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Warcraft/Characters/The Burning Legion: Difference between revisions

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* [[Big Bad]]: Of ''The Burning Crusade'', though all the advertising was focused on Illidan.
* [[Big No]]: Upon being defeated at the Sunwell.
* [[Best Served Cold]]: He took Velen's son, brainwashed him and tortured him into a murderous Eredar named Rakeesh with the intention of having him kill Velen (and/or forcing Velen to kill Rakeesh in self-defense).
* [[The Corrupter]]: His personalM.O. One of his most notable machinations led to the orc clans slaughtering the Draenei of Shattrath and drinking demonic blood, turning Ner'zhul into the Lich King, and Kael'thas turning on both Illidan (leading to Illidan's downfall) and his own people (beckoning a new invasion of Azeroth). In ''Legion'', he also takes great interest in bringing the Illidari into the Legion, and it's implied he was responsible for many other races joining the Legion's ranks.
* [[Co-Dragons]]: To Sargeras; shared with Archimonde.
* [[Co-Dragons]]: To Sargeras; shared with Archimonde. However, Kil'jaeden is the higher-ranked of the two, but Archimonde is able to get away with mouthing off at Kil'jaeden or defying him.
** [[Dragon Their Feet]]: Specifically in that Sargeras, the canonical [[Big Bad]], is defeated before Kil'jaeden; however, this is not a case of the latter slacking so much as the former getting careless.
* [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?]]: Justified, in the first fight since he was not completely summoned when players fight him. Also justified in Legion as he is fought with the help of Velen (one of the strongest followers of the Light), Khadgar and Illidan (who was a veteran at fighting demons and developed powers and fighting styles specifically to kill them).
* [[Dragon Ascendant]]: During ''Burning Crusade'' with Archimonde and Sargeras out of commission. Fully intended to lead the Burning Legion in his own name instead of in Sargeras' during the Burning Crusade expansion. In contrast to Archimonde who attempted it because he was power hungry, Kil'jaeden did so trying to complete Sargeras' mission and to get his revenge.
* [[Demoted to Dragon]]: After ''Burning Crusade'' and with Sargeras regaining his strength, Kil'jaeden was once again Sargeras' second-in-command.
* [[Evil Sounds Deep]]: His is not as deep as Archimonde, but it's still a pretty low register.
* [[Final Boss]]: Of ''The Burning Crusade'' expansion.


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