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** From the same series, the domineering, abusive {{spoiler|and murderous}} Aaron Echolls seems oblivious that his daughter is being beaten up by her boyfriend, even appearing interested in starring in a movie he wants to pitch. However, at the start of what looked to be a pleasant dinner he administers [[No-Holds-Barred Beatdown|one of the most comprehensive beatdowns ever seen on TV]], before calmly concluding "I've decided I'm not interested in appearing in your movie."
*** {{spoiler|It would appear that the same protectiveness doesn't apply to Logan, though.}}
* ''[[Law & Order: Special Victims Unit|Law and Order Special Victims Unit]]'': Elliot Stabler's kids may as well be his [[Berserk Button]], he once almost beat a pedophile half to death for posting pictures of his (underaged) daughter on an internet site. Then again, given that the only thing that keeps him doing that on a regular basis is that he can't use torture as a means to extract confessions, and once removed of that restriction, he quite gleefully beat into another suspect...
** Odafin "Fin" Tutuola also counts: he points out that if it had been his kid, there would have been no "half" about it.
** A number of the female victims father found out that someone had killed his daughter and went out and killed the perp.
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** In episode Amy's Choice, the Dream Lord remarks on the Doctor's tendency to swell in masterful fury when someone he cares about is threatened.
** Series 6 turns this [[Up to Eleven]] in its midseason finale, where the Doctor gathers a literal army to rescue Amy and her daughter. But this is outshone by Amy's husband Rory, who dons Roman centurion armor and a sword and ''fights his way through an entire Cyberman starship'' just to ask them a question:
{{quote|'''Rory''': [[ThisPunctuated! IsFor! SpartaEmphasis!|Where. Is. My. Wife?]]}}
**::* [http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lmc8vhjkc31qioqamo1_500.jpg "I'm Rory Williams. I'm here to kiss my wife or kick your ass. AND I DON'T SEE MY WIFE."]
*:* Series 5, The Eleventh Doctor acts as a Papa Wolf for ''all of humanity'' to the Atraxi with a little history lesson in the first episode. Safe to say, this speech solidified Matt Smith as The Doctor for those who weren't already convinced (such as this Troper).
{{quote|'''Atraxi''': You are not of this world.
'''The Doctor''': No, but I've put a lot of work into it.
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** [[Family Values Villain|The Mayor]] is this himself to his [[The Dragon|Dragon]] [[Dark Action Girl|Faith]], with whom he shares an [[Pet the Dog|oddly touching]] [[Parental Substitute|father/daughter relationship]]. When Buffy puts her into a coma, he first tries to smother Buffy in a [[Tranquil Fury]], then has a miniature [[Villainous Breakdown]], dropping his usual [[Affably Evil]] persona:
{{quote|'''Angel:''' Don't do that!
'''Mayor:''' Oh, I will. I'll do worse! Murderous little fiend! [[Faux Symbolism|Did you see what she did to my]] [[Ironic NamesName|Faith]]?!<br />
'''Angel:''' I got no plans to weep over that.<br />
'''Mayor:''' Yeah, well, I'd get set for a world of weeping! I'd get set for a world of pain! Misery loves company young man, and I'm more than willing to share that with you and your '''''[[Precision F-Strike|whore]]!''''' }}
:* Spike towards Dawn - anyone who wants her - whether it's Glory or just a vampire mook - has to go through him first.
* Another Simon, this time the [[Magnificent Bastard]] from ''[[FlashForward]]''. While definitely not a [[Nice Guy]], he is very protective of his family, especially his younger sister Annabelle.
** Aaron Stark also qualifies. {{spoiler|Don't try to hurt Tracy. ''Ever''.}}
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* [[Castle|Rick Castle]]. You do not mess with his daughter. Not even if you are Mr. Macho Cool Slaughter, who can get away with saying plenty of risque things about Beckett (who Castle is normally quite protective of as well, if the situation calls for it. [[Action Girl|Not that the situation often calls for it]]) but earns a punch in the nose for even ''thinking'' about talking that way about his daughter.
[[Category:Live Action TV]]
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