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[[file:David Revoy - Pepper&Carrot - October Ink Artworks 2017 (week 5) - United.jpg|thumb|Spice girls. (pictured, left to right: Shichimi, Pepper, and Coriander)]]
''[[Pepper&Carrot]]'' ([[Insistent Terminology|no spaces]]) is a web comic by French concept artist David Revoy about a young witch named Pepper as she completes her apprenticeship, her cat Carrot, and her friends and acquaintances (who are also largely named after food ingredients, yes) on the magical planet Hereva. The comic is made with contributions of world backstory, storylines, fanart, and translations into nearly three dozen languages by an active fan community, and various derivatives (role-playing games, video games, a board game, one episode of a serial animation adaptation) either already published or in the works; all according theto [[The Plan|plan]] as Revoy intended to build a free culture franchise (the comic is licensed CC-BY) which could serve as home base for various projects (thus he refers to the story universe, 'Hereva', separately from the webcomic). The plot of the comic has themes of slice-of-life, coming-of-age, and clever but simple humour; Revoy also stated he wants the comic to be accessible to a wide audience, so violence and sexuality is only ever indirectly discussed/portrayed. The art is detailed but cartoony, and Revoy has attributed video game art and anime/manga style as influences.
It can be read [https://peppercarrot.com here].
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