisher demanded he add dragons just because he was writing a fantasy series and it was only done to fill an arbitrary quota.
* [[Invisible to Normals]]: In ''Enchanters' End Game'', Belgarath teaches the Orb how to make itself, the Sword of the Rivan King, and even Garion difficult to notice or "unremarkable" to most people.
* [[Involuntary Shapeshifter]]: Barak's hereditary "curse" is to turn into a bear when Garion is threatened. He passes the trait to his son, with respect to Garion's son.
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