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Mother 3/Characters: Difference between revisions

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{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* {{spoiler|[[Angsty Surviving Twin]]: Claus goes missing early into the game, leaving Lucas to wallow in sadness for the years until he goes to find the Needles}}.
* [[Badass Adorable]]: Despite starting out as a [[Lovable Coward]] and looking like a pretty average "sweet little boy" in general, [[Character Development]] that occurs later on in the game causes him to become (both physically '''and''' emotionally) one of the franchise's strongest characters since [[EarthBound|Ness]]. He also {{spoiler|fights the game's [[Post Final Boss]] alone}}.
* [[Badass Adorable]]: Once [[Character Development]] kicks in.
* [[Big Damn Heroes]]/[[Moment of Awesome (Sugar Wiki)|Moment of Awesome]]: {{spoiler|Comes out of nowhere when Salsa, Kumatora and Wess are cornered by Pigmasks and calls the mother Drago to completely destroy the Pigmasks surrounding them}}.
* [[Break the Cutie]]: The game ''really'' goes out of its way to do this to Lucas. If you listed all of the traumatic things that happen to him over the course of the story, you'd more or less have a summary of the plot of the game.
* [[Carry a Big Stick]]: He uses sticks as weapons, just like his father (Flint).
* [[Character Development]]: ItHis transformation from a [[Lovable Coward]] into a "[[Earthbound|Ness]] 2.0" in Chapter 4; it even gets mirrored in ''[[Super Smash Bros Brawl.]]'' ''Brawl''.
* [[Combat Medic]]: Continues the series' trend of the main protagonist being the game's primary healer. Lucas has the largest arsenal of healing abilities of the four party members as well as the strongest physical attack.
* {{spoiler|[[Cosmic Plaything]]: His mother dies, his brother goes missing and turns up as an evil cyborg, and his father goes nearly insane with grief. Even the dog is upset about it}}.
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* [[Lovable Coward]]: Until his [[Character Development]] kicks in during Chapter 4 and turns him into a new [[Earthbound|Ness]], at least.
* [[Magic Knight]]: Has a great deal of healing, shield and buffering moves, but also deals that most damage in the party and can take quite a bit of damage.
* [[Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy]]: [[Downplayed Trope|Downplayed]]; in combat, Lucas is definitely '''vastly''' stronger than Kumatora when it comes to physical stats, but Kumatora is an [[Action Girl|Action]] [[Tomboy]] while Lucas is a [[Shrinking Violet|shy and sweet little boy]].
* [[Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy]]: He and Kumatora.
* {{spoiler|[[Missing Mom]]: [[Sacrificial Lamb|She is found dead halfway through the first chapter]], [[Tear Jerker|and not long after we meet her for the first time too]]}}.
* [[Mushroom Samba]]: Complete with a large dose of [[Nightmare Fuel]].
* [[Never Accepted in His Hometown]]: Other characters in the game seem to rather-frequently mock him for his [[Lovable Coward|cowardice]] during the game's first three chapters, and from Chapter 4 onward, he becomes a '''massive''' target for the Pigmasks that have taken over his hometown and is also-rather-frequently mocked for not wanting to participate in his world's new consumerism craze. In fact, even the [[Post Final Boss]] that Lucas encounters at the end of the game is {{spoiler|his own brother}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Parental Abandonment]]: His mother is [[Missing Mom|killed by the Mecha Drago.]] Angst ensues. Later, his father spends years looking for his "missing" son out in the mountains, and it's implied he hasn't spoken to Lucas much in that time}}.
* [[Plot Induced Stupidity]]/[[Gameplay and Story Segregation]]: {{spoiler|Hey, look, the Pigmasks are arriving to pull the needle we just beat [[That One Boss]] for. Might as well stand here and let them set up}}!
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* [[Simple Staff]]/[[Carry a Big Stick]]: His weapons of choice range from either yo-yos, sticks, staves or baseball bats.
* [[Theme Twin Naming]]: Lucas and Claus are anagrams of each other.
* [[The So-Called Coward]]: He becomes almost as strong (and brave) as [[VideoGame/EarthBound Ness]] during Chapters 4-8.
* [[Unlikely Hero]]: Claus' shirt is blue and yellow—the same color as Ness's and Ninten's before him. He also ''acts'' like a [[Hot-Blooded]] hero, capable of ridiculously selfless and suicidal actions on behalf of the people he cares about. Everything about him is deliberately engineered to scream "hero!"... but it's timid Lucas who gets saddled with the position instead.


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