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Endangered Soufflé: Difference between revisions

"comics"->"comic books", "fanfic"->"fan works"
(update links)
("comics"->"comic books", "fanfic"->"fan works")
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See also [[Carrying a Cake]].
== [[ComicsComic Books]] ==
* [[Gaston Lagaffe]] once bakes an enormous souffle to cheer up his chronically depressed cousin. Initially it seems to work, but collapses at a critical moment, resulting in the "most depressing sight ever." Probably justified, since Gaston is a [[Cordon Bleugh Chef]] often bordering on a [[Lethal Chef]].
** He also accidentally transformed a Grand Marnier bottle into a rocket grenade while trying to flambee some crepes, missing the french president's limousine in a nearby parade by only a few meters.
== [[FanficFan Works]] ==
* Used straight but comedically in the notorious '[[Sith Academy]]' [[Slash Fic]] series; the humor of the situation comes from the fact that the person baking the chocolate souffle is Darth Maul, a vicious-minded Sith Lord who otherwise has the patience of a hyperactive weasel, while what causes it to collapse (and Maul to fly into a homicidal rage) is two Jedi Knights (Obi Wan Kenobi and Qui Gon Jinn, as it happens) having noisy sex in the apartment next door.
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