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* Real life [[Inverted Trope|Inversion]]: The 2000 US Presidential Election. The Democratic candidate Al Gore is now mostly known for his dedication to stopping global warming, while the Republican candidate George Bush is now known (among other things) for involvement in the war on terrorism. One would think that the man who promoted the environment would be named Bush (you know, a plant) and that the man who promoted defense would be named Gore, but that isn't the case.
* The leader of the Ontario Conservative Party from 2004-2009 is named John Tory. (As of 2014, he's mayor of [[Toronto]]. For those who don't know, "tory" is common slang for "conservative" in Canada and the UK.)
* [[Amelia Earhart]]: Who had a [[Incredibly Lame Pun|heart]] for the [[Incredibly Lame Pun|air.]] Ok, hart is a deer and ear is a sound detection organ. But that's what it sounds like.
* Roger Tory Peterson is best known for his popular field guides to birds. Tori is the Japanese word for bird.
* Bernie Madoff (pronounced '[[Ponzi|made-off]]') with your money.
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